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Electronic Discovery What Does an E-Professional Do-converted

In this pdf you will read about what is an electronic discovery professional, the responsibilities of an electronic discovery professional, the types of e-discovery professionals, and the requirements for becoming an e-discovery professional.

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Electronic Discovery What Does an E-Professional Do-converted

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  1. Electronic Discovery: What Does an E- ProfessionalDo In the age of digitalization, the business world has become dependent on technology, most businesses now conduct part if not all their business online. Even though operating online is convenient for companies, these interactions leave electronic footprints. When electronically stored data becomes part of a criminal or civil lawsuit, it is the job of an electronic discovery professional to help manage, identify and preserve this information. We, at Elijah, introduce you to electronic discovery and what is the job an e-discovery professional. Who Is an Electronic Discovery Professional? Electronic Discovery Professional The electronic discovery professional organizes, assesses, manages, and maintains all the electronic documents shared between parties during the discovery process of a legal proceeding. Discovery is basically when the defendant and the plaintiff present evidence in front of each other as they prepare for trial. Evidence can also be attained from sources that are not directly involved in the case. Electronic discovery professionals analyze and manage the electronic information relevant to the process of discovery.

  2. What Are the Responsibilities of An Electronic Discovery Professional? Responsibilities of An Electronic Discovery Professional? The responsibilities and duties of e-discovery professionals generally involve the following: •Briefing the attorneys and clients about the processes and policies of electronic discovery. •Using data to discover the facts that are significant for the lawsuit. •Gathering and reviewing electronically stored data. •Analyzing data and determining potential witnesses. •Helping clients in keeping risks and expenses related to e-discovery to a minimum. •Assisting clients in developing e-discovery practice guidelines. •Assisting clients in designing a plan to retain relevant information. It is important for e-discovery professionals to understand legal processes along with information technology. Because the information is managed by e-discovery professionals, they play an essential part in the results of lawsuits, becoming a priceless part of litigation.

  3. What Are the Different Types Of E-Discovery Professionals? Different Types Of E-Discovery Professionals The duties and responsibilities of an e-discovery professional differ based on the employer. However, there are several common types of e-discovery professionals: 1. E-discovery Manager An e-discovery manager is responsible for the e-discovery team and interacts with outside vendors and firms. They are the ones who set deadlines and manage everyday tasks performed by their team. •Document Coder A document coder inputs electronic information along with organizing and importing databases. •E-discovery Director An e-discovery director is a supervisor who is responsible for looking over all the e-discovery teams in an information services technology company. A director generally manages a department budget along with staffing needs. This e-discovery professional is also accountable for e- discovery business development as well as strategic planning.

  4. •E-discovery Specialist An e-discovery specialist analysis electronically stored information to discover what’s significant and coordinate with stakeholders. They may also take part in technical troubleshooting and organizational tasks associated with the firm’s e-discovery software. What Are the Requirements for Becoming An E-Discovery Professional? If you are interested in the idea of becoming an electronic discovery professional, you do not need a law degree. However, a background in law and technology is very useful. This profession is clearly attracting legal attorneys because of rising salaries. Usually, to work in electronic discovery services, you must have a degree in information technology. Since it is quite a new job profile, your training is likely to be done on the job. We recommend you pursue a degree in law and study information technology. After you have pursued your degrees in both fields, you will have to take a bar exam in the province or state where you wish to practice law. You can also go for individual technology courses in your undergrad school, or start with it once you have obtained your law license. Elijah is proud in being one of the best information technology service companies in the field. Our team of electronic discovery professional are incredibly skilled and experienced and are committed to offering the best services to our clients.

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