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Weed Control in Snapbeans 2007. Bernard Zandstra. Preemergence Herbicides Registered for Snapbeans. Eptam PPI Prowl PPI Dual Magnum PPI & PRE Treflan PPI Command PRE Sandea PRE. POSTEMERGENCE Herbicides Registered for Snapbeans.
Weed Control in Snapbeans 2007 Bernard Zandstra
Preemergence Herbicides Registered for Snapbeans • Eptam PPI • Prowl PPI • Dual Magnum PPI & PRE • Treflan PPI • Command PRE • Sandea PRE
POSTEMERGENCE Herbicides Registeredfor Snapbeans • Basagran nutsedge, lambsquarters, other broadleaves • Sandea nutsedge, pigweed, ragweed, other broadleaves • Poast or Assure annual grasses • Reflex pigweeds, puncturevine, nightshade, other broadleaves
Other Herbicides Registered for Snapbeans • Gramoxone – for use before planting or on stale seedbed • Roundup – general vegetation control before or after the crop
Eptam 7EEPTC 1. Very volatile - incorporate immediately after application 2. Use on sandy, dry soils 3. Controls annual grasses, nutsedge, nightshades some other broadleaves 4. Often tank mixed and PPI with Treflan 5. 3.5 pt/acre; cost/ac $13.50 6. 3-4 weeks residual activity
Treflantrifluralin 1. Incorporate within 2-3 hours 2. Annual grasses, lambsquarters, pigweed 3. Potential carryover, injury to corn on light soils 4. Use at soil temp above 60 F 5. 1-1.5 pt/acre; cost/ac $4.50 6. 4 weeks residual activity
Prowl 3.3 ECProwl H2O 3.8 CSpendimethalin 1. Must be incorporated for snapbeans 2. Moderately volatile 3. Controls annual grasses, lambsquarters, purslane, pigweeds 4. May cause stunting at soil temps< 60 F 5. 1.2-1.8 qt/acre; cost/ac $7.50-$12.50 6. Prowl H2O (new formulation) is registered
Dual Magnum 7.6 Es-metolachlor 1. Incorporate 1-2 inch before planting or apply after planting 2. Annual grasses, nutsedge, nightshade, pigweed 3. 1-2 pt/acre; cost/ac $15-$30 4. May cause stunting in cool soil <60 F 5. Generic metolachlor is available
Command 3 MEclomazone 1. Apply after planting 2. Annual grasses and broadleaves, velvetleaf 3. 0.4-0.67 pt/acre; cost/ac $7-$12 4. Some plants will be bleached 5. Soil residues may stunt small grain planted after beans
Sandea 75 Whalosulfuron 1. Preemergence after seeding 2. Controls broadleaves, nutsedge 3. 0.5-1 oz/acre; cost/ac $20-$40 4. Tank mix with a grass herbicide PRE 5. POST 0.5-0.67 oz after 2 trifoliate leaves 6. Maximum 2 oz/acre/year PRE & POST
Basagran 4 Lbentazon 1. POSTEMERGENCE after 1 trifoliate leaf 2. Broadleaves, nutsedge, Canada thistle 3. Apply with Poast or Assure for grasses 4. Need 2 applications to control nutsedge and Canada thistle 5. 1 qt/ac; cost/ac $26
Reflex 2 Efomesafen 1. Federal label in 2006 2. POSTEMERGENCE after 1 trifoliate leaf, prior to bloom 3. Controls most broadleaves 4. One application to soil / 2 years 5. 0.5-1 pt/ac; cost/ac $7-$15 6. There are important rotational restrictions
Preemergence Weed Control Programs for Snapbean 1. PPI Eptam + Treflan - sandy soil after May 15 2. PPI Eptam + Sandea 3. PRE Prowl or Dual Magnum or Command
Postemergence Weed Control Programs for Snapbean 1. Reflex + Poast 2. Basagran + Assure, Targa 3. Sandea + Poast