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Secret Sharing Schemes

Secret Sharing Schemes. Russ Martin. Table of Contents. What is Secret Sharing? Traditional Schemes Shamir’s Blakley’s Simplified. What is Secret Sharing.

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Secret Sharing Schemes

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  1. Secret Sharing Schemes Russ Martin

  2. Table of Contents • What is Secret Sharing? • Traditional Schemes • Shamir’s • Blakley’s • Simplified

  3. What is Secret Sharing • A method of distributing a key between a group of persons so that any subset of a specified size can access the key, and a subset of size smaller can not. • A (t,w) Threshold Scheme is a method of sharing a key K among w participants in such a way that any t participants can compute the value of K, but no group of t-1 participants can. [1]

  4. Traditional Schemes – Shamir’s • Based on polynomial interpolation – given t points on the plane, only one polynomial q(x) degree of t-1 exists that satisfies q(x) = y for all xi (the key given to each participant). • K = the data being hidden by the scheme, in numeric form • q(x) = a0 + a1x + … + ak-1xk-1, where K = a0

  5. Shamir’s Scheme – Key Distribution • To Distribute data: Choose w unique elements in Zp, where p>w. These are the x values. • For i in 1 to w: Give xi to each of the participants. These x values are public • Choose t-1 values in Zprandomly. These values are secret to the person distributing the shares. These are the a values. • Privately give each member y = q(x) corresponding to their x value, where

  6. Shamir’s Scheme – Key Reconstruction • Solving for K: • Goal is to solve for the a values used during distribution, notably a0 = K • With t participants, one can form t linear equations in the form: • With t equations and t unknowns, there is a unique solution. Proof that the solution is unique is from Lagrange interpolation.

  7. Shamir’s Scheme - Example • p = 19, t = 3, w =4, xi = i • K = a0 = 12 • Randomly Choose a1 = 14 , a2 = 3 • q(1) = 10, q(2) = 14 , q(3) = 5 , q(4) = 2

  8. Shamir’s Scheme – Example (Solving) • (1,2,3) • (1,3,4) • (1,2,4) • (2,3,4) • In all cases, Equations solve for 12, 14, and 3, the values chosen

  9. Shamir’s Scheme • Size of all shares are up to the size of the hidden key • Once used, needs to have all coefficients changed • For t-1 people, forms a line of possible answers – providing no information • If a person is “more important”, increase their ability by giving them multiple shares

  10. Traditional Schemes – Blakley’s

  11. Works Cited [1]Stinson, Douglas R. Cryptography: Theory and Practice. CRC Press 2006. [2]Shamir, Adi. How to Share a Secret. November 1979. [3]Krawczyk, Hugo. Secret Sharing Made Short. 1993. [4]RSA Laboratories. What are some secret sharing schemes?

  12. Questions?

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