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Plantronics UC Gatekeeper Study

Plantronics UC Gatekeeper Study. Key findings from a survey of US Fortune 1000 decision makers. Study Overview. In late 2009, Plantronics surveyed 354 IT and Business Decision-Makers about current and future Unified Communication deployments.

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Plantronics UC Gatekeeper Study

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  1. Plantronics UC Gatekeeper Study Key findings from a survey ofUS Fortune 1000 decision makers

  2. Study Overview In late 2009, Plantronics surveyed 354 IT and Business Decision-Makers about current and future Unified Communication deployments. The goal was to identify UC behaviors among Fortune 1000 companies. Objectives: Quantify current UC adoption and future plans Understand importance and usage of UC Identify key UC growth drivers over the next two years * See appendix for Methodology Overview and UC Applications List

  3. The Distributed Workforce Era: 63% of F1000 Employees Don’t Work in an Office

  4. Corporate Profiles: The Era of the Distributed Workforce

  5. Corporate Profiles: A Mix of Office Work Environments Onsite worker office environments

  6. Only 2% of Fortune 1000 companies are not considering UC

  7. Only 2% of F1000 Companies Are Not Considering UC Current UC Audio/Voice Prospects Future UC Audio/Voice Prospects 96% have integrated at least one audio/ voice related UC app 94% plan to integrate at least one audio/voice related UC app within the next 2 years 26% 42% 30% 2% UC Adoption Stages

  8. Desktop video conferencing leadsplanned UC roll-out at F1000 companies

  9. Desktop Video Conferencing Leads the Next Phase of UC Have Integrated Plan to Integrate Among integrated UC-related applications, video conferencing is the top application F1000 companies plan to integrate within two years as part of their UC roll-out.

  10. Executives Lead in Desktop Video Conferencing Current Access Future Access Aside from IT, executives are leading the way with access to video conferencing; other workers will follow within 2 years.

  11. 66% of employees will have UC video conferencing on their desktops within two years

  12. Global Roll-out of UC Desktop Video Conferencing 66% within the next two years The majority of employees will have UC video conferencing on their desktops within the next two years.

  13. Conferencing Spurs Consideration of UC Have Integrated Plan to Integrate Conferencing, especially video, is closely associated with current operational deployment as well as “future UC planning”. Operational deployment Active pilot Considering within 2 years

  14. Quality audio is critical to the overall UC experience.

  15. Quality Endpoint Devices Define the UC Experience Importance of UC Audio/Voice Endpoint Devices to the Overall UC Experience by End User Segment Remote workers Contact center workers Private office workers Open office workers Home office workers Low (1–3): Does not matter at all to end users’ UC experience Medium (4–7) High (8–10): Matters a lot to end users’ UC experience

  16. End-user training is critical to the successful deployment of UC voice apps and devices.

  17. Basic Training Is Critical to Successful UC Deployment • Training is key to help users understand basic device functionality and to enable them to customize options and solve basic issues on their own. • “Over the next 6 months, I’m hoping the money gets freed up to allow for more centralized control of the devices so we can better educate the user to pin-point exactly what their issues are.” —ITDM, Telecom • “During the deployment, the call volume and trouble tickets weren’t any more than normal for telecom, surprisingly enough. Actually it was less because the users have much more capability to manage their phone with the online interface… We are always looking for ways to get the user more involved in solving their own problems.” —ITDM, Industrial

  18. Top 10: Most Common Problems During Deployment Problems experienced or expected with UC audio/voice endpoint device deployment

  19. “At the time [of UC endpoint device selection], we thought the devices would just work and there’d be no need to spend time comparing the differences.We saw them as a commodity. We no longer think this way.” • —ITDM, Entertainment

  20. Study Method Overview

  21. UC Voice/Audio Applications Voice/Audio-related UC Apps Voice over IP (VoIP) PC-based softphone client (e.g., click-to-call) Audio conferencing Web conferencing Video conferencing Mobile communications technologies (e.g., mobile UC clients, smartphones, cell phones) Enterprise applications integrated with UC technology (e.g., CRM, ERP or other business applications with click-to-call) Non-voice/Audio-related UC Apps Instant Messaging (IM) with presence Desktop sharing Collaboration technologies (e.g., SharePoint, Quickr, WebOffice)

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