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Introduction to Aspect-Oriented Programming

Fall 2012. Introduction to Aspect-Oriented Programming. CS 3360 Gregor Kiczales, et. al. Getting started with AspectJ, CACM , 44(10):59-65, October 2001. Logging…. Where is logging in some large server code? red shows lines of code that handle logging not in just one place

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Introduction to Aspect-Oriented Programming

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  1. Fall 2012 Introduction to Aspect-Oriented Programming CS 3360 Gregor Kiczales, et. al. Getting started with AspectJ, CACM, 44(10):59-65, October 2001.

  2. Logging… • Where is logging in some large server code? • red shows lines of code that handle logging • not in just one place • not even in a small number of places Not Modularized!

  3. Session Expiration…

  4. Questions • Other things like this? • Why is it bad to handle this all over the code?

  5. The Problem • Code scattering • Single issue implemented in multiple modules Logging Internet banking Accounting Teller Customer

  6. Can We Do Better? Clear Crosscutting Structure • All modules use the trace facility in a consistent way, i.e., entering methods and exiting methods. TraceSupport


  8. Tracing as Aspect // pseudo code aspect MyTracing before method execution do: indicate beginning of execution after method execution do: indicate end of execution TraceSupport

  9. The Idea of AOP • Crosscutting is inherent in complex systems • Crosscutting concerns have: • Clear purpose • Natural structure, • e.g.,defined set of methods, module boundary crossings, points of resource utilization, and lines of dataflow. • So, why not capture the structure of crosscutting concerns explicitly? • in a modular way • with linguistic and tool support • Aspects are well-modularized crosscutting concerns

  10. Language Support …

  11. Language Support … (cont’d)

  12. Aspect-J: a brief intro

  13. An Overview of AspectJ • Supports Aspect OP • A small extension to Java • A general-purpose AOP language • Just as Java is a general-purpose OO language • Active research community: conferences, journals, books, software, etc. • URL: http://www.aspectj.org

  14. Components of Aspect-j • Join points • Pointcuts • Advices • Aspects

  15. First AspectJ Program • Crosscutting HelloWorld program public class HelloWorld { public void say(String msg) { System.out.println(msg); } public static void main(String [] args) { new HelloWorld().say(“Hello, world!”); } }

  16. Crosscutting HelloWorld public aspect MilitaryProtocol { pointcut sayPoint() : execution (void HelloWorld.say(String)); after() : sayPoint() { System.out.println("Over!"); } }

  17. Compiling and Running % javac HelloWorld.java % java HelloWorld Hello, world! % ajc HelloWorld.java MilitaryProtocol.aj % java HelloWorld Hello, world! Over!

  18. Anatomy of MiltaryProtocol public aspect MilitaryProtocol { pointcut sayPoint() : execution (void HelloWorld.say(String)); after() : sayPoint() { System.out.println("Over!"); } } pointcut declaration aspect definition advice definition

  19. Definitions • Join points • Well-defined points in execution of program • Pointcuts • A means to referring to collections of join points and certain values at those join points • E.g., pointcut sayPoint() : execution (void HelloWorld.say(String)); • Advices • Method-like constructs used to define additional behavior at join points • E.g., after() : sayPoint() { System.out.println("Over!"); • Aspects • Units of modular crosscutting implementation, composed of pointcuts, advice, and ordinary Java member declarations.

  20. Join Points • Several kinds of join points • Method and constructor call • Method and constructor body execution • Reading (getting) a field • Writing (setting) to a field • Initialization of an object • Static initialization of a class • Exception handling

  21. Pointcut • Denotes a set of join points, e.g., execution(void HelloWorld.say(String)) execution(void HelloWorld.*(String)) execution(* *.*(..))

  22. Advice • Code that is attached to a pointcut and can be run: - before - after each join point in the pointcut.

  23. Advice (cont’d) before() : execution (void HelloWorld.say(String)) { System.out.println(“Good day!”); } after() : execution (void HelloWorld.say(String)) { System.out.println(“Over!”); } + around: you will see it in “lab”

  24. after before Semantics of Advices a HelloWord dispatch

  25. class Book { private String title; private String author; private String isbn; private PostScript ps; private User borrower; public Book(String t, String a, String i, PostScript p) { title = t; author = a; isbn = i; ps = p; } public User get_borrower() {return borrower;} public void set_borrower(User u) {borrower = u;} public PostScript get_ps() { return ps; } } public class PrinterImpl { String status = “Idle” Vector jobs; public PrinterImpl() {} pubilc get_status() { return status } public add_job(int j) { jobs.add(j); } } executable code classes class User { private String name; Library theLibrary; Printer the; Printer public User(String n) { name = n; } public boolean getBook (String title) { Book aBook = theLibrary.getBook(this, title); thePrinter.print(this,aBook); return true; } } class Library { Hashtable books; Library(){ books = new Hashtable(100); } public Book getBook(User u, String title) { System.out.println("REQUEST TO GET BOOK " + title); if(books.containsKey(title)) { Book b = (Book)books.get(title); System.out.println("getBook: Found it:" + b); if (b != null) { if (b.get_borrower() == null) b.set_borrower(u); return b; } } return null; } } aspect weaver portal Printer { void print(Book book) { book: Book: {direct pages;} } portal Library { Book find (String title){ return: Book: {copy title, author, isbn;} } } aspects How Does It Work? • Aspect weaver combines classes and aspects • compiler / pre-processor / interpreter • unambiguously coordinates cross-cutting

  26. Typical Uses of AOP • Modularizing large programs (new behaves as the old code), e.g., exception handling in telecom code • Modularizing to add new behavior (superimpose new behavior on old code), e.g., add authentication to a program • Support of product lines (new code is a variant in some aspects), e.g., add code to control new airplane • Support performance improvements (treat special cases faster), e.g., bypass code for unused network layers

  27. Summary - Promise of AOP • Modular separation of concerns • Crosscutting concerns confined to single modules • Thus systems are • Easier to understand, • Easier to change, adapt, evolve, and reuse • Can add/remove spectators and change behavior without editing existing code.

  28. Exercise Define an aspct to change the behavior of HelloWorld class to salute with “Sir,” before “say”ing anything. public class HelloWorld { public void say(String msg) { System.out.println(msg); } public static void main(String [] args) { new HelloWorld().say(“Hello, world!”); } }

  29. Exercise Given the following Java class, write AspectJ code that ignores every 10th call to the setValue method. public class Counter { private int value; public void setValue(int value) { this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return value; } }

  30. Exercise (Take-Home) Given the following Java class, write AspectJ code that prints the old and the new values of the counter whenever the value is changed. public class Counter { private int value; public void setValue(int value) { this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return value; } }

  31. Around Advice • Advice that is run as follows: • It is called before a join point • It can decide to proceed (delegate) • When the proceed returns, it can perform more actions

  32. Around Advice (cont’d) void around() : execution (void HelloWorld.say(String)) { System.out.println(“Good day!”); if (Math.random() > 0.5) { proceed(); } System.out.println(“Over!”); }

  33. around Semantics of Around Advices a HelloWord dispatch

  34. Aspects • Similar to Java classes • Units of modular crosscutting implementation, composed of pointcuts, advice, and ordinary Java member declarations. import java.io.*; public aspect MilitaryProtocol { pointcut sayPoint() : execution (void HelloWorld.say(String)); after() : sayPoint() { endMSG(System.out); } private void endMSG(PrintStream out) { out.println(END_OF_MSG); } private static final String END_OF_MSG = “Over!”; }

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