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Community Air Monitoring

Community Air Monitoring. Argentine/Turner Kansas November 2013-July 2014. Richard Mabion , Green Czar and Sierra Club Leticia DeGaigny , Global Community Monitor Kansas. WHO GOT TESTED: Local residents of Argentine/Turner concerned about air quality and health WHAT GOT TESTED:

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Community Air Monitoring

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  1. Community Air Monitoring Argentine/Turner Kansas November 2013-July 2014 Richard Mabion, Green Czar and Sierra Club Leticia DeGaigny, Global Community Monitor Kansas

  2. WHO GOT TESTED: • Local residents of Argentine/Turner concerned about air quality and health • WHAT GOT TESTED: • Diesel Transportation health impacts • WHO DID THE TESTING: • Kresge Foundation Health Program: goal is to reduce health disparities by promoting conditions and environments that lead to positive health outcomes for all Americans. • Global Community Monitor: non-profit environmental education organization empowers communities to monitor the air they breathe for themselves

  3. Local residents trained as qualified air quality monitors • November 2, 2013

  4. November 2, 2013

  5. Why Ultra-fine particle testing for Argentine/Turner? • Nearest monitor to Argentine/Turner is 2-3 miles away • KDHE and EPA Fine Particulate Monitor data does not represent the ultra-fine levels • Current PM 2.5 monitors indicate no real problem with particulate matter for health of Argentine/Turner residents • Independent ultra-fineparticle testing could reveal hidden health concerns as well as solutions.

  6. Preliminary Results: of Tested Areas, of Local Air Quality: Is Serious Air quality tests in the Argentine/Turner area, for ultra-fine particles which can cause serious health impacts: • Levels high enough to conclude this is an area impacted by diesel engine emissions. • Levels high enough to be associated with an excess risk of cardiovascular and respiratory hospitalizations on the day of exposure. • Levels high enough to be associated with an excess risk of cardiovascular mortality (death) two and three-days after the day of exposure.

  7. Steps Taken So Far BNSF/KDHE/EPA introduced a new cleaner railroad work engine on May 20th 2013 to further protect both workers and the community

  8. Next Steps to Cleaner Air • Emergency Called Meeting July 12th (Only Homeowner Only) • Town Hall Meeting Argentine Library July 15th (Neighborhood Leaders Can RSVP) • Continue Community Air testing for ultra-fine hazardous particles in Argentine/Turner to compete year long project • Issue a final report to the public early 2015 • Request KDHE and EPA monitor ultra-fine particles on a regular basis and share the data in an open and transparent manner

  9. Everyone should have a goal of: Cleaner & Healthier Air

  10. To RSVP or Get More InformationContact:Leticia DeGaigny913-526-6407

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