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NEED FOR ECO-FRIENDLY ENERGY. TO MINIMISE POLLUTION FROM USING PETROLEUM PRODUCTS.RAW MATERIALS ARE NEVER EXTINCT AND ARE AVAILABLE INDEGENOUSLY, SAVING HUGE FOREIGN EXCHANGE.RAW MATERIAL COST IS STABLE.. How it differs from Bio-Mass Power Generation. The wood/Husk is not burnt, so No Smoke and No Ash. Therefore NO Pollution.Gasifier generates Producer Gas which itself is the FUEL, whereas in Bio-Mass Power Generators Steam is produced which runs a turbine and Power is generated. There is eff25

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    3. How it differs from Bio-Mass Power Generation The wood/Husk is not burnt, so No Smoke and No Ash. Therefore NO Pollution. Gasifier generates Producer Gas which itself is the FUEL, whereas in Bio-Mass Power Generators Steam is produced which runs a turbine and Power is generated. There is efficiency loss in each stage as well as there steam transmission losses. Gasifier system is best suited where there is water scarcity as no steam is to be generated.

    4. How it differs from Bio-Mass Power Generation-cont Units are available from 4 Kw onwards up-to 600Kw, therefore can be installed very near the source of Fuel and near End user minimizing transportation and distribution costs. The solid residue is 4% Charcoal which has good commercial value and 1% Ash which is a good Bio-Manure.

    5. Process Wood pieces with a maximum of 20% moisture content are fed into the closed chamber of Gasifier in which a controlled temperature is maintained. The wood at this temperature release a Gas called-Producer Gas which is a fuel with a calorific value of 1000 to 1050 kcal/Nm3. The residue Is Charcoal which is a very good fuel for many industries. These units can be switched on and brought to full capacity in 15 minutes.

    6. What is Producer Gas Composition-- CO = 19+3 % CO2 = 10+3 % N2 = 50 % H2 = 18+2 % CH4 = up to 3 % Calorific Value-- 1000-1050 Kcal/Nm3

    7. Producer Gas as a Fuel This gas is a clean fuel and gives very good blue flame without any smoke. A maximum of 1050 degree Celsius temperature can be achieved using this fuel. Where higher temperatures are required Duel Fuel Burners can be installed using Producer Gas with Existing liquid fuel. Can replace any petroleum fuel, direct fired fuels like husk, coal etc to eliminate dust pollution as well as reduce carbon emissions, and sulfur emissions.

    8. Producer Gas as a Fuel-cont Can Replace Liquid Petroleum Fuels in---- Boilers Hot-Oil Generators Hot-Air Generators. Furnaces. Kilns. Heaters Ovens. Incinerators.

    9. Economics as a FUEL 2.5 NM3 of gas is produced from 1 kg of wood, which is estimated at Rs.1.00 per Kg. This works out to Rs.0.40 per NM3. Producer Gas costs Rs.0.40 per 1000kcal LPG costs Rs.2.00 per 1000kcal LDO costs Rs.1.80 per 1000kcal.

    10. Producer Gas for Power Generation The gas is cleaned of any fine dust and any residual impurities, in a series of custom designed scrubbers. This clean gas is fired in 100% gas based reciprocating engines specially designed for this gas. These engines are coupled with Generators to produce electricity. Special control systems are available to provide for fluctuating power needs.

    11. Reliable and Economical Power Stand alone compact power generation units which can be installed in any remote areas. 4 Kw to 600 Kw units. Use wood as raw material and Generate power and give Charcoal as By-Product. Simple process without the hassles of Steam generation( Therefore water requirement is very less) and without Smoke.

    12. Economics for Power Generation Wood is estimated at Rs.1.00 per Kg. And operation and maintenance cost is assumed at Rs. 0.40 per unit produced. 1.5 kg of wood is consumed to produce 1 kwh(unit) of electricity up-to a generation capacity of 200 kwh. Means variable cost of Rs. 1.90 per unit. 0.8 kg wood is consumed to produce 1 kwh(unit) of electricity beyond generation capacity of 500 kwh. Means variable cost of Rs. 1.20 per unit of electricity.

    13. Governmental Supports There is Govt. subsidy of Rs.15 lakhs per 100kwh generator, available after 1000hrs of operation For Energy Plantation, long term loans are available at subsidized interest Rate. There is a proposal of international Carbon trading facility to provide incentive to the users of Eco Friendly Renewable fuels as against use of standard petroleum products.

    14. Energy Plantation-Cloning Technology Cloned saplings are available for Eucalyptus,Babul, Neem, Prosopis, Tamarind, Casurina, Cassia siamea, Cashew, Subabul and many other varieties of wood used for these gasifyers. Plantation is also available for saline soils. These grow in waste land and have very short maturity time compared to standard saplings with roots. For example Eucalyptus matures in 3 years. Special cloned veriety of plants have been developed which give higher calorific value of around 5500 kcal/kg compared to standard wood giving 3500 kcal/kg.

    15. Source of Technology, Supplies and Service Integration, Sales, Installation guidance and after sales services are available From M/S Hi-tech powergens-Hyderabad. Ph/Fax No-23402846. E-mail-kprajan@pol.net.in and--kprajan6@hotmail.com. ONE STOP SOLUTIONS FOR LOW COST CLEAN ENERGY

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