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DonQ – Air Project presentation

DonQ – Air Project presentation. DonQ-Air – About project. Objective: to encourage R&D activities in the aeronautic-related SMEs in Poland, Romania and Turkey, by means of a well targeted methodology (DonQ Air method), developed to enable R&D in aeronautical environment.

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DonQ – Air Project presentation

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  1. DonQ – Air Project presentation

  2. DonQ-Air – About project Objective: to encourage R&D activities in the aeronautic-related SMEs in Poland, Romania and Turkey, by means of a well targeted methodology (DonQ Air method), developed to enable R&D in aeronautical environment. Measurable objectives: • To contact at least 250 aeronautical-related SMEs • To analyse the technological situation of 170 SMEs related to aeronautical sector (60 Poland, 70 Turkey, 40 Romania) • 3 training seminars in each country (9 total) on informing all 170 SMEs (and more) about RTD actions • Support to 90 SMEs through DISA (Direct Support Information Area) – mail, phone and technical visits. Creation of Excellence Club.

  3. DonQ-Air – About project Measurable objectives: • Performing 50 technological diagnosis. Incorporation of 50 diagnosed SMEs into Permanent Exchange Ideas Network (facilitation of future contacts and project cooperation. • To identify 30 project ideas, develop at least 15-20 project dossiers with various SMEs from targeted countries (training in developing ideas, finding partners, resources planning, applying proposal to proper calls) • 10-12 SMEs involved in FP7 projects/proposals • 5 full proposals, ready for submission to proper calls.

  4. DonQ-Air – Workpackages Workpackage 1 - “From Don Q Method to Don Q Air Methodology: Polish, Romanian, and Turkish Cases” Leader: CARSA Task 1.1 „Gathering information” – creation of Expert Committee with experts from participants NCPs (Spain included). Preparation of a report on general „as is” situation in aeronautical sector in each partner country. Elaboration of questionnaire to compile information about situation in aeronautical related SMEs. Task 1.2 „Analysis and Report” – Evaluation of collected questionnaires and Expert Committee report. Preparation of final version of the report – two aspects must be covered: common potentials and main barriers for innovation. Task 1.3 “Elaboration of Don Q Air Method” – Basing on outcomes of T1.1 and 1.2 CARSA will develop a methodology concept to use in project activities Task 1.4 “Customisation to Polish, Romanian, and Turkish Cases” – particularization of tools and procedures of the T1.3 methodology for each targeted country.

  5. DonQ-Air – Workpackages Workpackage 2 - “Selection and Clustering of SMEs” Leader: TUBITAK Task 2.1 „Creation of DISA” – Organization of dissemination events, maintaining information flow with SMEs. This channel will enable preliminary tutoring activities, as well as the identification of potential end-users. Task 2.2 „Promoting RTD activities” – 3 seminars in each country (month 6-18). Open to every aeronautic-related SMEs, DISA in charge of promoting SME participation. Also active participation of aeronautical associations, research institutes, universities, public administration and other key stakeholders Task 2.3 “Selection and clustering of SMEs” – Identification of 1st group of 90 SMEs from actions in T1.1, seminars, DISA. Clustering of SMEs by 2 criteria (area of interest and internationallisation potential). Tutoring actions by seminars, telediagnosis and consulting. Task 2.4 “Selection of Top Excellence Group” – Preliminary technological diagnosis of T2.3 SMEs in order to select 50 SMEs to be further diagnosed and tutored.

  6. DonQ-Air – Workpackages Workpackage 3 - “Tutoring SMEs: Technological Analysis and Opportunity Identification” Leader: CARSA Task 3.1 „Technological Diagnosis” – Establishing deep technological diagnosis of SMEs selected in T2.4. Performed by the technical area, supported by local partners,one-to-one meetings with all selected 50 SMEs. Task 3.2 „Identifying opportunities: Dossier for Top 20 Project Ideas” – As a consequence of the technological diagnosis and tutoring activities, project ideas will be identified and evaluated by the consortium. Identification of best project ideas (15-20) to be further developed. A dossier will be created by CARSA supported by DISA, for each one of these Top 20 Ideas, defining the consortium, a management plan, and the work plan for each one. Task 3.3 “Creation of a permanent Exchange Ideas Network” – Goal is to promote permanent links inside the Top 50 SMEs group and with NCPs. The communication tool will be project website, where SMEs will be able to exchange project ideas, asking or offering partner participation or expertise, etc (consortium will also be integrated in network to aid SMEs and facilitate communication).

  7. DonQ-Air – Workpackages Workpackage 4 - “Gathering Best Practices & Finding the Funding” Leader: IFTR Task 4.1 „Proposal Elaboration” – Support by DISA of best ideas from T3.1 for good proposal elaboration: identifying instrument/call, structuring the proposal, partner search. Elaboration of 5 project proposals at thr end of the task. Task 4.2 „Best Practices Guide” – guidelines for a successful participation in a RTD project within FP7 basing on experiences gathered throughout the project. Prepared in all partner languages and English and available through project website at M24.

  8. DonQ-Air – Workpackages • Workpackage 5 - “Dissemination” – Leader: ROSA • Task 5.1 „Project Web Site” – Preparation of a website with all partners contribution, with news, events information, and project development.Application of Permanent Exchange Ideas Network (PEIN)at M15. • Task 5.2 „Internal Dissemination Activities” – Internal meetings, presentations and Training Seminars for SMEs and other stakeholders, like aeronautical associations, RTD centers, and universities. • Task 5.3 “External Dissemination & Demonstrator Activities” • Contacting organisations devoted to aeronautics-related activities • Use of Innovation Relay Centres (IRC) and Regional Innovation • Technologies Strategies (RITS) networks • Customised information days • Specialised Press • Others

  9. DonQ-Air – Workpackages Workpackage 6 - “Management” – Leader: IFTR „Project Management: Coordination” – assuring proper communication inside consortium and with EC (email, website). „Planning & reporting” – coordinator is responsible for administrative planning, monitoring and reporting, Will provide the Commission with periodic progress reports detailing the implementation of the project budget and administrative activities “Management of project deliverables”- All deliverables are the responsibility of the work package leaders. Coordinator is responsible for submitting each deliverable to the Project Officer “Meetings” Kick-off meeting (January 22nd, Warsaw, Poland) – definition and allocation of roles and responsibilities. Mid-term meeting (date and place to be decided) – inputs from partners to chnages in workplan (if needed), to check if guidelines of the project are correctly followed Final meeting – end meeting of the project (date and place to be decided)

  10. DonQ – Air dissemination activities Aeronautics priority info-day Date and place: 23rd of January 2007, Warsaw, Poland Agenda: • Presentation of first FP7 Aeronautics calls (RTD-1, TREN-1, Era-Net) • Rules for participation • EPSS presentation • First calls in IDEA, PEOPLE, CAPACITIES priorities • Supporting projects for boosting Aeronautics priority participation presentations (DonQ-Air, Scratch, AirT-Net) • Cooperation proposals for project consortia building to second aeronautics FP7 calls • Lobbing opportunities for 2nd Aeronautics FP7 call More information: http://www.kpk.gov.pl/imprezy/i.html?id=2196 (in Polish)

  11. DonQ – Air dissemination activities

  12. DonQ – Air dissemination activities

  13. Thank for your attention ! Zbigniew Turek National Contact Point Zbigniew.Turek@kpk.gov.pl Phone: +48 22 828 74 95

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