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Slovak scientists and innovators

Slovak scientists and innovators. Jozef Murgaš. Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard. Aurel Stodola. Milan Rastislav Štefánik. Štefan Banič. Jozef Maximilián Petzval. The main priorities for applied science in Slovakia. Automotive industry Information and communication technologies

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Slovak scientists and innovators

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  1. Slovak scientists and innovators Jozef Murgaš Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard AurelStodola Milan Rastislav Štefánik Štefan Banič Jozef Maximilián Petzval

  2. The main priorities for applied science in Slovakia • Automotive industry • Information and communication technologies • Research of materials and nanotechnologies • Biotechnology and Agriculture Porada VZÚ, Bratislava

  3. Slovakia: more than 40 Universities UniverzitaKomenského v Bratislave UniverzitaPavlaJozefaŠafárika v Košiciach Prešovskáuniverzita v Prešove Univerzitasv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave Univerzitaveterinárneholekárstva a farmácie v Košiciach UniverzitaKonštantínaFilozofa v Nitre UniverzitaMatejaBela v BanskejBystrici Trnavskáuniverzita v Trnave Trenčianskauniverzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne Katolíckauniverzita v Ružomberku Univerzita J. Selyeho so sídlom v Komárne Slovenskázdravotníckauniverzita v Bratislave Ekonomickáuniverzita v Bratislave Slovenskátechnickáuniverzita v Bratislave Technickáuniverzita v Košiciach Žilinskáuniverzita v Žiline Slovenskápoľnohospodárskauniverzita v Nitre

  4. Comenius University in Bratislava Number of students: 28400 Number of doctoral students: 2633


  6. University science park - TECHNICOM MISSION ▪“Win to Win” collaboration between academic, industry and PRO ▪Producing expected and required outcomes for technology transfer ▪Incubator for „Hi-Tech“ companies and Spin-off, Start-up initiatives ▪Consultancy, expertises, technical and technological support ▪Relevant support for education and training activities • PRIORITY AREAS • Information and CommunicationTechnologies • Electrical, Automation and Control Systems • Mechanical Engineering • Civil engineering (transport, geodesy) • Environmental Engineering • (mining, metallurgy, water management sciences)

  7. Geographicaldistribution ofScience parks and Research Centres Sciencepark Research centre Research centre Research centre Sciencepark Sciencepark Sciencepark Research centre Sciencepark Research centre Sciencepark Sciencepark Material research, research on new materials, nanotechnology Industrial research (transport, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering) Environmental protection, agriculture, food quality Biomedicine and biotechnology Information and communication technologies

  8. Successful Slovak IT companies

  9. ICT Clusters in Slovakia

  10. National center for Agriculture and Food production Contact: prof. Ing. Jozef Kobza, CSc. j.kobza@vupop.sk Colaboration with: The State University in Ceará, Fortaleza Universidade Estadual Paulista „Julio de Mesquita Filho“ – UNESP), Botucatu, Jaboticabal


  12. What is the difference and relationship between traditional (classical) breeding, genetic engineering (GMO) and genomics (the systematic biological approach) Classic BreedingCarried out only in evolutionary closed organisms Parent А Parent БNEW VARIETY x ...............….. selection: 10-15 years Sexual crossing(thousands of genes of both parents are mixed ) Genetic engineeringIt is possible to be carried between all types of organisms DNA - Virus- Bacterium- Animal- Plants- Animal- Man Transfer in plant cell or any other New genetically improved variety Selection 2-3 years Selection and cloning of one gene Genomics Genomics is a modern concept for simultaneous testing (integrated or holistic approach) the potential of the cell in any living organism at the level of gene, protein, metabolites, with the help of modern high technologies, including information (computer) technologies. ...

  13. What is GENOMICS (the common name of system biology approach) BIOINFORMATICS DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) The genes are in it - about 2-3% = 25-50 thousand(Genomics) ENVIRONMENT sugars metabolites protein RNA DNA Protein (PROTEOMICS) fat • METABOLITES • (Secondary active compounds ~300 thousands) • phenols • vitamins • Alcaloids • Organic acids, etc. Cell and molecular farming • How do genes, proteins, metabolites work • Is there a difference between them in various organisms, what is their composition and structure • How they interact • What and how they are regulated • Why proteins and secondary metabolites are food and medicines, while DNA is not • Food and feed • Medicines • Textile and Garment • Chemistry • Bio-energy • Bio-plastics • Bio-colouring agents, etc.

  14. Obrigado pela sua atenção peter.prepiak@mzv.sk

  15. Education in foreign languagesin Slovakia

  16. University Science Parks and Research Centres Current situation in Slovak Republic (2007 – 2014) • 67 Centres of Excellence (support excellent fundamental research) • 8 Competence Centres (relatively large clusters of academic institutions and industry) • 11 University Science Parks and Research Centres (5 already implementing Bratislava,Trnava, Košice, Nitra, Žilina), with links to businesses

  17. Societalchallenges • Health, demographic change and wellbeing • Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and • maritime research & the Bioeconomy • Secure, clean and efficient energy • Smart, green and integrated transport • Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials • Inclusive, innovativeand reflectivesocieties • Securesocieties Horizont 2020 - Priorities • Excellentscience • EuropeanResearchCouncil • Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) • Mobility – MarieSkłodowska-Curieactions • EuropeanResearchinfrastructures • Industrialleadership • Leadership in enabling andindustrial technologies (ICT, nanotechnologies, materials, biotechnology, ...) • Access to risk finance • Innovation in SMEs • EURATOM • Nuclearfusion and radiationsafety • Nuclearfission (ITER) EIT - EuropeanInstitute of Innovation & Technology JointResearch Centre

  18. Partnership possibilities: Raw materials- magnezit (KIC): Technical University of Košice, Slovak academy of sciences contact persons: jan.spisak@tuke.sk Pavol Šajgalíkuachsajg@savba.sk František Simančíkummssima@savba.sk Carbon fiber and kevlar: Technical university of Bratislava contact person: jozef.peterka@stuba.sk

  19. Partnership possibilities: • WaterManagement, FloodProtection, WasteManagement: TechnicalUniversityofKošice, Technicaluniversityof Bratislava contactpersons: lubomir.soos@stu.sk miroslav.badida@tuke.sk • Forrestmanagement: TechnicalUniversityof Zvolen, contact person: Rudolf Kropil: rektor@tuzvo.sk

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