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Multinational Market Regions and Market Groups

Multinational Market Regions and Market Groups. Chapter 10. Multinational Market Regions. What are they? Basis Economic Political Geographic proximity Cultural factors. Types of Multicultural Cooperation. Regional Cooperation Groups Free Trade Area Customs Union Common Market

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Multinational Market Regions and Market Groups

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  1. Multinational Market Regions and Market Groups Chapter 10

  2. Multinational Market Regions • What are they? • Basis • Economic • Political • Geographic proximity • Cultural factors

  3. Types of Multicultural Cooperation • Regional Cooperation Groups • Free Trade Area • Customs Union • Common Market • Political Union

  4. Europe • European Community • The Single Europe Act • Harmonization • Mutual recognition • EC Institutions • Council of Ministers, European Parliament, European Court of Justice • European Free Trade Association & European Economic Area

  5. Europe • European Union • Maastricht Treaty • Economic & Monetary Union • Political integration • Treaty of Amsterdam (1997) • Expansion Source: http://www.wikipedia.org

  6. Europe • Marketing in Europe • Opportunities • Problems • Reciprocity • Marketing Mix Implications • Commonwealth of Independent States • Central European Free Trade Area

  7. The Americas • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)- 1994 • Three countries • Southern Cone Free Trade Zone (Mercosur & Andean Community) • Most influential zone in South America • Brazil Source: en.mercopress.com

  8. The Americas • Latin America Integration Association • Caribbean Community and Common Market • NAFTA + SAFTA= FTAA??

  9. Asian-Pacific Rim • Association of Southeast Asian Nations • ASEAN+3 • ASEAN+ Japan, China, and South Korea • Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Source:www.asean.or.jp

  10. Other Trade Areas • Africa • Economic Community of West African States • South African Development Community • Middle East • Arab Common Market • Arab Free Trade Area • Regional Cooperation for Development • Organization of the Islamic Conference

  11. The Future? • Powerful Trade Areas • Emerging Market Focus

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