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ITU Regional Standardization Forum for Asia-Pacific Region (Bangkok, Thailand, 25 August 2014). ICT STANDARDIZATION IN THE PACIFIC PAPUA NEW GUINEA CASE. Felix Rupokei, National ICT Authority, Papua New Guinea. Presentation Outline. Background PNG Setting ICT Industry in PNG

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  1. ITU Regional Standardization Forum forAsia-Pacific Region (Bangkok, Thailand, 25 August 2014) ICT STANDARDIZATION IN THE PACIFICPAPUA NEW GUINEA CASE Felix Rupokei, National ICT Authority, Papua New Guinea

  2. Presentation Outline • Background PNG Setting • ICT Industry in PNG • Standardization Bodies • NICTA Institutional Arrangement • Standardization Development Ladder • Standardization Challenges • Current Status • International Assistance • Way Forward • Conclusion

  3. PNG Setting • Land Mass - 463 840 sq km • Population - 7 million • Languages -English, Pidgin & 800 local • Geography - Rugged terrain with high mountain ranges and very steep and deep valleys and over 600 associated islands. • Economy – Agriculture & cash crops (cocoa, coffee, copra, palm oil), forestry, fisheries and mining (Gold, copper, oil, , Gas and Nickel)

  4. ICT Industry in PNG (x1) Fixed (x3) Mobile (x36) ISP 3ABN Kundu TV TV BC (x3) MMDS CATV RADIO Unlicensed VSATs

  5. Standardization Bodies • Government Agency responsible for spear heading standardization and quality assurance related activities in PNG • Its functions cover technical standards, metrology, conformity assessment schemes, productivity and technical barriers to trade in Papua New Guinea • Member of ISO National Information and Communications Technology Authority • Converged ICT Regulator. • In charge to regulate, radio, Telecom, Broadcasting etc.

  6. National ICT Authority -NICTA MINISTER Government Ministry of ICT Department • Government regulatory body established by an Act of Parliament to regulate ICT industry in PNG. • Main agency that oversees ICT Standards in PNG. • Conducts type approval of ICT equipment BOARD NICTA Board CEO NICTA Chief Executive Officer Organizational Departments ERP LE CDS ECIA

  7. Legislation The main legislation that provides powers, functions, obligations and responsibilities of NICTA is the : Objectives To ensure that the ICT industry contributes to the greatest extent possible to the long-term economic and social development of PNG, taking account of the constitutional National Goals and Directive Principles Regulatory Principles • Regulate ICT in a manner that recognises; • Effectiveness of market forces to promote consumer welfare • That regulatory measures be: proportional, principled, technology neutral, transparent; timely ,and non-discriminatory • National ICT Act, 2009 • National ICT (Operator Regulation) 2010, and • National ICT (Radio Spectrum Regulation) ,2010.

  8. Standardization in Developing Countries • ITU categorized developing countries into four national categories of standards readiness. *ITU-T Research project: Measuring and Reducing the Standards Gap: December 2009*.

  9. National Standards Capability Scale ITU categorize developing countries into four levels; Level 1 Low Standards Capability Level 2 Basic Standards Capability Level 3 Intermediate Standards Capability Level 4 Advanced Standards Capability PNG is at Level 1 Figure: ITU-T Research project: Measuring and Reducing the Standards Gap. December 2009

  10. PNG ICT Standardization Challenges Government Within Organization Industry International

  11. ICT Standardization Challenges-Government Lack of government understanding about the critical role of standards in promoting national economic competitiveness and innovation

  12. ICT Standardization Challenges-NICTA

  13. ICT Standardization Challenges-ICT Industries

  14. ICT Standardization Challenges-International

  15. Current Status

  16. PNG - ICT Standardization Development Ladder • Factors determining standardizations levels • Economic development • Local manufacturing capability • Local R&D capability Entering proposals at WTSA Nominating representatives as study groups chairs, rapp etc Giving contribution at study Groups and related meetings Attracting ITU meetings and/or regional groups Going to Study Groups and Related Meetings • Learning by doing • Engaging with ITU standardization development by getting more involved ITU Sector or Associate Membership National training and capacity-building in use of ITU-Recommendation Growing usage of ITU Recommendation Is it necessary to cover all rungs for the case of Level 1 (ICT product end users) countries like PNG? Which rung is more relevant to the PNG case (level 1 countries) for more participation

  17. International Assistance - Korea • Gain insight into the standardization process for Korea • Process for standard roadmap and/or research project for standards • Study Visit to TTA-Korea-November 2013

  18. Way Forward Develop Standardization Policy with clear goals Effective participation in APT/ITU standardization activities. National Training and capacity building in use of ITU recommendations Need to strengthen domestic standards institutions Need for wider industry participation in standardization Sufficient Staffing Build domestic alliance & Partnership Identify issues and/or potential agenda in advance

  19. Conclusion • Standardization is important for PNG and it need urgent attention to the issues. • Strengthened domestic institutions; • Promote use of TIES to access ITU Recommendations; • Active participation in APT activities; • Bring issues to APT preparatory meetings; Bangkok, Thailand, 25 August 2014

  20. END THANK YOU frupokei@nicta.gov.pg www.nicta.gov.pg

  21. Need • Establish ICT standardization capacity building program • Establish public-private partnerships for ICT standardization activities at the national level. • How to attract private sector and academia involvement in standardization activities • Develop human resource to undertake standardization work. • Guideline for setting up national standards • Participation in global standardization • Provision of training on development of ICT standards • Sponsor experts to participate in international standardization activities

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