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Mind Maps

Mind Maps. What are they? How to create a mind map How can they help you?. They are:. Visual diagrams that represent a topic Showing how ideas are interrelated. Think about the topic or question!. ??. Abbreviate. One word. Any ideas. What comes into your head. Think quickly!.

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Mind Maps

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mind Maps What are they? How to create a mind map How can they help you? A Winterburn

  2. They are: • Visual diagrams that represent a topic • Showing how ideas are interrelated A Winterburn

  3. Think about the topic or question! ?? Abbreviate One word Any ideas What comes into your head Think quickly! A Winterburn

  4. What do you know about MUSIC? A Winterburn

  5. Sorting ideas • Sort ideas by putting related ideas together • Do they form a category (principal idea) which could be given a common heading? • Give each category a name e.g. Types of music, Composers A Winterburn

  6. Example: Legible handwriting Syntax Proof reading Spelling Subject specific language Punctuation and Grammar Literacy Skills Time management Accessing information from different sources ESSAY WRITING SKILLS Planning Skimming and Scanning Research Skills Organising Skills Logical sequencing Deciding relevant information Linking points Making notes and summarising information Spacing and layout A Winterburn

  7. Drawing a mind map • Turn your page to landscape • Write the topic in the centre(MUSIC) • Use your category headings (principal ideas) as main branches and come out form the centre A Winterburn

  8. Drawing a mind map • Form sub-branches by linking or hooking related ideas to the main branch lines • Continue developing the ideas in smaller branches • IMPORTANT –link ideas logically A Winterburn

  9. Tips! • Use colour and/or images • Print words for easy reading. • Don’t write in sentences and use abbreviations • Make it memorable A Winterburn

  10. Example: Legible handwriting Syntax Proof reading Spelling Subject specific language Punctuation and Grammar Literacy Skills Time management Accessing information from different sources ESSAY WRITING SKILLS Planning Skimming and Scanning Research Skills Organising Skills Logical sequencing Deciding relevant information Linking points Making notes and summarising information Spacing and layout A Winterburn

  11. How mind maps can help you A Winterburn

  12. Writing • You can readily see a basic structure • Each main branch (principal idea) will fall naturally into forming paragraphs or sentences • Sub branches (secondary ideas) will become sentences or paragraphs in their own right A Winterburn

  13. Revision notes as a mind map • Will reinforce your memory as you produce the mind map from your full set of notes. • Will act as a memory prompt during revision sessions. • Will make the topic easier to recall during an exam A Winterburn

  14. Advantages of using mind maps • The main focus is positioned centrally with ideas branching out. • Principal ideas are placed near the centre • Secondary ideas to the outer edges of the diagram. A Winterburn

  15. Disadvantages? • Be aware they do not suit everyone • Some people find them chaotic • Suit some tasks better than others A Winterburn

  16. Recap What are mind maps? Can you create a one? How can they help you? Can you transfer the skill to your subjects? A Winterburn

  17. SaSC Strategies for learning Proofreading Skills We help you work towards independent study by improving your Organisation and time keeping Grammar and Punctuation Reading accuracy and strategies Note taking skills Numeracy Skills Spelling Essay Planning For help with subject content please speak to your subject lecturer and attend relevant work shops. A Winterburn ASC ASC ASC Note taking skills Grammar and Punctuation Note taking skills Grammar and Punctuation Note taking skills Grammar and Punctuation We help you work towards independent study by improving your We help you work towards independent study by improving your Organisation and time keeping We help you work towards independent study by improving your Organisation and time keeping Proofreading Skills Organisation and time keeping Proofreading Skills Proofreading Skills Reading accuracy and strategies Reading accuracy and strategies Reading accuracy and strategies Essay Planning Strategies for learning Numeracy Skills Essay Planning Spelling Strategies for learning Numeracy Skills Essay Planning Spelling Strategies for learning Numeracy Skills Spelling For help with subject content please speak to your subject lecturer and attend relevant work shops. For help with subject content please speak to your subject lecturer and attend relevant work shops. For help with subject content please speak to your subject lecturer and attend relevant work shops.

  18. Remember! • Mind maps can help you to succeed • They lend themselves well to this course Good Luck If you require more information about mind maps ask your subject lecturer or see Linda or Andrea at the SaSC A Winterburn

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