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Biogeochemical Cycles. Water cycle Carbon cycle Nitrogen cycle Phosphorous cycle Sulfur cycle NOTE: there are hyperlinks to web-based animations and narrated explanations of each cycle at the bottom of each graphic!. Biogeochemical Cycles .
Biogeochemical Cycles Water cycle Carbon cycle Nitrogen cycle Phosphorous cycle Sulfur cycle NOTE: there are hyperlinks to web-based animations and narrated explanations of each cycle at the bottom of each graphic!
Biogeochemical Cycles • Remember the law of conservation of matter… Matter cannot be created or destroyed – therefore, the CYCLING of water, carbon, phosphorous, nitrogen and sulfur only makes sense, right? • Note that these elements cycle through ABIOTIC and BIOTIC portions of ecosystems!
Instructions for viewing this ppt: • STUDY the different ways that the element passes between the atmosphere (if at all), the water, the soil, and living things • CLICK on the hyperlinks at the bottom of each graphic for animations and narrated explanations of each cycle • Inferwhat the impact of human activity would be on each cycle!
Hydrologic Cycle http://www.classzone.com/books/earth_science/terc/content/visualizations/es0105/es0105page01.cfm?chapter_no=visualization OR http://earthguide.ucsd.edu/earthguide/diagrams/watercycle/
Carbon Cycle http://www.windows2universe.org/earth/climate/carbon_cycle.html or http://www.nodvin.net/snhu/SCI219/demos/Chapter_3/Chapter_03/Present/animations/51_1_2_1.html
Nitrogen Cycle http://www.classzone.com/books/ml_science_share/vis_sim/em05_pg20_nitrogen/em05_pg20_nitrogen.htm or http://www.nodvin.net/snhu/SCI219/demos/Chapter_3/Chapter_03/Present/animations/32_2_1a.html l
Phosphorus Cycle http://www.sumanasinc.com/webcontent/animations/content/phosphorouscycle.html or http://www.wadsworthmedia.com/biology/starr_udl11_tour/phos_anim.html
Sulfur Cycle http://www.wwnorton.com/college/biology/discoverbio4/animations/main.aspx?chno=ch37a02