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ENDING VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN. A Call to Men: Its time to become part of the solution The National Association of Men and Women Committed to Ending Violence Against Women. As well meaning men we must begin to examine the ways in which we have been socialized to be part of the problem:.
ENDING VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN A Call to Men: Its time to become part of the solution The National Association of Men and Women Committed to Ending Violence Against Women
As well meaning men we must begin to examine the ways in which we have been socialized to be part of the problem: • Having Less Value in Women • Treating Women as Property • Objectification of Women
Naming The Problem • Men’s violence against women is the leading cause of injury to women. • Each year millions of men severely assault the women they are partnered with. • There is a high percentage of men who assault the women they are partnered with during herpregnancy.
Naming The Problem • Each day several men murder their present or former female partner. The majority of these murders occur during or after a separation. • Men will rape 1 out of 4 women. • Men rape and sexually assault more than 250,000 women every year. • Men are responsible for the trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation of women.
Naming The Problem • Violence against women is the manifestation of sexism. • Violence against women is a human rights violation. • More in common than differences.
Naming The Problem • Silent partnership. • Privileges given to men by men. • The need for male accountability.
As well meaning men we consciously and subconsciously separate ourselves from men who abuse/assaultwhile simultaneously giving them permission.
As well meaning men we separate ourselves from men who abuse/assault in several ways: • Make monsters of them • Focus on fixing them • Pathologize their violence
As well meaning men we give men who abuse/assault permission in several ways: • Silence and permission are synonymous • Private vs. Public • Blaming women • Minimizing the consequence • Desensitize violence
How men can become part of the solution: • Understand and acknowledge how sexism, patriarchy and male privilege are the foundation for violence against women. • Examine and challenge our sexism and the role it plays in supporting men ‘s violence against women. • Stop colluding with other men, get out of our defined roles in society and take a stance to end violence against women.
How men can become part of the solution: • Remember that our silence is affirming. When we choose not to speak out, we are supporting the behavior. • Educate and re-educate our sons and other young men about our responsibility in ending violence against women. • Challenge our fear of being perceived as gay, which stops us from actively taking a stance to end violence against women.
How men can become part of the solution: • Accept and own our responsibility that violence against women will not end until men become part of the solution to end it. • Stop making excuses for the behavior of men. Violence against women is a man’s choice, rooted in and supported by sexism.
How men can become part of the solution: • Our focus needs to be on creating appropriate and effective systems to educate and hold men accountable. • Accept leadership from women. Violence against women will end only when men take direction from those who understand it most, women.
ENDING VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN A Call to Men: Its time to become part of the solution The National Association of Men and Women Committed to Ending Violence Against Women