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Re-style your jeans! Make a leg-fitted/skinny jeans from old ones

Re-style your jeans! Make a leg-fitted/skinny jeans from old ones. By Djongi. 1., Choose some jeans ;). Choose a pair of jeans, turn them inside out, put them on (zip up, button it too) and pin as desired.

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Re-style your jeans! Make a leg-fitted/skinny jeans from old ones

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Re-style your jeans!Make a leg-fitted/skinny jeans from old ones ByDjongi

  2. 1., Choose some jeans ;) • Choose a pair of jeans, turn them inside out, put them on (zip up, button it too) and pin as desired. • I dont want to make a sooo very skinny ones, just sometnin between skinny and tube – leg fitted.

  3. 2., Mark hem line • Mark where pinned. • I will won’t touch the lenght, so I open up the bottom part too. • I used to mark where to sew with a tiny piece of dired soap – too small to use, but handy now!

  4. 3., Mark both sides • I really don’t like to use a ruler or measuring tape sometimes, so I layed both legs on each other, folded the bottom one by the pins, and marked the other leg.

  5. 4., Line marked! Sew & trythemon!

  6. 5., Sewing (first stitch)

  7. 6., Second stitch • Mark a straight line paralell to the already made stitch, leave approx 3-5 mm between them, sew it, but still don’t cut the leftover!

  8. 7., Zig-zag ;) • Wheremyhand is – that’stheinnerstitch, thefirstoneI’ve made. • Whensecondone is ready, place a zig-zagstitch – closertothatonewhatwill be cut. • Seewhat I havemarked, ornextslideforto be understood.

  9. 8., Cut the left-overs…

  10. 9., Fold back theends, sewontheoriginalhem & READY!!!

  11. 10., How it looks when ready • ;) • I hopeIcouldhelpYou! • I havebeensearchingfortutorials, foundlots, butdidnotlikedthem, soIdecidedtomakeone. • I used 2 paralellstitches and a zig-zagstitchetoavoidravel.

  12. Djongi • I startedtosewforfun, and lookingalwaysforsomethinguniquetohave… I rememberthatsinceyearsIalways had totakesomethingto fix – and got fed up! I candoittoo! I havefound a simpleSinger 8280 and surprisedmyselfforX-mas. I havelearnedfewbasicthingsfrommybestfriend – thanksVivi!, fromthe internet and fromlookingatmyclothes…. I alwaysmisstutorialswithgooddetails! Ifyoumakeone, thinkthatotherscouldlearnsomething and thatyoucanhelptoo! • Enjoyit, don’trush… takeyourtime and havefun! • Createsomethingthatyoulike, ifyouwearit and othersaskwhereyougotitfrom, be proud of yourselfthatYou made it! Takecare ;) Djongiwww.djongi.wordpress.com

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