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  1. DC DISCLAIMER • Jeopardy Power Points take an extremely long time to create. As such this one has been provided as a template that is much faster for you to edit than to create a new one from scratch. • To edit follow these directions • On slide 4. Each number on the jeopardy board is pre-designed to link to a certain slide. The links work so that the point values moving top to bottom from the leftmost column to right most column correspond to the slides from 5-30. • If your Focus Issue is not Post High School Preparation you should delete the contents on slides 5-30 but not the slides themselves and then add the content you want. This way all of your slides will still link together. • To add a Category to side 4 select one that currently exists (highlight part of one column, hold down the shift button, and then the down arrow until the whole column is selected) and then copy and paste it. • To add more questions to a category on slide 4: right click on the bottom row and select insert row. • To Link a new slide to the question board on page 4. Type in the question’s value (say 600), highlight the questions value. Hold down control, press K. On the new window “select place in this document” select the new slide • To link any slide back to the question board, go to slide 5, click the green house icon, and copy and paste into your new slides

  2. ITS JEOPARDY TIME!!!!What Do we Know About Education and PHP

  3. Do Now • 1) Watch the presented video. Does it impact you? Why or why not? Now that you watched this videos fill out the handout you have received • 2) Please explain to Natalia and Robert the High School for Public Service's college/workforce advising system so that we may better support you. If you are having trouble getting started consider the following questions: When do you first meet with your advisor and if you have already done so what did you discuss? Has it been helpful to you and if so what have you learned? Have their been questions your advisor was unable to help you with or that you were uncomfortable asking. Have you run in to any other problems. Do you have any suggestions for how your school could have a better advising system?

  4. Jeopardy Board

  5. How do I balance my Social Life with my Academics • Everyone manages their social life differently and its simply something you have to learn; however a few tips are • Develop a social group around your academics & interests(go to lunch after your discussion group meets each week) • Be conformable saying No! whether its that party, drinking when you have an exam the next day, or anything else. Remember there were always be another party, but you wont get to retake the test • Alcohol. 1) No, not everyone does drink 2) Know your limit, hangover = physical and academic pain 3) Its ok to go to a party and not drink (hold an empty bottle) Click Button

  6. What if My Roommate Is Horrible • Is it really that bad? Exaggerating is an easy conversation point and stresses reducer, but not a good one to use • Communicate with your Roommate. If he/she/they don’t know they’re bothering you, how will they ever change • Be honesty when filling out roommate surveys, having a roommate partying at 3am nightly is no fun. • Request a transfer, but end things on good terms. It will provide a better experience for everyone and be that much less stressful. Plus a lot of times someone will be a great best friend but horrible person to live with • Meanwhile: get out and stay out. With all the distractions in your room your not going to get any real studying or socializing done anyways. Go to the library to study, and student organizations, friends rooms, meals and campus to socialize. Click Button

  7. Making Friends, It’s Not Like High School? What Should You Do. • Put simply College is not High School and instead of seeing that person day in and day out you may only see them once a week. So Be Proactive • Join Clubs, Study Groups, and any other opportunities (meal times are great for this) • If your still having trouble tell your advisor, or R.A. there are great people and there to help • Click Button

  8. College Dating 101What do You Think? • This is another one of those categories where everyone is different for everyone but almost everyone agrees, don’t rush into it • You wont honestly know your coarse load and schedule for at least the first three weeks because everything starts off chill and only revs up. Being in a healthy relationship takes series time and effort. • Your Constantly meeting knew people, and the worst thing you can do is start something with one person only to realize you don’t like them as much as someone else. Talk about Awkward!!! • Speaking of which make sure you want to date that person rather than just want to date. College is a stressful place and can sometimes be lonely, which will naturally make you seek out attention, concern, and flirtation. Click Button

  9. Sex, Drugs, and Rock & RollManaging the Uncomfortable & Academics Alcohol. 1) No, not everyone does drink 2) Know your limit, hangover = physical academic pain 3) Not Drinking at Party is ok (hold an empty bottle, they’ll stop offering) • Sex • What you do with your body, is what you do with your body. Be safe and be smart. Use Birth Control (ask to see it), Use Condoms (double wrap myth is false) Use lubricant (tearing increase chances of diseases) Nothing can happen if your abstinent and there are good secular reasons to consider it. • Drugs And Marijuana • Whether you classify Marijuana as a drug or not doesn’t matter just know that emotional dependencies are real (never drink or smoke when your angry, upset, or stressed. It will become habitual and you will lose healthy copying skills and just procrastinate your work • EVERYTHING ELSE: Its just not worth the curiosity, whether its crack, or ecstasy. Everyone has different tolerances for addiction and the risks simply aren’t worth it. • What to do when shit hits the fan: thousands of students attend university and so its probable you will be exposed to a substance which makes you uncomfortable, the best thing to do is get out and take your friends with you. • Friends don’t let friends _____. If someone you know needs help its your responsibility to do something about it, but know your limits. Telling a higher authority is not rating them out, and providing help is always the cool thing to do regardless of the short term consequences

  10. What is a Resident Advisor • R.A’s are just about the single greatest idea to ever hit college campuses. These people are dedicated individuals who give up a major part of their social life, sleep schedule, and vacation to live by themselves on your floor and be there to help you for everything. Get to know them because they can help you with everything from socializing, academics, and life in general. (they often get free housing and meals as well… hint…hint) Click Button

  11. What is Syllabus • So you know how your teachers tell you what your homework is each day? Well college’s don’t work like that (and the reason I didn’t do an entire weeks worth of homework). Instead you will have a syllabus that will tell you what’s due for each class and your teachers rules (much bigger deal in college) This will be your best friend (if you get ahead when you know that your going to be slammed that next week) or your worst nightmare if your not responsible enough to keep up with it. Click Button

  12. What is the Common App • Commonapp.org is the standard application for almost all schools now. Just fill it out once and you can submit it to all your colleges at once • Do it ASAP! over breaks, summer before school starts (sorry). Dealing with increase workloads and applying to colleges at the same time is miserable and overwhelmingly stressful. Click Button

  13. What are Supplements • Because the common app is now so universal many schools will ask for additional material to your common app. • Just be smart about these (500 characters does not = 500 word) and give your self plenty of time to fill them out. They are straight to the point, difficult questions that are designed to really make you think and prove you want to go to that particular school • Check well in advance which schools require them (common app will tell you so) Click Button

  14. What is SFER • Students for Education Reform is a activist organization that is important to keep in mind as we embark (set forth upon) our experience with Generation Citizen because they are directly focused on the issue of American Education. There ideas can be invaluable to you Click Button

  15. How do I pick the Right Job • Your college will most likely department for career services http://bit.ly/TwPKca • What you have to decide is if you want a meaningful job, or a job with lots of free time (to get work done) • A meaningful Job: Something like America Reads where you help children who are behind in literacy learn how to read • A meaningless job: You’ll sit around at a table and check people in and out of the computer lab. Its pretty boring if you don’t keep things to do but your basically getting payed to do your school work. • How much does pay matter? Are you working to pay your housing bill (get the best paying job, and then what you enjoy) or are you paying for your own allowance (enjoyable is more important than pay) • Don’t be afraid to quite, but make sure you have a secondary job lined up • Even if you are going straight to the work force use these sites, they have great resources Click Button

  16. What is Work Study • Work Study is a finical status designate by the U.S. Federal Government where they pay you rather than a company. The wages tend to be hire and the jobs are usually meaningful because you are in the public sector. At some schools you also need Work Study to get the less meaningful jobs • The process to receive work study is lengthy and complicated but worth while, we can spend time after class (your DC’s don’t have class going over this) Click Button

  17. SAY WHAT!?!?! Tax Form W4 & I9 • These are two tax forms that are justice a nuisance but required, and no one ever teaches you about it for some reason, don’t worry well cover it, but for now here’s what they look like http://www.uscis.gov/files/form/i-9.pdf http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw4.pdf • Print them out and try to fill them out yourself this weekend, next Friday will go over a sample one together, and provide additional support Click Button

  18. What is FASFA, How Do I Get It. • Lets Watch A Video • Click Button

  19. Full time vs. Part Time Student • A Full time student is anyone who takes at least 9 or 12 credits (depending on the state and school) If you take less you a part time student • Why Go Part Time: easier coarse load allowing for better grades • Why Go Full Time: More likely to gradate on time or early (meaning less money payed over all) Likewise certain scholarship, and money received form the government is dependent on students being enrolled full time Click Button

  20. What are Office Hours • Office hours are the times you teachers are available for help (usually twice a week for two or three hours each day) They are extremely useful and should be taken advantage of. Additionally if your in a large lecture class use them to just introduce yourself. 1) its nice to know the person who is actually teaching you 2) Manipulation is not the point, but nevertheless a teacher is much more likely to be generous to you (extended deadlines, giving you feedback on your paper before its due etc, if they know you rather than if you are just a random student) Click Button

  21. Horrible Professor. What do You do? • ASK QUESTIONS!!! Being shy may get you by (hehehe I rhymed) in High School but just wont cut it in College. The teacher will assume everyone understands and continue with the material unless you say otherwise • Go to office hours for more help, • That teacher may not be as bad as you think • If they see your struggling but trying hard they will help you, and even be lenient on subjective answers • Know your schools student resources • Transfer to a different teacher or cut the course • If its required for your major, there is no way of getting around it and your teacher actually is horrible just suck it up and do your best, form study groups talk to your TA, get a tutor, and keep going to office hours. • Experiment: will the students ask what a T.A. is before I get to this. If the answer is no, I’m going to be very disappointed. Click Button

  22. Horrible Advisor What do You do? • First what is an Advisor on a college level? How does Scheduling Work? • Second, The advise on Horrible teachers applies just as equally to Advisors • Third, if its just not working drop em like its hot. There is not need to have advisor that’s unhelpful. • If for some reason your school is bizarrely rigid about advisors just ask if you can have an additional advisor and just see him/her instead. • If they still say no (1 in a 100 chance) informally go to one of the teachers you’ve made a friendship with. They can’t approve your schedule for you but they will still give you all the information you need to know Click Button

  23. Help!!! I’m so overwhelmedWhat do I Do? • You will probaly reach that point where you have to work 10 hours a week to pay for X, be a full time student to maintain your scholarship, study for exams and don't understand anything in class X. Just know it happens to all of us and pull through. A few days without any sleep wont kill you. • However, make sure you have an extensive support group and coping relaxation techniques, that 2 hour rugby practice may sound like the worst idea ever but a cool, collected and focused you who doesn’t waste four hours on writes block is much better • Do not be ashamed to seek professional help. Therapy may be stigmatized, but real men & women are in touch with there emotions. Plus if your friends say anything there not real friends, and getting the service you need is way better than any challenges towards getting it. Click Button

  24. How Do I Picking the Right School/Job • School • Do your research, if you want to be a nurse and your school doesn’t have a nursing program…. WOOPS • Do your research, how much financial aid will you get • Do your research, if you want to go to an academic school make sure its not a party school • …. Research Research Research. (websites in hand out) • Job • Why do you want this job • What are the opportunities for promotions • Maybe you should go to college? Community School? Trade School • Make sure its something that will make you happy. • Don’t go out of sate if you want to be in state, and vice versa Click Button

  25. My scholarship pays for my tuition, but I still cant afford Books, Housing, or Meals. What do You Do • Books • Never use your schools bookstore its overpriced, and worthless, amazon and chegg, and school library are your best bet. • Housing • Go of campus and overload the house • Desperation: Live in your school’s library, it sounds crazy but you wouldn’t be the first. • Meal Plans • Find a cheaper option, learn to cook, • Desperate: Ramen won’t kill you • More on Scholarships to Come Click Button

  26. My Top Choice wont give me enough Money? Will anyone else? • THE ANSWER IS YES!!!! The number of different scholarships today is ridiculous • The Tall Scholarship • Are you over 5 feet 11 inches as woman? or over 6 feet 2 inches as a man? If so, you are eligible for some college scholarships based on a student's height. The scholarhip can be up to $10,00 for tall students under the age of 21 • Fastweb.com Click Button

  27. What Are Grants Loans and Scholarships • Loans • Loans are money you can receive but will have to pay back at some point, be careful with these and make sure you know what the interest rate is going to be • Does anyone not know what an interest rate is. The information is highly important for your safety • Grants and Scholarships • FREE MONEY, your read that right its FREE MONEY! You will never have to pay it back  Scholarships may be conditional (e.g. you must maintain an all A+ grade average) Click Button

  28. Your Resume is Great, Now How Do Taylor it to Different Organizations • Robert’s Reporters Resume: • https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PvD1ZSOZDh2J1zQ1TX4AA3qptjNLoMELvw4Y1GUg-n8/edit • Robert’s BBYO Resume: • https://docs.google.com/document/d/12ttDdTDczfabyVqAr3SrsKHc1LETeEvsfEHpAnG97rk/edit • Hint they look nothing alike in content Click Button

  29. Exit Ticket & Going the Extra Mile • Imagine this, after months of hard work with the Generation Citizen Curriculum the New York State Senate passes a law requiring all high schools in the state to have an office for Post-High School Preparation and have asked you to determine both the curriculum and standards. What ideas do you have to make this program successful. When possible please provide reasons for your ideas. • Each school should have an advising ratio of twenty students per advisor and a classes for how to do well on the ACT/SAT. The office should only advise juniors and seniors. The office should not cover information about work study or other federal grants because it will distract students from academics • Going the Extra Mile • Print a Picture of yourself and write your name on the back of it (2 Copies) • See Handout

  30. Future Expectations • Get to class on time, any future tardiness will effect your grade • Quietly take your handbook, sit at your desk, take out a loose leaf sheet of paper and complete the do now, • If you can get in early and talk to us do so, Its nice, and you should learn how to engage your teachers as people. We can also use your help setting up the class room

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