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NBN Conference 2012. Complex Mosaic. or Patchy Mess?. The current picture of Local Records Centre data. Tom Hunt – ALERC National Coordinator. Complex mosaic or patchy mess? The current picture of LRC data. Who are ALERC? The Association of Local Environmental Records Centres
NBN Conference 2012 Complex Mosaic or Patchy Mess? The current picture of Local Records Centre data Tom Hunt – ALERC National Coordinator
Complex mosaic or patchy mess? The current picture of LRC data. • Who are ALERC? • The Association of Local Environmental Records Centres • A CIC, formed in 2009, to represent LRCs and share knowledge and best practice amongst them • 12 Directors, all working for LRCs • 1 Member of staff, the National Coordinator
Complex mosaic or patchy mess? The current picture of LRC data. • What are LRCs? • Local Environmental Records Centres, or just Local Records Centres • Collate species and habitat records from local sources (e.g. recording groups) and submit data to NBN Gateway • Interpret data for local authorities and developers • Connect wildlife recorders to local, regional and national wildlife organisations • Hosted by WTs, LAs or completely independent
Complex mosaic or patchy mess? The current picture of LRC data. • The Role of the National Coordinator • Supporting LRC engagement in projects led by the NBN Trust and Natural England • Managing the ALERC Accreditation System • Facilitating communication between LRCs and their stakeholders • Funded mostly from Defra – NBN contract • In post since January 2012 – moving from RECORD, the LRC for Cheshire
Complex mosaic or patchy mess? The current picture of LRC data. • Working with NBN and NE • “Adoption of tools to improve the provision of ecological data products to end users” • “Raising awareness for the wider adoption of on-line recording by LRCs and ecological consultants” • “Exploring the integration of existing on-line recording systems as part of a wider national system”
Complex mosaic or patchy mess? The current picture of LRC data. • Working with NBN and NE • Communicating with LRCs to ensure a smooth transition to the new data access controls on the Gateway • This means • Providing feedback from LRCs on the new interface • Making sure LRCs know what is required to ensure continued full access to data by large clients such as NE • Making sure LRCs can continue to access Gateway data at full access
Complex mosaic or patchy mess? The current picture of LRC data. • Working with LRCs to improve standards and consistency • The problem: • LRCs have been set up over a long period of time and to different models • LRCs have different levels of support from local partners • Local recorders have differing attitudes to data sharing • All this can lead to LRCs of different sizes and with different levels of expertise • This in turn means that not every LRC can meet expectations all of the time
Complex mosaic or patchy mess? The current picture of LRC data. For example… Picture courtesy of James Lindsey at Ecology of Commanster It’s not always easy to persuade badger groups to share data, but some LRCs have managed
Complex mosaic or patchy mess? The current picture of LRC data. • This situation undoubtedly results in patchy coverage of the badger data available to ecological consultancies and planners • ALERC are able to work with consultants, LRCs and species groups to find areas of best practise and spread them
Complex mosaic or patchy mess? The current picture of LRC data. What might a typical LRC database look like? Data courtesy of RECORD, the Biodiversity Information System for Cheshire, Halton, Warrington and Wirral
Complex mosaic or patchy mess? The current picture of LRC data. Working with consultancies Consultancy questionnaire provides a snapshot of LRC service provision • Variability • Data holdings appear variable within LRCs and between LRCs • Service provision appears moderately variable • LRCs have evolved over different time scales and with different levels of support, so variability should be expected
Complex mosaic or patchy mess? The current picture of LRC data. • ALERC - Working towards best practice • Accreditation • Minimum standards for organisation, • For data custodianship, • For service provision • Two accredited LRCs so far, more in 2012 • Sharing tools and ways of working • Website section devoted to tools database • ALERC Conference • For the first time there is someone dedicated to coordinating this
Complex mosaic or patchy mess? The current picture of LRC data. • ALERC - Working towards best practice • Working with NBNT • Advocacy of online recording a web services • Ensuring LRC attendance at NBNT workshops • Working on IEEM workshops with NBNT on biodiversity data • Working with other organisations • A single point of contact for Government and public bodies • Providing representation on behalf of LRCs • Inputting on consultations • Providing an LRC point of view at steering groups, meetings and seminars • Advocating LRCs
Complex mosaic or patchy mess? The current picture of LRC data. • Conclusions • By interfacing between LRCs, and by interfacing between the LRC community and its stakeholders, the ALERC National Coordinator post is able to develop the LRC network and help individual LRCs develop themselves. When viewed in isolation… A series of individual points that make a blurred and incomplete impression
Complex mosaic or patchy mess? The current picture of LRC data. When viewed as a complete entity A clear picture for people working at local, regional and national level.
Complex mosaic or patchy mess? The current picture of LRC data. www.alerc.org.uk tom.hunt@alerc.org.uk @ALERC_NC