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Securing Energy Supply How to better protect energy networks from disruption

Bratislava Energy C harter F orum 10. October 2014 Historical Building of the National Council of the Slovak Republic. Securing Energy Supply How to better protect energy networks from disruption. Threat of CI – possibilities TSO.

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Securing Energy Supply How to better protect energy networks from disruption

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  1. Bratislava Energy Charter Forum10. October 2014Historical Building of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Securing Energy Supply How to better protect energy networks from disruption

  2. Threat of CI – possibilities TSO • Natural catastrophe –TSO has a minimal impact on the defence and restoration, but a lotofwork • Terrorism –TSO can't protect grid against terrorist attack without the help of the police, armed, or other forces • War conflicts (also economic war can cause collapse, for example embargo on some goods) – TSO has no possibilities to influence it • Wrong decisions– nextslides • Cut off of fuels necessary for driving gear of sources of electricity –TSO is without possibilities to influence it Prírodné pohromy Terorizmus Vojnové konflikty (aj ekonomická vojna môže viesť ku kolapsu, napríklad embargo na niektoré tovary Zlé rozhodnutia Odrezanie od palív potrebných na pohon energetických zariadení

  3. Wrong decisions • Humane failure during manipulations near high voltage technology– possibleavertvia TSO

  4. Wrong decisions • Humane failure during manipulations near high voltage technology– possibleavertvia TSO • CI elements are jeopardized also by decisions of EC about massive support of RES, energy market deformation and decommissioning of electricity sources capable of preventing failures and restoring of the power systems– impossibleavertvia TSO • Inadequate financial planning for investments or maintenance– possibleavertvia TSO • Passage ofwrong legislative– impossibleavertvia TSO Ľudské chyby pri manipulácii v blízkosti vn technológie Rozhodnutia EK ohľadom masívnej podpory OZE, deformácia trhu a odstavenie zdrojov na obnovu Nedostatočné plánovanie peňazí na investície a údržbu Prijatie zlej legislatívy

  5. Protection of CI is never ending process Ways of the jeopardy are constantly developing and so the process of fighting with them is continue: • Cyberneticattacks– possible to protectvia TSO • Usage of normally available "civilian" tools to attack the CI– unknowproblem, impossible to solvevia TSO • Personnel operating CI elements in danger of biological and chemical material (people are functionless, devices stay functional)– possible to protectvia TSO, butpartialyonly Cesty ohrozovania KI sa vyvíjajú a tak boj s ním pokračuje Kybernetické útoky Použitie civilných nástrojov na útok proti KI Operatívni pracovníci ohrození biologickým alebo chemickým materiálom

  6. PowersystemoftheslovakRepublic

  7. Possibilities of protection of CI • Monitoring of the elements and supervision above them. • Learning from failures and utilization of the experiences. • Standardization and unification of defence processes before the failures. • Prevention of the failures. • Training of the personnel for dealing with the critical situations, especially the coordination of participants involved in the problem solving. • Testing of the readiness of the energetic subjects to deal with critical situations. Dohľad nad prvkami Poučenie zo zlyhaní a využitie skúseností Normalizácia a unifikácia ochranných procesov Predchádzanie zlyhaniam Trénovanie pracovníkov podieľajúcich sa na riešení kritických situácií najmä koordinácia zložiek riešiacich problémy Testovanie energetických subjektov podieľajúcich sa na riešení kritických situácií

  8. Law in Slovakia TSO je povinný chrániť KI prvky proti narušeniu alebo zničeniu • Law No. 45/2011 on CI, § 9 (CouncilDirective 2008/114/ES) – Operator (TSO)is obliged to protect CI elements against disruption and destruction • Coordinator of the issue of CI in SR - Ministry of Interiorof SR • RelevantMinistries (CentralGovernmentAuthorities) - designed in 2011 elementsof CI in sectorson the basis of sectoral and cross-cutting criteria (in cooperation with operators ofCI) • The Government Resolution No. 751/2011 approvedthelist of the elements of CI and their inclusion in the sectors CI • Sectorof CI "Energy" is coordinated by the Ministry of Economy; Subsectors: - Electricity - Gas - Oil and oilProduction - Mining • Cooperation ofoperators by CI protection withIRS units – checking and practicing of CI element disruption threat(apparent from the law of CI, § 9)– responsibility TSO IntegratedRescueSystemof SR - under responsibility of the Ministry of Interior (the IRS operates basic rescue units - Fire and Rescue Corps, providers of emergency medical services, control chemical laboratories ofCP, units of the Police Force ...) Koordinátor KI v SR je MV SR Dotknuté ministerstvá v 2011 v sektoroch dezignovali prvky na základe sektorových a prierezových kritérií Uznesením vlády SR bol schválený zoznam prvkov KI a ich zaradenie do sektorov KI Energetický sektor koordinovaný MH SR bol rozčlenený na subsektory Spolupráca operátorov KI pri ochrane so zložkami CZS - preskúšavanie a precvičovanie hrozby narušenia prvku KI (vyplýva zo zákona o KI)

  9. Prevention of critical situations • Electricity as an invisible force and respect for it has always led to caution and so to prevention of failures • Measures are based on experiences gained from dealing with critical situations • In SR is created a system of regulations that protect energy technology and personnel against danger (Operation instruction, technical requirements, operation order etc.) • The security is also supported by legislation.According to the law no. 45/2011 on CI and council directive 2008/114/ES the TSO is obligated to protect CI elements against disruption and destruction. Elektrina je neviditeľná sila a rešpekt pred ňou viedol vždy k opatrnosti a tým aj k predchádzaniu zlyhaniam Opatreniavychádzali z poučenízískaných z riešenia krízových situácií V SR máme vytvorený systém pravidiel, ktoré chránia energetické technológie aj personál pred ohrozením (DP, TP, PP, PI, DP) Zabezpečenie je podporené aj legislatívou. Podľa Zákona č 45/2011 o KI a Smernice rady 2008/114/ES je PPS povinný ochraňovať prvky KI pred narušením alebo zničením

  10. Describeofprotection Protectionof CI ... Dispatchorder Operationinstruction Operationorder Technicalrequirements Police Army Firebrigade Standard tools SEPS forprotection Externalforces CI defence is only an extension of existing defence methods Ochrana KI je len nadstavbou na existujúce postupy ochrany

  11. Restoration after failure Žiadna ochrana nemôže byť 100% • No defence can protect on 100% • The ultimate consequence of failure is black-out • Not all large sources are able to start from the dark without help • Therefore it is necessary that small sources help by providing the electricity for start • In SR were performed tests of start of the system power plant TEKO from two independent sources HPP Ružín and DG Moldava on 18th June 2014 Krajným dôsledkom zlyhania je black-out Všetky veľké zdroje nedokážu naštartovať z tmy bez pomoci Preto je potrebné aby im pomohli menšie zdroje poskytnutím elektriny na štart V SR bola naposledy vykonaná skúška štartu systémovej elektrárne TEKO z dvoch nezávislých zdrojov VE Ružín a DG Moldava 18.06.2014

  12. Route PVE Ružín - TEKO Test 7 – 12 h

  13. Route DG Moldava - TEKO Test 13 – 18 h

  14. Tests of start from black-out in SR • The tests required the creation of galvanically isolated routes for providing electricity system power plant TEKO, we considered the unavailability of supply from abroad • In case of black-out it is very likely that commercially available means of communication would not be available, therefore satellite phoneswere used • Both tests were successful and revealed a number of deficiencies • The plan is to do this kind of tests with all other system power plants • Based on the experiences gained from the tests we develop scenarios for DTS (dispatcher training simulator) for personnel training Skúšky si vyžiadali vytvorenie galvanicky oddelených trás pre privedenie elektriny do systémovej elektrárne TEKO, uvažovali sme s nedostupnosťou zahraničia V prípade black-outu je pravdepodobné, že nebudú dostupné bežné komunikačné prostriedky, takže boli využité satelitné telefóny Obe skúšky boli úspešné a odhalili viacero nedostatkov Plánujeme podobné skúšky opakovať aj u ostatných systémových elektrární Na základe skúseností zo skúšok pripravujeme scenáre na DTS (dispečerský tréningový simulátor) pre výcvik personálu

  15. Coordination of activities by protection and restoration • The cooperation of energy and non-energy entities is necessary to create effective CI defence system • Energetically interconnected system provides posibillities of mutual assistance, especially during restoration • Similar regulations and standards provides a room for a beneficial synergy of countries in our area • The defence of CI should continue the established principles of the defence of energy technology Pre vytvorenie účinného systému ochrany KI je nevyhnutná spolupráca energetických a neenergetických subjektov Energetický prepojený systém dáva možnosti pre vzájomnú pomoc najmä pri obnove Podobné pravidlá a normy dávajú priestor pre výhodnú súčinnosť krajín v našej oblasti Ochrana KI by mala postupne nadväzovať na zaužívané postupy pri ochrane energetických technológií

  16. Progress of the energy systems • Construction of energy systems was focused on supply of energy produced in large power plants to customers • Decrease in the selling price of electricityfromlargepowerplants leads to the decommissioning thispower plants • The increase of terminal price and cutting down the prices of small electricity sources together with implementation of SM (smartmeters) lead to equipping households with own electricity sources • During restoration of electricity supply small decentralized sources allow to quickly create “islands of life” which means small areas that are able to supply themselves with electricity Výstavba energetických systémov bola zameraná na dodávku elektriny vyrobenej vo veľkých elektrárňach k odberateľom Pokles predajnej ceny elektriny vedie k odstavovaniu veľkých elektrární Rast koncovej ceny a zlacňovanie malých zdrojov elektriny vedie spolu s implementáciou SM k vybavovaniu domácností vlastnými zdrojmi elektriny Pri obnove dodávky elektriny malé decentralizované zdroje umožňujú veľmi rýchlo vytvoriť „ostrovy života“, teda malé lokality, ktoré sú samotné schopné zásobovať sa elektrinou

  17. Thankyou

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