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Avantages et défis inhérents à l’usage de l’ordinateur au primaire et au secondaire : point de vue d’élèves et d’enseignants. CONTEXTE. COMMISSION SCOLAIRE UNIQUE. 7 années d’intégration des ordinateurs portatifs à tous les niveaux*

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  1. Avantages et défis inhérents à l’usage de l’ordinateur au primaire et au secondaire : point de vue d’élèves et d’enseignants


  3. COMMISSION SCOLAIRE UNIQUE 7 années d’intégration des ordinateurs portatifs à tous les niveaux* Une amélioration significative du taux de réussite des élèves aux épreuves officielles du ministère (du 66e rang au 23e rang)

  4. PARTENARIAT DE RECHERCHE Intérêts de recherche communs Volonté commune de mieux comprendre


  6. OBJECTIFS Usages Compétences Avantages et défis Opportunités Impacts Développement professionnel*



  9. ÂGE DES ÉLÈVES De 8 à 18 ans De la 3e année du primaire au cinquième secondaire


  11. ANALYSES Analyses quantitatives (SPSS) Analyses qualitatives préliminaires et exploratoires





  16. USAGES





  21. Analyse qualitative exploratoire et préliminaire

  22. USAGE Hors classe…

  23. 1. Communication Communication avec les pairs Communication avec les parents Communication avec les élèves Communication avec la communauté

  24. Communication I use my laptop to connect/share with other teachers. All my communications with parents are on my laptop. [I use] email for communication with my students.

  25. 2. Création/innovation Searching for creative inspiration, to discover new methods of teaching new skills. The internet allows me to find better methods to use and experiment with in the classroom.

  26. 3. Gestion de l’enseignement PowerPoint which is then uploaded to a platform used for teaching (Elluminate). Documents are sent to students via a a docking system (Cyberduck).

  27. 4. Bonifier… I look for pictures, diagrams, tables, graphs, etc. for PPT presentation.

  28. 5. Récupération… I'm using site that are made especially for teachers (Jardin de Vicky , Educa-tout et l'envolée) The material is easy to use and clearly explain. I love it and the kids too!!!

  29. 6. Recherche d’information… Basicaly for research purposes and for webquests.

  30. 7. Plagiat …for plagiarism checks…

  31. USAGE En classe…

  32. USAGE

  33. 1. Transdisciplinaire… We use the smart board for math activities. I use the Elmo device we have for many read aloud language Arts activities and notebook spelling practice & tests

  34. 1. Transdisciplinaire… I assign a variety of projects in History, Ethics, Geography and English Use special web site for Social studies as texts and info on topics we see.

  35. 1. Transdisciplinaire… I use videos from National Geographic and VodZone in Science class, YouTube in Language Arts and TeacherTube in Math. I use the digital projector and Word to demonstrate in Language Arts. We use favourite websites in all subjects. I use the Smartboard, especially during Math. iMovies used for media literacy

  36. 2. Présentation PowerPoint used for presentation of information; I use a projector and a computer lab. Using Power Point and Video projections to emphase specific elements about business topics.

  37. 2. Présentation I use PowerPoint as a teaching tool. Sometimes I will demonstrate a new sport by showing a slide show, video or YouTube video. We use the projector for correcting and grammar activities.

  38. 3. Bonifier l’enseignement I use technology to support my objectives. For example in teaching a LES on Children's Voices

  39. 3. Bonifier l’enseignement My computer is an educational tool used to enhance my teaching. To present projects or themes, to teach how to do book trailers, digital storytelling, to presents stories on film by NFB to younger grades who have no laptops, etc.

  40. 4. Motiver les élèves I often use technology to spark an interest in my lesson. My students are very 'visual learners' and respond to video/youtube/powerpoint presentations.

  41. 5. Opportunités pour les élèves There are online opportunities for students to not only support their learning but also for review before unit tests.

  42. 5. Opportunités pour les élèves My students are in the Work Oriented Training Path so technology is very useful for job search, navigating government web sites, using Canada411 to find businesses/people, etc.

  43. 5. Opportunités pour les élèves My students are in the Work Oriented Training Path so technology is very useful for job search, navigating government web sites, using Canada411 to find businesses/people, etc.

  44. 6. Enseignement des TIC I am teaching my student to use Microsoft Office Suit to prepare at type of business documents (EXCELL, Word, Power Point...)

  45. 7. Communication I use it for my morning messages, during all my math classes, for any group project, for showing notes on the smartboard during large group discussions, and many more occasions

  46. 8. Amener ses élèves à faire usage des TIC I use some of applications in MacBook: Garageband, I-movie, PPT, Word, - Formulate Pro to have students write directly on the e-handouts - weekly spelling tests on Spelling City website - interactive, shared application to teach and practice concepts learned (in math and ELA for example)


  48. Impact du développement professionnel en TIC

  49. Impact du développement professionnel I did not have a useful professional development course. None of them were helpful. it wasn't very useful.

  50. Impact du développement professionnel I haven't found any to be particularly helpful in that not enough time is given to learning how to use the technology efficiently and effectively enought to take it back to the classroom and use it right away. Most professional development courses have been a waste of time.

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