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Words of the Day

Words of the Day. 8 th grade. Word of the Day: Front. force, heaviness, weight. Gravity. grav -i-tee. gravitational. Word of the Day: Back. Definition: An attractive force between all objects that have mass. Other: “What goes up must come down”. Word of the Day: Front. spin, twirl.

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Words of the Day

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  1. Words of the Day 8th grade

  2. Word of the Day: Front force, heaviness, weight Gravity grav-i-tee gravitational

  3. Word of the Day: Back Definition: An attractive force between all objects that have mass. Other: “What goes up must come down”

  4. Word of the Day: Front spin, twirl Rotation roh-tey-shuhn rotate, rotational

  5. Word of the Day: Back Definition: the movement of something turning around on its axis Other: 1 rotation of Earth = 1 day

  6. Word of the Day: Front cycle, orbit Revolution rev-uh-loo-shuhn revolve

  7. Word of the Day: Back Definition: moving in a circular course around a central point Other: 1 revolution of Earth = 1 year

  8. Word of the Day: Front Astronomical Unit as-truh-nom-i-kuh l yoo-nit AU

  9. Word of the Day: Back Definition: The AVERAGE distance from Earth to the sun. Other: It must be an average because the distance between Earth and the Sun changes during the year.

  10. Word of the Day: Front revolution, path, track Orbit or-bit orbiting

  11. Word of the Day: Back Definition: The curved path of an object traveling around a point in space. Other: This curve is caused by gravity.

  12. Word of the Day: Front shading, darkening Solar Eclipse soh-lerih-klips eclipsing

  13. Word of the Day: Back Definition: An exact alignment of the Earth, Moon, and Sun which causes the moon to cast a shadow on a portion of the Earth. Other: we cannot see the sun

  14. Word of the Day: Front shading, darkening Lunar Eclipse loo-nerih-klips eclipsing

  15. Word of the Day: Back Definition: An exact alignment of the Moon, Earth, and Sun which causes the Earth to cast a shadow on all or part of the Moon. Other: This can only happen during the full moon.

  16. Word of the Day: Front Inner Planets in-erplan-its

  17. Word of the Day: Back Definition: These planets are closer to the sun and small and rocky. Other: Mercury, Venus, Earth, & Mars

  18. Word of the Day: Front Outer Planets ow-terplan-its

  19. Word of the Day: Back Definition: These planets are farther from the sun and are large and gassy Other: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

  20. Word of the Day: Front Independent Variable in-di-pen-duh ntvair-ee-uh-buhl

  21. Word of the Day: Back Definition: The part of the experiment that you are testing or changing Other: always compared to a “control”

  22. Word of the Day: Front Dependent Variable dih-pen-duh ntvair-ee-uh-buhl

  23. Word of the Day: Back Definition: The part of the experiment that you are measuring Other: can measure color, height, weight, temp., etc…

  24. Word of the Day: Front numbers Quantitative Data kwon-ti-tey-tivdey-tuh quantity, quantitate

  25. Word of the Day: Back Definition: Using numbers to describe what is happening before, during, and after the experiment. Other: must include units: centimeters, °Celsius, grams…

  26. Word of the Day: Front sun Star stahr starless

  27. Word of the Day: Back Definition: A giant ball of gas that emits energy in the form of light Other: the closest star to us is our sun!

  28. Word of the Day: Front Light-year

  29. Word of the Day: Back Definition: the distance light travels in one year Other: used to measure distances between stars and galaxies

  30. Word of the Day: Front Spectroscope spek-truh-skohp

  31. Word of the Day: Back Definition: the tool scientists use to look at stars and determine what they are made of

  32. Word of the Day: Front brightness Luminosity loo-muh-nos-i-tee luminous, illuminate

  33. Word of the Day: Back Definition: the brightness of a star as compared to our sun

  34. Word of the Day: Front Galaxy Gal- uh k-see galactic

  35. Word of the Day: Back Definition: a cluster of BILLIONS of stars Other: spiral, elliptical, and irregular We live in the Milky Way Galaxy (spiral)

  36. Word of the Day: Front Reference Point ref-er-uh ns

  37. Word of the Day: Back Definition: a starting point to describe the position of an object

  38. Word of the Day: Front location Position puh- zish- uh n

  39. Word of the Day: Back Definition: the location of something. Other: determined by a reference point, (RP) direction from the RP, and distance from the RP

  40. Word of the Day: Front Distance dis-tuh ns

  41. Word of the Day: Back Definition: the total length of the path taken Other: total = 5m + 4m + 5m = 14 m 5 m 4 m 5 m

  42. Word of the Day: Front Displacement dis-pleys-muh nt

  43. Word of the Day: Back Definition: the shortest distance between starting position and ending position Other: draw a straight line

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