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President of the Czech Republic

Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Mgr. Radka Nováková. Dostupné z Metodického portálu www.rvp.cz, ISSN: 1802-4785.  Provozuje Národní ústav pro vzdělávání, školské poradenské zařízení a zařízení pro další vzdělávání pedagogických pracovníků (NÚV).

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President of the Czech Republic

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  1. Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Mgr. Radka Nováková. Dostupné z Metodického portálu www.rvp.cz, ISSN: 1802-4785.  Provozuje Národní ústav pro vzdělávání, školské poradenské zařízení a zařízení pro další vzdělávání pedagogických pracovníků (NÚV).

  2. President of the Czech Republic • the Head of State • the flag of the Czech President • the official residence • Czech presidents – history • presidential powers • presidential elections

  3. President of the Czech Republic is the Head of State • represents executive power

  4. The flag of the Czech President • Inscription: Truth prevails Obr.1

  5. Prague castle the official residence of the President Obr. 2

  6. Presidents of the Czech Republic • Václav Havel (1989- 2003) • Václav Klaus ( 2003- 2013) • Miloš Zeman ( 2013- ) The first President of the Czechoslovakia Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk ( 1918- 1935)

  7. Presidential powers • are determined by the Constitution of the Czech Republic

  8. President of the Czech Republic • shall assume his office by taking the official oath • there is a five- year term of his office • any citizen eligible for election to the Senate may be elected President of the Czech Republic • nobody may be elected more than twice

  9. Constitution assume take an oath appoint recall Justice Constitutional Court Chief Justice sign složit přísahu Ústavní soud podepsat jmenovat soudce, spravedlnost převzít, ujmout se Ústava povolat, odvolat předseda Nejvyššího soudu Try to match with Czech expressions:

  10. Constitution assume take an oath appoint recall Justice Constitutional Court Chief Justice 9. sign Ústava převzít, ujmout se složit přísahu jmenovat povolat / odvolat soudce, spravedlnost Ústavní soud Předseda Nejvyššího soudu podepsat Solution:1G,2F,3A,4D,5H,6E,7B,8I,9C

  11. the Supreme Court enacted laws Bank Board negotiate ratify Commander in Chief confer state decorations judge Nejvyšší soud přijaté zákony Bankovní rada vyjednávat,připomínkovat ratifikovat vrchní velitel propůjčit, udělit komu státní vyznamenání soudce Guess the meaning:

  12. President of the Czech Republic shall • appoint and recall the Prime Minister and other members of the Government • accept their resignation • appoint Justices of the Constitutional Court, its Chief Justice and Assistant Chief Justice • appoint the Chief Justice and Assistant Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

  13. President of the Czech Republic shall • have the right to return to the Parliament an enacted laws • sign enacted laws • appoint the President and the Vice-President of the Supreme Control Office • appoint members of the Bank Board

  14. President of the Czech Republic shall • represent the State with respect to other countries • negotiate and ratify international treaties • be the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces • receive heads of diplomatic missions • appoint and recall heads of diplomatic missions

  15. President of the Czech Republic shall • appoint and promote generals • confer and award state decorations • appoint judges • have the right to grant amnesty

  16. Presidential elections • by the year 2012 – indirect elections at a joint meeting of both chambers of the Parliament • since 2013 – direct elections • five- year term of presidential office

  17. Direct elections • any citizen eligible for election to the Senate may be elected President • a candidate needs either 50 000 signatures from citizens or the support of 20 Deputies or support of 10 Senators

  18. The first direct presidential elections • was held on 11-12 January 2013 • no candidate received a majority of votes • the second round was held on 25-26 January • two candidates • Miloš Zeman - 54,8% • Karel Schwarzenberg - 45, 2%

  19. The President of the Czech Republic Miloš Zeman won the second round of the election and has been elected the next President of the Czech Republic Obr.3

  20. Zdroje • Obr.1 AUTOR NEUVEDEN. Wikipedie, otevřená encyklopedie. Wikipedie [online]. [cit. 2013-06-06]. Dostupné pod licencí Public domain na WWW: http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soubor:Flag_of_the_president_of_the_Czech_Republic.svg • Obr.2 BEKÁRKOVÁ, Anna. Wikimedia Commons. Wikimedia Commons [online]. 2008-05-03. [cit. 2013-06-10]. Dostupný pod licencí Creative Commons na WWW:http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pra%C5%BEsk%C3%BD_hrad.JPG • Obr.3 SEDLECKÝ, David. Wikimedia Commons. Wikimedia Commons [online]. 2013-03-08. [cit. 2013-06-10]. Dostupné pod licencí Creative Commons na WWW:http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Milo%C5%A1_Zeman_2013.JPG • President of the Czech Republic. (2013, May 11). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 09:21, June 10, 2013, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=President_of_the_Czech_Republic&oldid=554566396

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