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Basics of Drugs - Part 1

Basics of Drugs - Part 1. At the end of the session, the trainee will have learnt: - Definition of drugs - Three classifications of drugs - Mode of drug use/intake - Complications of drug use. Objectives. Any substance that when taken by a person modifies:

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Basics of Drugs - Part 1

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  1. Basics of Drugs - Part 1

  2. At the end of the session, the trainee will have learnt: - Definition of drugs - Three classifications of drugs - Mode of drug use/intake - Complications of drug use Objectives

  3. Any substance that when taken by a person modifies: the way a person perceives the world around him (hears, sees, smells, etc.); mood; cognition (thought process); behaviour (the way the person behaves with others) or motor functions (the way the person walks, talks, etc.) These substances (legal or illegal) can lead to dependence Drug/Psychoactive Substance

  4. Part 1: Classification (Type) of Drugs

  5. Classification (1) Alcohol

  6. Alcoholic beverages

  7. Alcohol is a brain depressant: Relieves anxiety when taken in small amounts; May also give a sense of strength and results in boisterous (overactive, unruly) behaviour; Heightens the mood prior to intake: be it sadness or happiness; Impairs judgment (e.g. person thinks that he can drive, when he is clearly not in a position to do so); Impairs performance (ability to walk, talk, etc.) Alcohol: Effects

  8. Classification (1) Alcohol Opioids

  9. Opium

  10. Heroin (Brown sugar, Smack)

  11. Opioids: Effects The effects differ widely between new and dependent users • New users • Who is not in pain  an unpleasant reaction • Who has pain or anxiety  some relief • Dependent users • Short-lived intense experience:– “rush”. • A state of profound euphoria • A dreamlike state lasting longer

  12. Classification (1) Alcohol Opioids Cannabis

  13. Cannabis (Bhang, Charas, Ganja, Hashish)

  14. Cannabis Products & Intake Bhang (from leaves) Ganja (from dried flowering stem of the plant) Charas / Hashish (extracted from the resin covering the plant) Hashish Oil (extracting THC using chemical methods) Oral Smoked Smoked Smoked

  15. Cannabis: Effects A dreamy state with increased tendency to fantasise: State of excitement, well being & enjoyment Generally followed by a period of drowsiness; Can impair coordination; Sounds and colours may become more intense; Restlessness, fear and even panic may spoil the experience (“bad trip”); There may be driven activity (subject knows that one’s activities are meaningless, yet is unable to control them)

  16. Classification (1) Alcohol Opioids Cannabis Sedative – Hypnotics

  17. Sedatives: Valium, Avil, Cough Syrups

  18. Sedative – Hypnotics & other Pharmaceuticals Medications for: Sleep (Diazepam) Allergy (Promethazine, Pheniramine) Pain (Pentazocine, Propoxyphene) Cough (Codiene) Diarrhea (Diphenoxalate) Anesthesia (Ketamine) General brain depressants Opioid like actions Hallucinogen

  19. Classification (1) Alcohol Opioids Cannabis Sedative – Hypnotics Cocaine and other stimulants

  20. Coca leaf and Cocaine Powder

  21. Amphetamine Type Stimulants / Substances (ATS)

  22. Stimulants: Effects After use: Immediately – extremely pleasurable ‘rush’ or ‘flash’ Enhanced mood and body movement, excitement Increased respiration Increased heart rate, blood pressure Insomnia Reduced appetite

  23. Classification (1) Alcohol Opioids Cannabis Sedative – Hypnotics Cocaine and other stimulants Hallucinogens

  24. LSD

  25. Classification (1) Alcohol Opioids Cannabis Sedative – Hypnotics Cocaine and other stimulants Hallucinogens Tobacco

  26. Tobacco

  27. Classification (1) Alcohol Opioids Cannabis Sedative – Hypnotics Cocaine and other stimulants Hallucinogens Tobacco Volatile substances

  28. Volatile solvents (Inhalants)

  29. Classification of Drugs (2) • a. Depressant • Alcohol • Opioids • Sedative – hypnotics • Volatile solvents • Cannabis • b. Stimulant • Cocaine • ATS • Tobacco • Cannabis • c. Hallucinogen • LSD • Cannabis

  30. Classification of Drugs (3) i. Legal (Licit): Medicine Tobacco Alcohol Caffeine/Tea ii. Illegal (Illicit): • Opium • Heroin • Cocaine • ATS • Marijuana

  31. Mode of drug use

  32. Chasing Injecting

  33. Injecting Paraphernalia

  34. Why is ‘Injecting’ (mode) preferred? Faster action (high/rush) More economical When availability of the oral / smoked form of the drug is poor – to make maximum use of the available “stuff”

  35. Part 2: Concept of Abuse

  36. Terminology Use Misuse/harmful use Abuse Dependence Addiction - older term, still used

  37. Terminology Useis defined as: The ingestion of drugs (alcohol etc) without the experience of any negative consequences ‘If a student drank a beer at a party and his parents could not find out, we could say he USED alcohol’

  38. Terminology Misuseis defined as: When a person experiences negative consequence from the use of drugs (alcohol etc) it is ‘misuse’ ‘A 40-year old man uses alcohol occasionally; his boss throws a party and the man drinks more than usual and on the way home he is arrested by police’

  39. Abuse/harmful useis defined as: Maladaptive pattern of use resulting in physical, social and legal harm Continued use in spite of negative consequences The same 40-year old man continues drinking alcohol after the incident Terminology

  40. Dependenceis defined as: Drug taken in large amounts or over a long period Persistent desire or unsuccessful attempts to cut down A great deal of time is spent on: Obtaining the drug Using the drug Recovering from its effects Terminology

  41. Dependencecont’d… Important social, recreational, occupational activities given up or reduced Continued use despite harm Terminology

  42. Addiction Older term – still used Tolerance Withdrawal Terminology

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