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Presentation Transcript

  1. W.E.I.R.D.O

  2. 1. WishesWishing, wanting, demanding, desiring, expecting, ordering, and preferring all fall into this category.-Yoesperoqueél me compreunasflores. (I hope that he buys me flowers.)-No haynadiequequierasacar la basura. (There is no one that wants to take out the trash.)

  3. Useful Verbs of Wishfulness

  4. 2. EmotionsBeing annoyed, angry, happy, regretful, sad, scared, or surprised all fall into this category. Any personal reaction to a situation is emotional. The focus is not on a factual observation of a situation but how is makes the subject feel. -Me alegro de quetúsonrías.(It makes me happy that you smile.)-¿Les molestaqueélescuche la músicafuerte?(Does it bother you that he listens to loud music?)

  5. Useful Verbs of Emotion

  6. 3. Impersonal ExpressionsImpersonal expressions work a lot like emotions in that they are someone´s opinion or value judgement.-Esnecesarioque Jaime leaestelibro.(It is necessary that Jaime reads this book.)-Esextrañoqueyoreciba un regaloporque no es mi cumpleaños. (It´s odd that I receive a gift because it isn´t my birthday.)

  7. 4. RecommendationsWhen a person recommends, suggests, wants, or asks another person to do something, the subjunctive is used. In this case, the que separates the recommender for the recommendation.-Mi doctor recomiendaqueyobebamásagua. (My doctor recommends that I drink more water.)-Yosuplicoque mi hijatengamáscuidado. (I beg that my daughter is more careful.)

  8. Useful Verbs of Recommendation

  9. 5. DoubtDoubt indicates that a situation seems unreal, therefore, not factual (indicative). To doubt or deny something is to question is sense of reality.-Dudoqueéltenga mi número de teléfono. (I doubt that he has my phone number.)-No creenque los extraterrestresexistan. (They don´t believe that aliens exist.)

  10. Useful Verbs of Doubt

  11. 6. OjaláOjalá is a Spanish word with Arabic origins. It ha several general meanings: "I hope to God..." "I hope..." or "If only..." Ojalá can introduce a subjunctive phrase with or without the relative pronoun que.-¡Ojaláquerecuerdenuestroaniversario! (I hope to God he remembers our anniversary!)-¡Ojalállueva! (I hope it rains!)-¡Ojaláquevenga el padre Noel. (I hope Santa Clause comes!)

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