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What is IPv6.docx

What is IPv6? IPv6 is the successor to IPv4, the Internet addressing protocol which has been used for many years since the early days of the Internet.

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  1. What is IPv6? What is IPv6? IPv6 is the successor to IPv4, the Internet addressing protocol which has been used for many years since the early days of the Internet. When the Internet was first founded, it was established as a research network, and the addressing was limited. It was never thought that it would be used to connect everything from a mobile phone to a hi-fi and fridge to the 'net. As such, it is estimated that we will run out of available existing IPv4 based addresses in 2011 or 2012, so a new protocol has been developed that will work around this problem. This is IPv6 and it also introduces some new features to improve how the Internet works. What is an IP address? An IP (Internet Protocol) address is used on the Internet to contact a computer. Each IP address is unique and any data that is sent to that address will be routed through the Internet to arrive at the destination of that computer. Most people will be more familiar with easy to remember hostnames such as www.google.com which are looked up in a directory called DNS and translated in to the IP address. You can often use the IP address instead of the hostname in the address bar in a web browser will bring you to this website. How many IP addresses are there? The current IPv4 address space contains 4.3 billion addresses. The number of addresses offered by IPv6 is 340,282,366,920,938,000,000,000,000,000 billion (2 to the power of 128) which means that the size of the Internet could double every year and we would still have enough addresses for the next 96 years. How can I use IPv6? There are several ways to use IPv6. Natively means you connect directly over an IPv6 network and would require your service provider to support it (few currently do). To connect natively you will also need a broadband router to support IPv6, and there are currently few of these available. Tunnelled IPv6 is a way of tunnelling IPv6 over an IPv4 network so you can connect to IPv6 services. Most operating systems currently support both native and tunneled and Windows Vista and Windows 7 both allow you to connect over a Teredo tunnel. Even an iPhone will allow you to connect with IPv6. IPv6 is necessary but not widely used in our daily life. It is not like IPv4 widely used in our life. For more information, Please visit E-Lins Technology.

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