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Purpose and Applicability

This standard applies to group residential settings that offer care to residents and extended jurisdiction juveniles. It covers transitional services, shelter services, resident and family satisfaction surveys, treatment plan compliance, personnel policies, staffing plans, contingency plans, staff training, and admissions policies.

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Purpose and Applicability

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  1. Purposeand Applicability Standards 2960.0130-2960.0210 apply to all Group Residential Settings. Subpart 39. Group residential setting. "Group residential setting" means a residential program that offers care to residents and extended jurisdiction juveniles in which the license holder does not live at the licensed facility.

  2. Transitional services (Housing) • Shelter services (placement up to 90 days) Exemptions Subpart 4. Exemptions. The exemptions in items A and B apply. A. Transitional services programs certified under part 2960.0500 are exempt from the requirements of parts 2960.0130 to 2960.0220. B. Shelter services programs certified under parts 2960.0510 to 2960.0530 are exempt from the requirements of parts 2960.0130 to 2960.0220.

  3. 2960.0140 - QualityAssurance • Resident and Family Satisfaction Survey • Treatment Plan Compliance

  4. Random sample possible: • Youth • Parents • Guardians • Referring agency Subpart 1 - Satisfaction Survey

  5. Evaluate: • Daily care & support of residents • Assess physical, emotional well-being of youth • Resident safety • Education of resident, inc IEP Satisfaction Survey

  6. Satisfaction Survey • Affects of treatment on the youth & youth’s family • Support of Family & Community Reintegration • Support to obtain needed Medical, dental and MH care

  7. Subpart 2Treatment Plan Compliance • After discharge document: • Services provided by the license holder or other providers • Achievement of identified treatment plan goals and objectives.

  8. 2960.0150Personnel Policies • Written Job Descriptions • Professional Licensure • Staffing Plan • Chief Administrator • Program Director-FT, capacity over 24 • Privacy Issues

  9. Subpart 3 - Staffing Plan • Written Approval from licensing agency • Meets the needs of residents in placement

  10. Subpart 3-EGender Specific Contingency Plan • Immediate response by on-call staff of the same gender: • When necessary to ensure privacy • When indicated by resident needs assessment • When necessary to provide appropriate care to sexual abuse victims.

  11. Subpart 3E (3)Contingency Plan Documentation • Violations • Circumstance requiring same gender supervision • Reason same gender supervision was not provided • What the facility will do to prevent a • recurrence • Two year record retention

  12. Subpart 3GStaffing Plan Staff-Resident ratio- 1:12 awake hours Staff-Resident ratio- 1:25 non-awake hours

  13. Subpart 3-JStaffing Plan Staffing plan must be appropriate for the services offered: Program Services Physical plant features/characteristics Condition of the resident Age of resident served Resident physical and mental health Vulnerability of resident

  14. Staffing Plan • Risk of absconding behavior • Gender of resident • Disability of the resident • Self-preservation capability in an emergency • Types of education services offered the resident • Degree of threat to others

  15. 2060.0150 Subpart 4Personnel Training • Annual Training Plan • Sufficient to accomplish duties • Direct contact staff: 24 hours yearly (50% or more skill development) • Part-time staff:1 hour of training for every 50 hours worked

  16. Training-Orientation Facility must provide training in the following areas: Culturally competent care Download DHS bulletin Racial bias and racism issues Reference: DHS Publication: Guidelines for Culturally Competent Organizations http://www.dhs.state.mn.us Publications  Fact Sheets  Organization and Management  Culturally Competent Organizations http://www.dhs.state.mn.us/main/groups/agencywide/documents/pub/DHS_id_016415.hcsp

  17. Training-Orientation • Gender issues, including the psychosocial development of boys and girls • Sexual orientation issues • Physical, mental, sensory, and health related disabilities, bias and discrimination.

  18. 2960.0160Admissions Policies and Process Criteria consistent with: Statement of Intended Use License/Certification Describe: Age Gender Limitations Primary needs

  19. Admissions Policies and Process Document Ability to meet resident needs Danger to self or others Relevant screening/assessment completion Ability to meet cultural, emotional, mental health, physical needs

  20. Subpart 2EAdmissions Policies and Process Sex Offenders: Assess necessary precautions Individual sleeping room Supervision Protection of other residents, community and staff Vulnerability of other residents Subpart 67. Sex offender. "Sex offender" means a person who has engaged in, or attempted to engage in, criminal sexual behavior.

  21. Subpart 12. Chemical abuse. "Chemical abuse" means a pattern of inappropriate and harmful chemical use as defined in subpart 41. Chemical abuse includes inappropriate and harmful patterns of chemical use that are associated with specific situations in an individual's life such as loss of a job, death of a loved one, or sudden change in life circumstances. Chemical abuse does not involve a pattern of pathological use, but it may progress to pathological use. C.D. Definitions

  22. C.D. Definitions Subpart 13. Chemical dependency. "Chemical dependency" means a pattern of pathological use as defined in subpart 52, accompanied by the physical manifestations of increased tolerance to the chemical or chemicals being used or withdrawal syndrome following cessation of chemical use.

  23. Subpart 2EAdmissions Policies and Process Chemical Abuser/Chemically Dependent Chemical Use Assessment must be conducted by credentialed staff Assessment Summary written by credentialed staff indicating if needs can be met by the license holder.

  24. Subpart 4Admissions Policies and Process Information to residents: Copy of facility rules. Description of programs offered provided within the first 24 hours.

  25. Admissions Policies and Process • Facility rules must be read to those incapable of understanding written documents. • Facility must consider the languages a resident understands and reads and the residents age when presenting information to the resident.

  26. Classification Approved classification plan Age Developmental level Gender Physical assault Run risk

  27. 2960.0170 - Classification • House residents consistent with statement of intended use • Delinquent sophistication • Private sleeping and toilet facilities by gender

  28. 2960.0180 - Policy Manual Review by licensing agency Available to all staff within the facility

  29. Subpart 2 - Facility Programs Written program descriptions Measurable program outcomes Minimum components: On-site education - 12 months Social Services – (individual, group and family counseling) Have available trained staff to council children upon request or at a time of crisis

  30. Subpart 2BFacility Programs: Treatment Plans Begin within 10 days of admission If the resident's case plan or screening or assessment results indicates that the needs of the resident cannot be met by the license holder, the license holder must document contact with the placement agency

  31. Treatment Plans and notify the placement agency of the results of the screening or assessment and tell the placement agency that the program is not able to meet the resident's needs.

  32. Facility Programs: Treatment Plans Review monthly or more Document involvement of community treatment, education, and care resources related to case plan/treatment plan Designate a staff assignment to assure regular face to face contact Written progress reports to parents upon request Written educational reports to the district of residence

  33. Subpart 3 - Records and Reports Comply with data collection requirements (M.S. 253C.01) Maintain records (organized retrievable confidential manner) Admission and release Resident property Special occurrence Training Food Service Satisfaction survey

  34. Records and Reports • Daily logs • Services provided, outcomes • Program evaluation • Medical and dental records • Disciplinary records • Education records

  35. 2060.0190 - Discharge and Aftercare Transition services plan for each resident Community resources Release environment: Strategies for potential challenges Input from resident, family, providing school district, support services persons Plan given to resident, school, and new facility

  36. Discharge and Aftercare • Transition plan elements: • Housing, recreation and leisure • Education, vocational rehabilitation and training • Budget plan • Transportation needs • Treatment Services • Health Services • Personal Safety

  37. Subpart 2Treatment Plan Compliance Document how residents stay accomplishedtreatment plan goals and objectives Identify which services, including education, were provided directly or indirectly to the resident and who provided the services; and Identify the services, including education, that were recommended in the resident's case plan or treatment plan but were not provided to the resident.

  38. 2060.0200 - Physical Plant All in good repair Written policies and procedures: Fire prevention and Safety protocol Written maintenance policies and procedures: Detecting reporting and correcting Smoking policy (M.S. 144.411 - 144.417)

  39. 2060.0210Facility and Equipment Codes Conformity with all applicable health, fire, zoning and building codes Permanent record of insurance coverage, OSHA reports, incident reports, and health, fire and other safety inspections New Corrections certified programs must meet the Department of Corrections construction standards

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