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THIS MONTH IN HISTORY DECEMBER. 01/12/1959. Wally Lewis. Famous Australian & Queensland Rugby League player is born. 01/12/1987. World Health Organisation declares the 1 st . Aids day.

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  1. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYDECEMBER 01/12/1959. Wally Lewis. Famous Australian & Queensland Rugby League player is born. 01/12/1987. World Health Organisation declares the 1st. Aids day. 02/12/1804. Napoleon Bonaparte is crowned Emperor of France

  2. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYDECEMBER 02/12/1972. Gough Whitlam becomes the 1st. Labor Prime Minister of Australia in 23 years. 02/12/1976. Fidel Castro becomes President of Cuba. 03/12/1854. The Eureka Stockade takes place in Victoria in which 20 miners are killed by State troopers over mining licences.

  3. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYDECEMBER 03/12/1967. Dr Christian Barnard a South African heart surgeon performs the 1st. human heart transplant. 04/12/1795. Thomas Carlyle. Scottish author is born. 05/12/1901. Walt Disney. American film producer is born.

  4. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYDECEMBER 05/12/2013. Nelson Mandela. The 1st. Black President of South Africa & Nobel Peace Prize winner (1993) dies,

  5. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYDECEMBER 06/12/1768. The 1st. Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica is published. 06/12/1865. The 13th. Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is ratified banning slavery in America. 06/12/1917. Finland declares its independence from Russia.

  6. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYDECEMBER 07/12/1941. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour takes place in W.W.2. 07/12/1997. Billy Bremner. Former football captain of Leeds United & Scotland dies. 08/12/1542. Mary Queen of Scots is born.

  7. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYDECEMBER 08/12/1854. Pope Pius 10th. Proclaims the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception which states that the Virgin Mary was born free from original sin. 08/12/1934. The 1st. weekly airmail service between England & Australia takes place.

  8. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYDECEMBER 08/12/1941. The U.S.A. Declares War on Japan. 08/12/1941. Sir Geoff Hurst. English Footballer & the only player ever to score 3 goals in a World Cup final is born. 08/12/1978. Golda Meir. The 1st. Female Prime Minister of Israel dies. 08/12/1980. John Lennon is shot & killed in New York city. .

  9. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYDecember 09/12/1608. John Milton. English poet is born. 09/12/1929. Bob Hawke. The 23rd. Prime Minister of Australia is born. 09/12/1979. Small Pox is eradicated making it the 1st. & only disease driven to extinction. 10/12/1902. Women are given the right to vote in Tasmania.

  10. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYDECEMBER 10/12/1908. New Zealand born Lord Ernest Rutherford wins the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. 10/12/1919. Australian aviators Ross & Keith Smith complete the 1st. ever flight from the U.K. to Australia. 10/12/1932. Thailand becomes a Constitutional Monarchy.

  11. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYDECEMBER 11/12/1912. Carlo Ponti. Italian film producer is born. 11/12/1918. Alexksander Solzhenitsyn. Russian author & Nobel Prize winner for literature is born. 11/12/1936. King Edward 7th. abdicates the English Throne.

  12. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYDECEMBER 12/12/1963. Kenya becomes an independent nation. 12/12/1979. Rhodesia changes its name to Zimbabwe. 13/12/1577. Sir Francis Drake leaves England to sail around the world attacking Spanish possessions.

  13. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYDECEMBER 14/12/1503.The French astrologer Nostradamus is born. 14/12/1911. Roald Amundsen. The Norwegian explorer becomes the 1st. person to reach the South Pole. 15/12/1966. American film producer Walt Disney dies.

  14. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYDECEMBER 15/12/2013. Famous British/American Actress Joan Fontaine dies.

  15. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYDECEMBER 16/12/1653. Oliver Cromwell becomes Lord Protector & ruler of England. 16/12/1689. The English Parliament passes the Bill of Rights. 16/12/1773. The Boston Tea party takes place leading to the American Revolution.

  16. THIS MONTH IN HISTORY DECEMBER 16/12/1775. Jane Austen. English novelist is born. 16/12/1889. Sir Noel Coward. English actor & playwright is born. 17/12/1538. Pope Paul 3rd. excommunicates King Henry 8th. of England. 17/12/1778. Sir Humphry Davy. English chemist is born

  17. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYDECEMBER 17/12/1967. Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt disappears whilst swimming alone off Cheviot beach near Melbourne.

  18. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYDECEMBER 18/12/1642. Abel Tasman becomes the 1st. European to visit New Zealand. 18/12/2013. Famous English Great Train Robber Ronald Biggs dies. 19/12/1946. The start of the 1st. Indochina War.

  19. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYDECEMBER 20/12/1803. The Louisiana Purchase is completed at a ceremony in New Orleans. 20/12/1894. Australia’s longest serving Prime Minister Sir Robert Gordon Menzies is born. 20/12/1915. The last Australian troops leave Gallipoli.

  20. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYDECEMBER 20/12/1968. American writer John Steinbeck dies. 21/12/1879. The Soviet Dictator Joseph Stalin is born. 21/12/2013. David Coleman. Famous English Sports commenter dies.

  21. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYDECEMBER 22/12/1858. Italian opera composer Giacomo Puccini is born. 22/12/1899. British film producer J. Arthur Rank is born.

  22. THIS MONTH IN HISTORY.DECEMBER 24/12/1814. The Treaty of Ghent is signed ending the War of 1812. 24/12/1818. In Austria, the Christmas Carol Silent Night is performed for the 1st. time. 24/12/1951. Libya becomes independent.

  23. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYDECEMBER December 25th. Christians celebrate Christmas Day as the birth of Jesus Christ. 25/12/1066. William the Conqueror is crowned King of England. 25/12/1642. English Scientist Sir Isaac Newton is born. 25/12/1974. Cyclone Tracy devastates Darwin.

  24. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYDECEMBER 25/12/1991. The Soviet Union is dissolved. December 26th. is celebrated as Boxing Day in various countries. 26/12/1791. Charles Babbage. British scientist known as: “the father of the computer” is born.

  25. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYDECEMBER 26/12/1893. Mao Zedong is born. 26/12/1898. Pierre & Marie Curie isolate radium. 26/12/1941. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signs a Bill establishing the 4th. Thursday in November in the U.S.A. as Thanksgiving Day.

  26. THIS WEEK IN HISTORY.DECEMBER 27/12/1571. German astronomer Johannes Kepler is born. 27/12/1822. French chemist Louis Pasteur is born. 27/12/2012. U.S. General Norman Schwarzkopf who led the U.S. Troops in the 1st. Gulf War dies. 29/12/1170. St Thomas Becket is murdered in Canterbury England.

  27. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYDECEMBER 29/12/2012. Tony Greig. Former England Cricket Captain & Channel 9 TV Cricket Broadcaster dies.

  28. THIS MONTH IN HISTORYDECEMBER 30/12/1865. Rudyard Kipling. British writer is born. 30/12/1965. Ferdinand Marcos becomes President of the Philippines. 31/12/1600. The Dutch East India Company is formed. 31/12/1869. Henri Matisse. French painter is born.

  29. QUOTE OF THE MONTH: “ Yesterday, December 7th. 1941 – a day which will live in infamy – the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.” President Franklin Delano Roosevelt asking the U.S. Congress for a declaration of War on Japan: 8th. December 1941

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