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STAGE 17. ALEXANDRIA. Grammar Concepts: Genitive Case (possessive Case). Quintus de Alexandria (p. 92-93). Alexandria magnum portum habet . Alexandria has a great/large port. Prope portum est insula . Near the port is an island. Pharos lighthouse Alexandria was founded by

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  1. STAGE 17 ALEXANDRIA Grammar Concepts: Genitive Case (possessive Case)

  2. Quintus de Alexandria (p. 92-93) • Alexandria magnum portumhabet. • Alexandria has a great/large port. • Propeportumestinsula. • Near the port is an island. Pharos lighthouse Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great in 334 BC.

  3. Quintus de Alexandria (p. 92-93) • Facile estnavibus ad (+ acc) portumpervenīre, quod in hacinsulaestpharusingens. • It is easy for ships to reach/arrive (to) the port because there is a huge lighthouse on this island. • Multae naves in portuAlexandriae* sunt. • Many ships are in the port of Alexandria. *New Grammar Concept – the genitive noun case

  4. Quintus de Alexandria (p. 92-93) • Alexandria esturbsturbulenta. • Alexandria is a rowdy city. • Ingensturbasemperurbem complet. • A huge crowd always fills the city. • Multi mercatores per vias ambulant. • Many merchants walk through the streets.

  5. Quintus de Alexandria (p. 92-93) • Multi servi per urbemcurrunt. • Many slaves run through the city. • Multi milites per vias urbis*incedunt. • Many soldiers march through the streets of the city. • Romani urbemcustodiunt. • The Romans guard the city. *New Grammar Concept – the genitive noun case

  6. Quintus de Alexandria (p. 92-93) • Ego et Clemens, postquam ad urbempervenimus, templumvidimus. • I and Clemens, after we arrived to the city, (we) saw a temple. • Ad hoc templum, quod Augustus Caesar propelitusaedificaverat, festinavimus. • We hurried to this temple, which Augustus Caesar had built near the shore.

  7. Quintus de Alexandria (p. 92-93) • Pro temploCaesaris*eratara. • In front of the temple of Caesar there was an altar. • Ego vinum in aram (in+acc) fudi. • I poured wine onto the alter. *New Grammar Concept – the genitive noun case

  8. Quintus de Alexandria (p. 92-93) • PropehancurbemhabitabatBarbillus, vir dives. • Barbillus, a rich man, was living near this city. • Barbillusnegotium cum patremeosaepeagebat. • Barbillus used to do business with my father often.

  9. Quintus de Alexandria (p. 92-93) • Villamsplendidamhabebat. • He used to have a splendid house. • Ad villamBarbilli*moxperveni. • Soon I arrived (to) the house of Barbillus. • Facile eratmihivillaminvenīre, quod Barbilluseratvirnotissimus. • It was easy for me to find (his) house because Barbillus was a very well known man. *New Grammar Concept – the genitive noun case

  10. Quintus de Alexandria (p. 92-93) • Barbillusmultos servos habebat, ego nullos. • Barbillus used to have many slaves; I have none. • “decorum esttibiservumAegyptiumhabere,” inquitBarbillus. • “It is proper for you to have an Egyptian slave,” said Barbillus.

  11. Quintus de Alexandria (p. 92-93) • Inter servos Barbilli* eratpuerAegyptius. • Among the slaves of Barbilluswas an Egyptian boy. • Barbillus, virbenignus, mihihunc puerumdedit. • Barbillus, a kind man, gave this boy to me. *New Grammar Concept – the genitive noun case

  12. 1st Declension -ae -arum (possessive noun adjective)

  13. 2nd Declension -i -orum (possessive noun adjective)

  14. 3rd Declension -is -um (possessive noun adjective)

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