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DRWG June 10, 2013 holyoke , MA

DRWG June 10, 2013 holyoke , MA. Doug Smith. Manager of Demand Resource Administration. Active Resource Audit Results Passive Resource Performance December 2012 and January 2013. Winter Performance Update for Demand Resources. Presentation Notes.

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DRWG June 10, 2013 holyoke , MA

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DRWG June 10, 2013 holyoke, MA Doug Smith Manager of Demand Resource Administration Active Resource Audit Results Passive Resource Performance December 2012 and January 2013 Winter Performance Update for Demand Resources

  2. Presentation Notes • For comparability, All performance is reported in DRV and all CSO is reported as Net CSO, which is a non-grossed up value (typically CSO/1.08 except for multi-year obligations incurred in FCA1 and 2.) • In the rare cases of multiple audits for a resource, highest performance was used. The impact from this is trivial. • MW values and % data are rounded. • Performance from the RTDR Dispatch on 1/28/13 covered in May DRWG – see http://www.iso-ne.com/committees/comm_wkgrps/mrkts_comm/dr_wkgrp/mtrls/2013/may12013/a04_rtdr_performance_on_1_28_2013.ppt.

  3. Active (RTDR and RTEG) Audit Results during Winter 2012 - 2013

  4. Audit Results by Resource Type Winter 2012-2013

  5. RTDR Audit Results Winter 2012 - 2013

  6. Winter 2012 - 2013 RTDR Audit Results Capped at Load Zone Net CSO

  7. RTDR Audit Results – Winter 2012 - 2013

  8. RTEG Audit Results Winter 2012 - 2013

  9. RTEG Audit Results Capped at Load Zone NET CSO – Winter 2012 - 2013

  10. RTEG Audit Results – Winter 2012 - 2013

  11. Passive (On Peak and Seasonal Peak) Resources - Performance Average of Performance Months (Dec 2012 -Jan 2013)

  12. Total Passive Winter Performance & Net CSO by Load Zone

  13. Total Passive Winter 2012-2013 - Range of Performance & Net CSO

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