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Address Ill-Effects of Electrosmog to Protect Health and Enhance Immunity

Electrosmog is non-ionizing radiation, as the waves do not produce the energy required from the removal of electrons from atoms or molecules like in the case of ionizing radiation.

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Address Ill-Effects of Electrosmog to Protect Health and Enhance Immunity

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  1. Address Ill-Effects of Electrosmog to Protect Health and Enhance Immunity Electrosmog or electromagnetic smog term is used for all artificially generated electromagnetic radiation present and created in our environment. Today it has become a major public health concern. Electrosmog is non-ionizing radiation, as the waves do not produce the energy required from the removal of electrons from atoms or molecules like in the case of ionizing radiation. Electrosmog is further divided into low-frequency electric and magnetic fields and high- frequency electromagnetic fields. Low frequency electric and magnetic fields are generated when electric energy is generated, transported, or applied. High-frequency electromagnetic fields are generated by wireless transmission technology like WiFi, microwaves, or baby monitors. Electrosmog exposure is continuously increasing due to the electricity networks expansion and rapidly advancing digitization. The coming up of the new technologies are increasing the artificially generated low-frequency fields and high-frequency fields. There are a lot of factors contributing to an increase in electrosmog, right from a record number of cellphones currently in use worldwide to WiFi, smart homes solutions, Bluetooth, ultrawideband, and applications with high-frequency electromagnetic radiation through which various telecommunication and data processing devices are wirelessly interconnected. Electrosmog exposure has dramatically increased in the last few years not only due to mobile phones and laptop computers but it is even rising in cars. In addition to e-smog generated from GPS, Bluetooth, and mobile data, the future use of electric cars will further increase people's exposure to electrosmog because of the electric engine and its battery.

  2. Doctors and scientists are consistently appealing that electrosmog interferes with our body's natural processes, as these rays penetrate into the body and prevent optimal cell supply. Thus, if we are consistently exposed to electrosmog then this can have a great impact on our body's biological processes resulting in the following health issues: Weak immune system Stress and mental strain Hyperacidity resulting in metabolic disorders Affect the nervous system's balance Sleep disorder Lack of concentration Today the exposure to electrosmog is far greater than it was a decade ago and hence people should responsibly use the technology and make some lifestyle changes to reduce their exposure to electrosmog. People should try to avoid wireless devices and digital technology and must prefer using wired headphones instead of Bluetooth headphones and off the mobile data and WLAN router during the night. Since radiation easily penetrates through walls so people are exposed to high-frequency radiation from satellites, radio masts, and neighbour’s wireless networks. To ensure protection from electrosmog, people can make use of the radiation protection chip called Envirochip for smartphones and laptops that protects them from the harmful effects of electrosmog. However, people who are concerned about the electrosmog exposure emanating from the nearby mobile towers, IoT devices, and neighbour’s Wi-Fi can opt to have Enviroglobe,

  3. which is an award-winning product that safeguards people from the ill-effects of electrosmog. These radiation protection products protect us from the ill effects of electrosmog without compromising on signal strength or connectivity.

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