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Chapter 18: Renewing the Sectional Struggle

Chapter 18: Renewing the Sectional Struggle. 1848-1854. The Popular Sovereignty Panacea How were the two major political parties a major bond of national unity? How did politicians deal with the issue of slavery? Why? Who did the democrats choose for their candidate in the 1848 election.

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Chapter 18: Renewing the Sectional Struggle

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  1. Chapter 18: Renewing the Sectional Struggle 1848-1854

  2. The Popular Sovereignty Panacea • How were the two major political parties a major bond of national unity? • How did politicians deal with the issue of slavery? Why? • Who did the democrats choose for their candidate in the 1848 election. • What was the democratic platform and how did it differ from their candidates personal beliefs? • Describe the concept of popular sovereignty and why it was important. • Political Triumph for General Taylor • Why did the Whigs nominate General Taylor for president? • How did the Whigs pussyfoot their platform? • Why was the Free Soil party organized? • Who joined the Free Soil party? • What did Free Soilers believe? • Who won the election of 1848?

  3. “Californy Gold” • What “blew the lid off the slavery issue”? • Describe the gold rush of 1848. • Describe the people who came to California for the Gold Rush of 1848. • What was the main point of controversy in California’s Constitution? • Why was the fact that California attempted to bypass the territorial phase significant? • Sectional Balance and the Underground Railroad • What were some positive aspects of the South in the mid 1800s? • Why was the South worried about the tipping of political balance? • Why was Texas angry with the Federal Government? • The District of Colombia was also a point of controversy. Why? • Describe the Underground Railroad. • What did Southern slave owners call for from the North?

  4. Twilight of the Senatorial Giants • What issues did Congress face in 1850? • Who were the members of the immortal trio? • What did Henry Clay argue for in 1850 and who seconded him? • What did John C. Calhoun argue for in 1850? • What did Daniel Webster argue for in 1850? • What were the effect of the “Seventh of March” speech? • Why were the Free-Soilers and abolitionists upset with Webster? • Deadlock and Danger on Capitol Hill • Who would be considered part of the “young guard”? • Who was William H. Seward? • Describe the concept of God’s moral law. • How did President Taylor respond to Congress and why?

  5. Breaking the Congressional Logjam • How did President Taylor help the cause of concession? • Why did VP Millard Fillmore sign the compromise measures? • What were the major points of the Compromise of 1850? • Why were Clay, Webster and Douglas considered Union savers and what did they do? • Who were the “fire-eaters” and what did they believe? • What did the assemblage of southern extremists discuss in Nashville? • The Second Era of Good Feelings dawned during this time period, why? • Balancing the Compromise Scales • Who got the better deal in the Compromise of 1850 and why? • How did the gains of the South “ring hollow”? • Describe the “Bloodhound Bill”. • How did the North respond to the fugitive slave law? • In the eyes of Unionists, why was 1850 not the time to start a war? • How did time help strengthen the North?

  6. Defeat and Doom for the Whigs • Franklin Pierce was the second dark horse candidate in American History. Why was he considered a dark horse candidate and why was he chosen? • What was Pierce’s platform? • Why did the Whigs nominate Winfield Scott and what was the Whig platform? • What were the two major factions of the Whig party? • Who won the election of 1852? • Why was the election of 1852 significant? • Why was the Whig party significant? • Expansionist Stirring South of the Border • Why was American interested in Central America? • What did the treaty of 1848 (between the US and New Granada) say? • Describe the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty of 1850. • Where were the Southern “slavocrats” looking to expand? • Who was William Walker and why was he important? • Why was Cuba an enticing prospect for annexation and how did the South attempt to go about annexation? • What was the Ostend Manifesto and why was it important?

  7. The Allure of Asia • How did Britain’s relationship with China affect the United States? • What was the Treaty of Wanghia and why was it important? • How did Treaty of Wanghia impact missionaries from the US? • Who was Matthew C. Perry and why was he important? • What was the Treaty of Kanagawa and why was it important? • Pacific Railroad Promoters and the Gadsden Purchase • Why was transportation an issue during the era of Manifest Destiny? • What was the solution to this problem? • Why could their only be one transcontinental rail line? • Why was a new “chunk” of Mexico now desirable? • Describe the Gadsden purchase and why it angered the North. • Why would a southern track be easier to build in comparison to the North? • The North wanted Nebraska to be organized, why? How did the South respond?

  8. Douglas’s Kansas-Nebraska Scheme • Why did Douglas want to see a line of settlements across the continent? • What was Douglas’s Kansas-Nebraska scheme? • What did the Kansas-Nebraska act contradict? • Who fought against the Kansas-Nebraska act? • What were Douglas’s motives and how did the public feel about his proposal? • Who supported Douglas? • Congress Legislates a Civil War • Why were anti-slavery Northerners angered by the act? • How did the North respond to the Kansas-Nebraska Act? • How was the Democratic party affected by the Kansas-Nebraska Act? • Describe the Republican party and how it affected sectionalism.

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