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Big God

Big God. Big Picture. Stressed out No sleep Esp. if Conflict is coming. Short with my family Unhappy and hyper-focused Adrenaline running. Lack of faith?. Lack of faith? And I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling - Paul, 1 Cor. 2.

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Big God

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Big God Big Picture

  2. Stressed outNo sleepEsp. if Conflict is coming

  3. Short with my familyUnhappy and hyper-focusedAdrenaline running

  4. Lack of faith?

  5. Lack of faith?And I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling- Paul, 1 Cor. 2

  6. Lack of faith?What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death?- Paul, Romans 7

  7. Lack of faith?…we had no rest, but we were harassed at every turn- conflicts on the outside, fears within- Paul, 2 Cor. 7

  8. Not a message on fearOr having a bigger faithI'm preaching to myself

  9. I do believeWhat we talk about todayHas the potential to help

  10. Leaving LighthouseConversations for their goodThat hadn't happened before

  11. Because I knewIt was overTime there was…up

  12. One resourceOne reserveI can controlBut I can't get back

  13. One resourceOne reserveI can controlBut I can't get backTime

  14. Last weekYesterdayNow

  15. The more you understandThe nature of time andThe brevity of lifeThe more free you becomeTo live as God intended

  16. Our time is a stewardship

  17. Our time is a stewardship- Entrustment- Belongs to God- We are responsible to him For how we use it

  18. Our Time is BriefWhat is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes- James 4:4

  19. The more you understandThe nature of time andThe brevity of lifeThe more free you becomeTo live as God intended

  20. God loves us enoughTo place this in the scriptures…

  21. …teach us to number our days    that we may gain a heart of wisdom- Psalm 90:12

  22. Understanding Brevity andResponsibilityMeans wise living

  23. Making prioritiesOf things that really matter

  24. Hyper-focused?Not present for family?Stressed and not sleeping?

  25. The more you understandThe nature of time andThe brevity of lifeThe more free you becomeTo live as God intended

  26. Making prioritiesOf things that really matterWorrying less aboutWhat doesn't

  27. Bills and PurchasesHealthSon and DaughterCarSpiritualRelationship with SpouseThe Voice/Hobbies/XBox

  28. BillsHealthSon and DaughterCarSpiritual- affects every otherRelationship with SpouseThe Voice

  29. The more you understandThe nature of time andThe brevity of lifeThe more free you becomeTo live as God intended

  30. Focus on the importantDeal with the urgentTrust God in all of it

  31. You've been lied toYour job/hobby/car/TVIsn't nearly as importantAs you think it is

  32. People before thingsOthers before selfGod first in all things

  33. What would you worry about less?What would you do different?

  34. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own- Jesus, Matt. 6:34

  35. Worry about tomorrowIs a thiefThat we give the permissionTo steal from today

  36. “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”- you do not know what tomorrow will bring…

  37. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.

  38. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.”

  39. As it is, you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil- James 4:13-16

  40. Living for tomorrowMeans today doesn't countNor do the people in it

  41. The more you understandThe nature of time andThe brevity of lifeThe more free you becomeTo live as God intended

  42. When God talks about timeHe talks about Foolishness and wisdom

  43. What are God's prioritiesFor our time?What would he call "wise"?

  44. Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil

  45. Wise= making the best useOf the time God's givenWhile we have it

  46. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is

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