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in today's digital age, businesses across industries are realizing the importance of mobile apps to engage their customers and streamline their operations. Custom mobile app development has emerged as a critical aspect of any successful business strategy, and finding the right company to develop these apps can make a world of difference. In this article, we will explore the journey of iVServe and why it stands out as one of the best cuIstom mobile app development companies in the industry.

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  1. Back to iVserve Blog HOMESERVICESSOLUTIONSRESOURCESABOUT USCONTACT USBLOG Share     ← 5 Myths About Salesforce Development Services Stay Connected Enter Your Email Address* SUBSCRIBE The buzz and hype around Salesforce as a cloud CRM often puts business owners thinking about its feasibility for their business. At iVServe, we’ve encountered clients and their questions around the need for Salesforce, whether the CRM is really worth investing in, if their business scope will be able to derive bene?ts from the cloud CRM or, if their employees will be able to use it and leverage all functionalities of the CRM platform. As a Salesforce managed service provider we are as amused at these questions as we are keen to answer them. Reason being the difference in perspectives between that of a service provider and a business owner. Maybe, if we were on that side, we would’ve had similar questions before getting a Salesforce instance. One of the major reasons fuelling these doubts arises from having witnessed Salesforce or any other CRM failure at other businesses without diving to understand the reasons behind it. Truth be told, the true potential of Salesforce is unlocked only through effective development services tailored to meet speci?c business needs. Professionally managed and executed Salesforce development services hold the power to transform this CRM powerhouse into a dynamic, customized solution that empowers organizations to streamline their operations, boost productivity, and drive growth. By leveraging the expertise of skilled Salesforce developers, businesses can tailor their align with their unique processes, work?ows, and objectives making the CRM applicable to a wide range of industries and business processes without any limitations or boundaries. Salesforce implementation to But despite the limitless possibilities and applications of the cloud CRM, there are numerous myths that surround the

  2. CRM and its applications making it one of the most misunderstood cloud platforms. In this article, we make an attempt to debunk the top 5 myths that we’ve most commonly encountered while consulting businesses of all sizes and scale. While this is not an exhaustive list, this is a starting point for any business mulling over the idea of adopting the cloud CRM. Myth 1: Salesforce is only for Tracking Sales The greatest myths of all times! Salesforce development services are not just a sales tracking platform!! Ask us the number of businesses we have consulted who come to us with this impression about the CRM platform with unlimited capabilities. Often associated with its name, it might create an impression that it's solely designed for tracking sales. But nothing can be further from the truth than this. The common misconception overlooks the expansive capabilities and versatility of this platform. Salesforce is far more than a sales tracking tool. It's a comprehensive ecosystem that caters to diverse business needs. power of salesforce CRM Beyond its roots in sales management, Salesforce offers a broad range of features and functionalities to support marketing, customer service, analytics, collaboration, and a lot more. Further to that, its robust architecture and extensive customization options make it adaptable to various industries and business models. Take for instance Salesforce's Marketing Cloud that empowers organizations to create targeted campaigns, automate marketing processes, and analyze customer engagement. Similarly, using the Service Cloud businesses can enhance customer support and streamline case management, ensuring swift and personalized assistance. Salesforce's Analytics Cloud provides powerful data insights, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions and uncover valuable trends. Using Salesforce's AppExchange, an extensive marketplace of third-party applications, organizations can expand the CRM capabilities even further. Businesses can ?nd and

  3. integrate specialized tools for project management, HR management, ?nance, and other functions, tailoring Salesforce to their unique requirements. In essence, Salesforce transcends the con?nes of sales tracking and serves as a comprehensive CRM solution that fuels business growth across departments. There is no function or department that the CRM isn’t useful for or doesn't simplify the operations of. Moreover, its adaptability and scalability make it an invaluable asset for organizations of all sizes, helping them optimize operations, nurture customer relationships, and drive overall success. Myth 2: Salesforce can't Support the Needs of my Industry Another one of the prevailing misconceptions that’s been around for a long time is that Salesforce is not suitable for certain industries. And we have proved it wrong just as many times as we’ve encountered it. Those who believe this fail to acknowledge the versatility and adaptability of the Salesforce platform, which caters to a wide range of industries and verticals. Salesforce's ?exibility lies in its highly customizable nature. Built on a robust technical foundation, the CRM can be tailored to meet the speci?c needs of diverse industries. Whether it's healthcare, ?nance, manufacturing, retail, or any other sector, Salesforce development services offers industry-speci?c solutions and functionalities to address unique challenges. A blog that we released earlier this year about covers the industry-speci?c solutions that the CRM giant offers through Vlocity. Salesforce Vlocity An example is the healthcare sector where Salesforce Health Cloud enables healthcare providers to deliver personalized patient care, manage health records securely, and streamline communication between healthcare professionals, all the while maintaining patient privacy and data security. Similarly, ?nancial institutions leverage Salesforce Financial Services Cloud to enhance client relationships, manage wealth, and comply with regulatory requirements. Manufacturing companies, on the other hand, utilize

  4. Salesforce to optimize their supply chain, track inventory, and streamline customer service. Similarly, retailers bene?t from the Salesforce Commerce Cloud that enables seamless online shopping experiences and drives customer loyalty. Salesforce's industry-speci?c solutions, combined with its extensive ecosystem of third-party applications and , make it useful for businesses across all sectors. From education and nonpro?ts to telecommunications and government, Salesforce breaks down the barriers and empowers organizations to transform their operations, improve ef?ciency, and deliver exceptional customer experiences. integrations Salesforce is one of the few CRMs that has proved its worth across industries, without any bias or limitations. Rather, it serves as a versatile platform that can be tailored to meet the unique requirements and challenges of any business sector. Myth 3: Business Process is too Unique for Salesforce Development Services We understand that some businesses are too unique and out-of-the-box. Therefore, they have every right to question the suitability of Salesforce for their business processes. However, the renowned CRM platform that has long been celebrated for its adaptability and versatility across various industries is not a one-size-?ts-all solution. Rather, it’s a highly customizable and adaptable solution that can be tailored to ?t the needs of any business no matter the size, scale, or uniqueness of its operations. Salesforce's strength lies in its customizability. Custom objects, ?elds, and work?ows allow businesses to map their unique processes onto Salesforce, ensuring a personalized experience. This ?exibility enables organizations to align the CRM system with their existing work?ows. Salesforce's AppExchange further bolsters its adaptability. This marketplace offers a large number of pre-built applications and integrations developed by third-party vendors. These solutions cater to niche requirements and augment Salesforce's core functionality. Businesses seeking specialized tools or processes can explore the extensive

  5. range of apps available, extending the platform's capabilities even further. However, it is important to note that Salesforce might not be the optimal choice for every business process. In instances where highly complex, industry-speci?c work?ows are involved, a more specialized solution might be necessary. Salesforce's customization options can only go so far in accommodating extremely unique processes that demand a level of speci?city beyond its scope. In conclusion, while Salesforce's customization and the AppExchange contribute to its adaptability, it is crucial to acknowledge that there may be cases where a business process is too unique or complex for the platform. In such instances, Evaluating the speci?c requirements and seeking specialized solutions might be necessary to achieve optimal results in such scenarios. Myth 4: Technology to use in Salesforce Development Services Salesforce con?guration is a better solution. That’s another myth that keeps many businesses from adopting this fabulous CRM to achieve their highest potential. This is a common misconception that using Salesforce requires extensive technical expertise, and it’s poles away from the reality. Salesforce is designed, not just to be user-friendly but, to be super-user-friendly. What we really mean by this is that individuals with zero expertise in Salesforce or any other CRM can use the platform with ease. And there are numerous features in the cloud CRM that makes it so. Firstly, Salesforce offers a highly intuitive interface making it a breeze to navigate through even for a ?rst-time user. From the moment you log in, you'll ?nd that the platform guides you through the process with clear instructions and visually appealing layouts. Besides this, Salesforce offers immense support in the form of rich resources to support its community of users at every step. This includes comprehensive online documentation, video tutorials, and interactive training modules that empower users to become pro?cient in leveraging the

  6. platform. Additionally, Salesforce boasts an active community of users and experts who willingly share their knowledge and offer assistance. No matter how simple a query you may have or require advanced guidance, you can rely on this vast network of users to ?nd the answers you need. And above all is the customization option available within Salesforce that we have referred to repeatedly in this blog and the last. Again, you won't need deep technical skills to tailor the platform to your speci?c business needs. Customizing ?elds, work?ows, reports, and dashboards, with just a few clicks customizes the Salesforce instance to your unique requirements. Myth 5: It will require a lot of Money to Start using Salesforce Development Services Salesforce is not an investment-heavy endeavor that only caters to those with deep pockets! Trust us when we say that. After having implemented Salesforce for small, medium, and large businesses at different stages of growth we can aver that Salesforce is a cost-effective CRM option. Salesforce offers a number of plans and pricing options that can accommodate businesses of all sizes, including startups and small enterprises. As mentioned at several occasions, Salesforce is highly customizable. Additionally, it provides a range of pricing tiers, allowing users to choose the plan that best aligns with their budget and requirements. These options cater to different business needs, from basic CRM functionalities to more advanced features like automation and analytics. For example, the Essentials plan best suits small businesses. It offers basic CRM features at an affordable monthly rate. Similarly, non-pro?ts and educational institutions can bene?t from discounted pricing through the program. Salesforce.org For organizations with limited resources, these are cost- effective plans that offer essential CRM capabilities without breaking the bank. Furthermore, Salesforce operates on a cloud-based model, eliminating the need for expensive on-premises

  7. infrastructure. This approach not only reduces upfront costs but also eliminates the burden of ongoing maintenance and upgrades. The platform is also device-agnostic meaning that it can be accessed from any device with an internet connection, making it highly ?exible and accessible. To add to this, is the ecosystem of third-party apps and integrations that enhances the platform's functionality without requiring signi?cant investment. Businesses can leverage these pre-built solutions to tailor Salesforce to their speci?c needs, eliminating the necessity for investment into custom development. Conclusion - Myth about Salesforce development services Salesforce development services are not inherently investment heavy, nor does it exclusively cater to organizations with deep pockets. With its wide range of applicability into every aspect of business, it is far more than just a sales tracking tool. What adds to its charm are its highly customizable features and its ease of use even for novices. With its range of pricing options, cloud-based infrastructure, and third-party integrations, Salesforce offers a scalable and accessible CRM solution for businesses of all sizes. At iVServe, it’s been our constant endeavor to help businesses and organizations of all sizes adopt the cloud- based CRM at a price point comfortable to them while allowing them to leverage the full potential of the CRM salesforce solution. Our Salesforce consultants strategize, design, implement, train and optimize Salesforce customization and con?guration for businesses in different sectors and industries and are committed to bring the cloud-based solutions to a greater number of customers. To get a free consultation on Salesforce CRM implementation, get in touch with us today. Back to iVserve Blog ← Contact Us→ DIGITAL SERVICES NAVIGATE LOCATIONS India BENGALORE INDORE CHENNAI JAIPUR CERTIFICATIONS US CHICAGO ARLINGTON Canada TORONTO SALESFORCE MULESOFT AUTOMATION ENGINEERING OPEN STACK DEVELOPMENT CLOUD DEVELOPMENT MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT BLOG CAREER PRODUCT ABOUT US CONTACT US

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