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My Village

My Village. 2009/10 1.C ZA Martin Šarišský.

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My Village

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Presentation Transcript

  1. My Village 2009/10 1.C ZA Martin Šarišský

  2. I live in Ďačov. Itis a smallvillage, which has a population of 745inhabitants.Thereare two churches in ourvillage. ThefirstisGreekCatholic and thesecondis Roman Catholic. I am a GreekCatholic. We also have two shops.One shop isat the beginning of the village and anotherisat the end of the village. We have one pub and a community center.Both buildings are in the middle of the village. In the pub, we have table football. I like table football. We also have a football club.

  3. Wehavetwo musical groupstoo. Oneiscalled Salaš andthesecondoneisEvans. • I play in groupEvans. I play theguitar. • I play footballtoo. I play football in a nearbyvillageDubovica. I play a leftdefender. • I live with my family in a big house.

  4. This is our Greek Catholic Church . ItIsvery big and veryniceespeciallyfromtheinside.

  5. This is a coatofarmsofourvillage Ďačov. There is a pile of gold as an uncle.

  6. Ďačov isverynicebecauseitisverygreen and greencolouris my favouritecolour. There are many beautiful, large trees inĎačov.

  7. In Ďačovthereisalso one place, where people go skiing and gliding. Itisverynice. I cansee it from my home. Our priest oftengoes to fly.

  8. And here is our table football. Itis my love.. Everybody says, that I am the best in it. • But I alsolove the classicalfootball and my guitar.

  9. But I most love my family and my village. Because they give me everything. Dačovisreally a verynicevillage, in which I havemy family and my friends. I would never leave it, to liveabroad. I love my village.

  10. Thankyouforyourattention.

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