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Graphics Utility Exploiting servers, thick clients , and thin clients to create unique, high-value services

Graphics Utility Exploiting servers, thick clients , and thin clients to create unique, high-value services for visualization, photo-realistic rendering and immersive virtual worlds Graphics Utility Platforms Thick Clients Workstations Disney mirror Disney table HDTV console

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Graphics Utility Exploiting servers, thick clients , and thin clients to create unique, high-value services

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  1. Graphics Utility Exploitingservers, thick clients, andthin clients to create unique, high-valueservices for visualization, photo-realistic rendering and immersive virtual worlds filename\location

  2. Graphics Utility Platforms • Thick Clients • Workstations • Disney mirror • Disney table • HDTV console • Servers • Clusters • E-Technical • Networked PCs • Thin Clients • Game Handheld • Jornada (PDA) • Cell Phones • Watches filename\location

  3. scientific visualization photo-realistic rendering immersive virtual worlds client-server graphics consumer entertainment 3D streaming 3D accelerated games collaborative games Graphics UtilityServices filename\location

  4. The next media generation: immersive media—audio + video + 3D graphics high maturity entrenched players low opportunity mp3 LPs CDs DVDs mpeg2 audio audio + video radio tv audio + video + 3D graphics low maturity players in flux high opportunity games mpeg4 movies 78s time today filename\location

  5. Consumer Graphics Market Size Graphics chip companies, game software companies, excluding handheld games and game consoles $3 billion 1997 $4.9 billion 1998 $6.3 billion 1999 … $13-46 billion 2005 filename\location

  6. Coliseum UltraVis PTMs IBRpaint Voyager servers thick clients thin clients 3D streaming services visualization realism/virtual reality                            ExampleGraphics Utility projects that exploit servers, thick-clientsandthin-clients to bring unique, high-valueservices to HP customers filename\location

  7. Coliseum Project A DoCoMo Collaboration What’s the goal? Make telecommunication more effective, more “like being there” • Today • telephone calls • video conferences • Tomorrow • many people, many locations • simple, inexpensive equipment • immersive 3D virtual world filename\location

  8. What can we do already? Coliseum like being there 3D input—scene reconstruction from photographs Input: multiple photographs of a scene filename\location

  9. What can we do already? 3D input—scene reconstruction from photographs Output: 3D model, new views, animations Coliseum like being there filename\location

  10. What will we be able to do soon? Coliseumworkstation Coliseum like being there • Real time 3D reconstruction using inexpensive video cameras • Image-based Visual Hull algorithm from MIT/Oxygen Project • Collaboration with Georgia Tech filename\location

  11. What will we be able to do soon? New York Palo Alto Tokyo London Coliseum like being there • 3D models are created of multiple people in multiple locations in real time……and are assembled into a single 3D virtual world. filename\location

  12. Coliseum mock-up Coliseum like being there filename\location

  13. 3D realism for texture mapping Transferred to Technical Computing Division General Motors eager to use Scientific visualization—making the invisible visible Featured on CBS News To appear in New Scientist PTMs filename\location

  14. PTMs on CBS News filename\location

  15. Volume rendering medical imaging nondestructive material testing oil and gas exploration Runs on workstations clusters of PCs Fastest in the world Licensing under development UltraVis filename\location

  16. UltraVis animation filename\location

  17. Simulates painted surfaces with realistic reflections Transferred to Technical Computing Division Important for Ford Motor Co. Being used to court General Motors Being used to show-off Mindstorm graphics server for product introduction IBRpaint filename\location

  18. IBRpaint promotional video filename\location

  19. Voyager Bringing Graphics Utility Services to Thin-Clients filename\location

  20. Low Power 3D Compressed 3D Streaming Thin Clients: Voyager Mobile Gaming Professional Graphics Utility Servers filename\location

  21. Coliseum UltraVis PTMs IBRpaint Voyager servers thick clients thin clients 3D streaming services visualization realism/virtual reality                            Innovating to create aGraphics Utility that exploits servers, thick-clientsandthin-clients to bring unique, high-valueservices to HP customers filename\location

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