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International Day of Tolera nce 16 No vember 2012

International Day of Tolera nce 16 No vember 2012. Pro ject “ Tolerance ABC ” L.T.S. “Sfantul Apostol Andrei”, Ploiesti C oordonator teachers : Tanase Ana-Maria Fanareanu Beatrice Participa nts : students from grades 5 th – 12 th. A comes from.

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International Day of Tolera nce 16 No vember 2012

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  1. International Day of Tolerance 16 November 2012

  2. Project “Tolerance ABC” L.T.S. “Sfantul Apostol Andrei”, Ploiesti Coordonator teachers: Tanase Ana-Maria Fanareanu Beatrice Participants: students from grades5th – 12th

  3. A comes from...

  4. Ajutor (Help)because the proverb saysHelp others and you will be helped; • Acceptance because everyone should accept the nearby,no matter his/ her characteristics/ features; • Attention because everybody needs attention in order to reveal their qualities; • Addaptationbecause people should accept each other, without making any race or social differences; • Admirationbecause the more you will be admired by those around you the less you will make this a purpose;

  5. B comes from...

  6. “Bună ziua”(Good day) because this is how you respect yourself and the others as well; • “Bunătate”(Kindness) because only like this we can make the needy ones smile, and because people need to live in harmony; • “Bătaie”(Physical punishment) because a lot of people still believe in the saying spare the rod and spoil the child but, in fact, good words cost nothing but worth much ;

  7. C comes from...

  8. A convieţuibecause is better to live with the others than to live alone; • Cooperation because only like this we can make something important; • “Credinţă”(Faith) because faith should not be synonymous with exclusion; because people should have faith in God, in themselves and in the people nearby;

  9. D comes from...

  10. Difference because this should not exist between people; because we should not feel above others, and to think that we are all equal; • Dependence because it is good to be dependent on love, understanding and respect; • Dignity because all the people should be able to live their lives with their head up; • “Dumnezeu” (God) because God created us folding us in forgiveness and allowance;

  11. E comes from...

  12. “Elev”(student) because all the children should go to school; • Equality because we should all be equal in front of God ; • Equilibrium because in life we should give and receive alike; • Example because we should show our fellows that not everything is based on stereotypes;

  13. F comes from...

  14. “Frate” (brother) becausepeople should behave like brothers; • Fidelity because it is best to be faithful to your own principles; • “Fericire” (happiness) because tolerant people make the others happy, as well as themselves; • “Frumuseţe” (beauty) because we have to look everything differently, from objects to human beings, without prejudices; • “Fire”(human nature) because, as warm and understanding, allows us to forgive and be forgiven;

  15. G comes from...

  16. Generousbecause only like this you prove yourself to be really human; • “Ghimpe”(spine) because we have to be like spines for those intolerant; • “Glas”(voice) because the voice of justice should always be heard; • “Gândire”(thought) because every person thinks differently, but no matter his/ her thinking is, he/she should be respected; because only by thinking positively we will discover the true beauty around us;

  17. H comes from...

  18. “Haide”! (let’s)because this is the way to start a friendship; • “Hartă”(map) in order to locate and heal the others’ suffering; • Handicapbecause the real handicap is the moral one, not the physical one; • “Horă” (round dance)because people should have fun without taking care of any differences;

  19. I comes from...

  20. Importancebecause every person has a role; • Indifference because your indifference towards the others means their indifference towards you; • “Iubire”(love) because you have to love purely, without compromises and truly; because it gives us the power to forgive;

  21. Î comes from...

  22. “Înţelegere”(understanding) because you have to understand the others so that they can understand you; because if you are sympathetic to the others, you will be to yourself as well; • “Încuraja”(encourage) because it is good to stand by the others in difficult situations; • “Îndepărta”(push away) because it is not good to push away anybody;

  23. J comes from...

  24. “Jignire”(insult) because it is not good to satirize anybody; because only when you are offended you realize the harm you have done when you offended somebody else; • “Joc”(play) because all the children should play together; because the way the children do not make any differences between them in a game, the same way adults should behave • “Joacă”(playfulness) because children’s playfulness should not be stopped by anything;

  25. K comes from...

  26. Kilometers because it shouldn’t count the distances between people; because the kilometers we cover in life help us reflect upon people and forgive them; • Kilograms because love for the ones nearby can weight enormous; because understanding between people should weight kilos, not grams; • Because people should not judge a person by the appearance;

  27. Lcomes from...

  28. Liberty because we do not have to steal the others’ freedom; • “Lacrimă”(tear) because in every tear you can find suffering, but also the courage to move forward; • “Lacăt”(lock) because people’s hearts should not be locked, but open for everyone who wants to enter; • Light because all the people should protect the ones who never see the light of day; • “Laudă” (praise) because the praise can change a person’s life;

  29. M comes from...

  30. “Mândrie”(pride) because everyone has to be proud for his/her soul; because pride has as purpose happiness, but its effect is opposed to the this; • “Mulţumire”(gratitude) because a small present offered, a gesture apparently insignificant can bring a great satisfaction; • “Miere” (honey) because our souls and words must be as sweet as honey; • Mother because all of us should behave like a mother as she is the only one who accepts us the way we are; • “Moarte”(death) because humans should not realise that they are equal only when they are in front of death;

  31. N comes from...

  32. “Noi”(we)as all the people should be united; • “Nepăsare”(carelessness)because indifference causes victims; • Nobody and nothing because nobody and nothing should separate people;

  33. O comes from...

  34. Originbecause we are all Adam’s descendants ; • Originbecause you have to be able to preserve your origin and traditions, but, in the same time, to respect the others’; • Originbecause every human is defined through genetics but one should not be judged according to it; • Olympics because all the people should prove sportive and Olympic behaviour;

  35. P comes from...

  36. Polite because all the people deserve respect; • “Prietenie”(friendship) because it should not be a simple word; • “Prietenie”(friendship) because the characteristics of our soul should be enough to start a friendship; • Peacefulbecause people should treat problems calmly; • “Paznic”(guardian)because we need to be, no matter the situation, guardians of human dignity; • Pawnbecause poor people should not be considered as an easy pawn to be sacrificed; • Pawn because accepting the existence of this role, we accept bad-will; • Predestinate because people are meant to live together;

  37. R comes from...

  38. “Răutăcios”(mean) because we should not be like this to the ones around us; • Respectbecauseif you pay respect, you are respected; • Respectbecause you have to respect yourself if you want to be respected by others;

  39. S comes from...

  40. “Sănătate”(health) because everybody should have the right to medical care; • “Speranţă”(hope) because through hope there is always a new beginning; • “Speranţă”(hope) because this can really give people the power to live; • Sincerity because it is better tocall a spade a spade; • Simplity because we should not judge people by appearances;

  41. Ş comes from...

  42. “Şcoală”(school) because here there are learned the first steps to tolerance; • “Şansă”(chance)because we all have to have equal chances; • “Ştafetă”(relay) because people should pass happiness on from one to another; • “Şocant”(shocking ) because it is shocking to see in the 21st century people who have not completely broken from the prehistoric people’s behaviour; • “Ştiinţă”(science) because it is a real science the behaviour towards the others; • “Şansă”(chance) because we have to give every person a change before judging; • “Şiret”(cunning) because people have to be united as a tied shoe lace;

  43. T comes from...

  44. “Trudă”(effort) becauseyou can make friends only through continuous effort; • Timebecause it solves everything; • Timebecause people need time to get accustomed to one another; • Tenacitybecause people should be able to overcome life’s obstacles; • Ticbecause we must get rid of the habit to label others without even knowing them;

  45. Ţ comes from...

  46. “Ţară”(country) because people should be united no matter the race or religion; • “Ţel”(goal) becauseone goal should be understanding and respecting the others; • “Ţigan”(gypsy) because we should not label people depending on race; • “Ţap-ispăşitor”(scapegoat) because we all have to take charge of our actions;

  47. U comes from...

  48. Unite because this is how we all should be; • “Ură”(hatred) becausemonsters are not those who are hated but those who hate; • Ură”(hatred)because hate brings hate; • Ură”(hatred)because it is a two-edged attitude; • Uniquebecause every person is unique in his/her way, but one can find ways to communicate with others; • “Uitare”(forgetfulness) becausewe must not forget our origins;

  49. V comes from...

  50. Violentin order to know what to avoid in relations with others; • “Valută”(currency) because our strong currency should be friendship, love, respect; • Victimbecause people should be honest not to hurt one another; • “Visător”(dreamer) because if you really want to communicate, your dream may come true;

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