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MET Video Capture: Year Two

MET Video Capture: Year Two. DISTRICT X. Welcome Back!!. Today’s Agenda: The Purpose of Video Captures Accomplishments from Year 1 Lessons Learned Looking to Year 2 of Video Capture Improvements Requirements, Goals & Timeline for Video Capture

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MET Video Capture: Year Two

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  1. MET Video Capture: Year Two

  2. Welcome Back!! Today’s Agenda: The Purpose of Video Captures Accomplishments from Year 1 Lessons Learned Looking to Year 2 of Video Capture Improvements Requirements, Goals & Timeline for Video Capture Best Practices: Management, Capture & Quality Video Review Process Orientation to New Capture Software and Dashboards Teacher Training Incentives! Technical Support Next Steps for Launching Capture!
  3. The Purpose of Video Capture The lessons captured during the school year will be rated using five teacher observation rubrics developed by nationally-recognized researchers. These scores, in combination with other data from the study, will determine whether these rubrics are effective measures of teaching. The standards being tested: The Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) The Framework for Teaching (FFT) The Mathematical Quality of Instruction (MQI) The Protocol for Language Arts Teacher Observations (PLATO) The Quality of Science Teaching Assessment (QST) National Board for Professional Teaching Standards National Math & Science Institute (NMSI)
  4. Confidentiality Agreement NO ONE FROM YOUR DISTRICT WILL EVER SEE THESE VIDEOS Only Teachscape and the researchers will have access to the videos Teachscape-> will have access to raw data = teacher information with videos Researchers -> will only have access to anonymous videos. Educational Testing Services (ETS) is managing over 200 raters who will score all videos between Nov 2010 to July 2011.
  5. Accomplishments- X% of capture goal! HUGE accomplishments in Year 1- THANK YOU! Many lessons learned – will inform Year 2 This year we will benefit from: More time More experience Major Teachscape improvements
  6. What We Learned What worked: Great SPC recruitment!- Quick, Enthusiastic and Flexible (AGAIN- THANK YOU!) Despite some glitches, we successfully met our capture goals Teachscape Help Desk and Trainers were supportive and responsive What didn’t work: Reported by you! Not enough time SPC role wasn’t clear Video review process Capture software was a bit “wonky” Dashboard inconsistencies Teachers were never trained directly by Teachscape Big Lesson Learned - we had good people but need better tools & processes
  7. Improvements in Year 2 Now we know what is required of SPCs to perform successful video capture: Scheduling with teachers Rig set-up & captures Uploading videos Re-capturing when necessary Today we will share some best-practices that will improve EFFICIENCYandincreaseFUN We have the more time so we can PACE captures to avoid last minute captures We also know how to capture, so this year we can focus on improving QUALITY of captures
  8. Teachscape Improvements Major Areas of Improvement – to be covered in detail today! New video review process – more timely and supportive New video capture software- easier to use New SPC and teacher dashboards- more information Teacher training materials – now you can address questions New and improved training website- no login necessary OUR GOALS: EFFICIENCY, FUN, PACE & QUALITY
  9. Year 2 Capture Requirements All teacher participants are required to submit VALID captures - Invalid captures will have to be redone Single-subject teachers = 4 valid captures Self contained teachers= 8 valid captures (4/subject) 2 focal topics per subject required (same topics as last year) One capture/teacher is required to occur after March 1st. Teachers are required to enter two reflections (Self-contained teachers need to complete one per subject area). Teachers have to SUBMIT all captures, even for the ones they do not add commentary on. This is how the data is submitted for the study.
  10. Year 2 Capture Goals Capture Goal = 100% (# for X DISTRICT) Meet all capture milestones: Pacing Captures Video Quality = Rejection Rate at or below 4% Teacher submits all four valid captures/subject – only two reflections required.
  11. Year 2 Timeline: Pacing Video Capture Remember to PACE, its not a race... Lets use the extra time to our advantage: Spread out captures to reduce stress on SPC Allow teachers to use captures for their own personal development
  12. Best Practices – Always Improving Scheduling Captures: SPCs from year 1 across all six districts had one thing in common related to achieving captures on time They would schedule their teachers for the entire project before launching capture. Teachscape Scheduling Tool – in response to this feedback, we have created a very simple document to help SPCs schedule captures for the entire school year. Use this tool after meeting with your teachers (between now and capture launch) Create a process that works for YOU and your teachers. Teachscape wants to continue developing best practices and tools to better support YOU. Help us create a Community of Practice – share best practices with us and we will make them available to SPCs across all six districts!
  13. Additional Best Practices Schedule focal topics first- get them out of the way Timing - leave plenty of time for set-up and break-down Upload daily- quicker response from Teachscape about quality and/or issues Follow best practices – always being updated by Teachscape SPC circa 1928 www.teachscape.com/metvideo
  14. Your Turn…. What was your most successful strategy to completing captures in year 1? Small Group Discussion
  15. Video Quality Improve QUALITY ReduceRejections When we reduce rejections, we eliminate stress AND produce more powerful data for the study. Today we will… Look at why captures were rejected Identify best practices to ensure and improve QUALITY captures Understand the video review process – it can help reduce rejections too
  16. Year 1: Capture Metrics: Rejections MOST WANTED LIST No Audio – we couldn’t hear anything 294 captures Capture Length- capture was less than 20 minutes 232 captures Calibration/Focus- we couldn’t see what was going on in the lesson 88 captures Rig Placement- we couldn’t see what was going on in the lesson 83 captures
  17. Video Capture: Increasing Quality S.L.A.P. = That Capture Was Gooood! Settings Take 5-10 minutes to readjust set-up, calibration, focus Be able to read the writing on the board Laptop Do not, under any circumstances, close the lid; not even a little bit Make sure the power supply is plugged in Audio Check your batteries Look for the audio meters Placement Get the best seat in the house (tallest student in room, 6-10 ft from board, etc.) Don’t be afraid to change placement of the rig set up for different class set-ups
  18. Video Capture: Rig Placement #1 Desk Arrangement: Rows
  19. Video Capture: Rig Placement #2 Desk Arrangement: Small Groups
  20. Your Turn.. What were some difficult classroom set-ups to capture? What were some good solutions you found to capture different classroom set-ups? Small Group Discussion
  21. Video Review: Decrease Rejections Clear and Timely Video Review No more LATE rejections 5 business days for capture feedback AFTER UPLOAD Video Review Team watching every capture Each Rejected capture reviewed at least twice We will offer personalized support with every rejection notice Video Review Process: Teachscape YOU SPC/ DPC Initial video review Flag Review Manager 2ndreview Reject TDSC Upload Teacher Accept
  22. Artifacts Classroom artifacts are REQUIRED Artifacts: Worksheets Book covers Boards Room walls Example of an Artifact
  23. Video Review: Notifications Our goal is to get you constructive feedback on captures in a timely manner. Video Rejected -> notice sent to TDSC, not to you Your TDSC ( NAME) will reach out to you directly and inform you about which capture was rejected and WHY. We will always offer to come visit you and help you through in-person training. Video Status and Rejection detail to be listed on the online dashboards immediately after its is reviewed and rejected by Teachscape Our Goal- to prevent you from making the same mistake twice
  24. Capture Software & Online Dashboards Major improvements have been made to make life easier for SPCs! Our goals: Improve EFFICIENCY by making the tools easier to use Reduce stress and add FUN to the video process Today we will… Review some of the new features for SPCs Review teacher process so you are equipped to support teachers
  25. Video Capture Software NEW and IMPROVED FEATURES: Upgrade, Login & Registration Process Entering Capture Information- Drop-Down Selection Video & Audio Settings Live Preview – ON/OFF Option Pictures of Classroom Artifacts- Before and After Capture Upload Queue- All captures available for upload (New and Failed) Upload History – lists all successfully uploaded captures You will get a walk-though on each today!
  26. SPC Dashboards NEW and IMPOROVED FEATURES: Detailed View to include: Unscheduled = not captured yet Extra = more than required Un-reviewed = not yet reviewed by Teachscape Accepted = reviewed and approved by Teachscape Rejected = reviewed and NOT accepted by Teachscape – must be re-captured Submitted = teacher reviewed and submitted for scoring Additional Capture details listed: capture date, etc. More specific reasons for video rejections listed in School Dashboard Details
  27. Teacher Dashboards NEW and IMPROVED FEATURES: Videos will not be made available unless they have been accepted by Teachscape Link to updated content on MET Video Learning site (no longer password protected!) Ability to edit focal topic, period and subject information (drop-down) Can view video while entering commentary Labeled Controls: Volume and Balance (switching from teacher to student audio) Resources for Training Teachers: Power-point presentation Quick Guides MET Video Learning website (Oct 1st) TDSC Site Visits: Teacher Orientations
  28. Video Capture Software – New Features! Upgrade and Login Process – to do on Capture Launch date (DATE X) Same upgrade process Use existing login/password Prompt:
  29. Video Capture Software - New Features! 1. Capture Information – select from dropdown menus! 2. Video & Audio Settings 3. Live Preview – ON/OFF Option 4. Pictures of Classroom Artifacts- Before and After
  30. Video Capture Software - New Features! All captures available for upload are shown in the Upload Queue tab
  31. Video Capture Software - New Features! Upload History – lists all successfully uploaded captures
  32. Live Demo A Step by Step Guide to Video Capture using the new Software NOTE- you will not be able to test your software until the first day of capture, AFTER you install the new software and register your laptop to your school data. There will be online tutorials to remind you how to use the capture software on our website www.teachscape.com/metvideo starting Oct 1st DEMO
  33. MET Online Software – SPC/DPC Dashboards Rejected captures are tracked on the aggregate view of the dashboards
  34. MET Online Software – SPC/DPC Dashboards Rejected captures listed in the Details view on a school level
  35. MET Online Software – SPC/DPC School Dashboards
  36. MET Online Software – Teacher View
  37. Teacher Dashboards Link to MET Video Learning Center (no longer password protected!) Ability to edit focal topic, period and subject information (drop-down) Can view video while entering commentary Labeled controls: Volume and Balance (switching from teacher to student audio) Screen-cast available online: www.teachscape.com/metvideo
  38. Teacher Submissions After capture has been accepted, becomes available for teachers to review Complete at least two (2) commentaries Single subject: 2 Self-contained: 2 (1 per subject) Teachers must SUBMIT all captures to study data- Final step for the study! IMAGE OF SUMBIT BUTTON? Teachscape makes data anonymous and sends to scoring team MET Video Servers
  39. Video Capture Incentives They’re Baaaaack! But a little different this year…
  40. Teachscape Support Help Desk: 1-877-562-3093 or Support@Teachscape.com Phone or email between 7 am – 7 pm EST Our goal is to respond and address your issue within 24 hrs Training & District Support Coordinators (TDSC) We are here to support YOU We can also work with your teachers if needed We want to empower you to be successful! MET Video Learning Center- www.teachscape.com/metvideo New and improved format! NO more Password! One site for SPCs & teachers! Updated with new materials weekly as we learn from YOU Will Launch October 1st
  41. Next Steps- Get ready to Launch Captures! Sign up for a site visit – if needed.. Set-up video rig to make sure everything works – EquipmentChecklist (order parts) Meet with teachers and review capture process and goals (and incentives!) AND Begin Parent Consent process. Schedule captures for the year- Scheduling Tool Contact the Help Desk for any technical or training issues before capture starts Install new software and register laptop- First day of Capture DATE! Call us ANYTIME, we are here for you! 1-877-562-3093 or Support@teachscape.com
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