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Differentiated Instruction

Finding different pathways to get to the same place. Differentiated Instruction. Differentiated Instruction. Differentiated Learning. Brain Learning. Instructional Strategies. Objectives. Experience research-based theories and instructional strategies.

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Differentiated Instruction

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  1. Finding different pathways to get to the same place. Differentiated Instruction

  2. Differentiated Instruction Differentiated Learning Brain Learning Instructional Strategies

  3. Objectives Experience research-based theories and instructional strategies. Provide opportunities to process, discuss, and apply new learnings. Have fun!

  4. Brain Learning Brain learning theory is based on the structure and function of the brain. • 30% to 60% of our brain’s initial wiring is based on heredity. • 40% to 70% of our brain’s initial wiring is based on the learning environment. Heredity can’t be changed, but a positive learning environment can increase functioning of the brain.

  5. Principles of Brain-Based Learning • The brain can perform several activities at once. (parallel processing) • The brain searches for meaning through patterning. • The brain processes wholes and parts simultaneously. • Learning involves conscious and unconscious processes. • Learning involves focused attention and peripheral perception. • Learning involves the whole physiology. • Memory is either rote or spatial. • Facts are understood best when embedded in natural, spatial memory. • Learning is enhanced by challenge and inhibited by threat. • Each brain is unique.

  6. Brain Compatible Classroom Absence of threat Respects the uniqueness of all learners Engages emotions Understands the brain’s attention span Active, relevant learning Complex real-life learning Specific immediate feedback Utilizes patterns in learning Learning is meaningful

  7. The best way to learn is not through lecture, but by participation in realistic settings. Value the process of learning as much as the result of learning.

  8. Brain Learning and Attention The brain needs time to process and time to rest. It is not designed for continuous attention. Optimum instruction time for focused attention K-2 5-7 minutes 3-7 8-12 minutes 8-12 12-15 minutes Increase learning productivity with mental breaks and movement. Provide a strong contrast from what you were doing to what you want to do to grab attention.

  9. Brain Learning and Motivation • Eliminate threat and create a positive learning environment. • Set goals that are relevant to the student in order to provide a focused attitude. • Build self-confidence and self-esteem. • Manage emotions with varying instructional styles and differentiated instruction. • Provide immediate feedback.

  10. Brain Learning and Emotion Emotions, thinking, and learning are linked. Emotions: joy, fear, surprise, disgust, anger, sadness Feelings: worry, anticipation, frustration, pessimism, optimism “When emotions are engaged right after a learning experience, the memories are much more likely to be recalled and accuracy goes up.” - Eric Jensen

  11. Brain Learning and Movement The part of the brain that processes movement is the same part that processes learning. Movement and learning are constantly interacting in the brain. Exercise increases oxygen to the brain and strengthens key areas in the brain.

  12. Brain Learning and Meaning Meaning is developed by creating links and associations. Give meaning to learning by discussing information, organizing information, and reflecting.

  13. Brain Learning and Memory If we teach in bits and pieces, memory will fail. If our instruction is vague and limited, memory will fail. If no connections are made, memory will be short term. If we teach in unique and meaningful ways, connect to prior experiences, and use the information often throughout instruction, memory will become long term.

  14. Nourish the Brain The brain consumes 20% of the body’s energy. Good nutrition is essential to proper brain functioning. The brain is approximately 80% water. Mild dehydration causes restless, scattered attention. Severe dehydration causes lethargic responses. Sleep is critical for the brain to process learning. Puberty affects the sleep cycle. Good quality air is linked to improved mental functioning. Keep plants in the room. Temperature controlled at 68-72 degrees. Fluorescent lights cause eyestrain and anxiety. Use natural light and full spectrum lights. Drugs and alcohol kill brain cells.

  15. Enrich the Classroom NoveltyKeep learning and the classroom fresh and new. ChallengeProvide challenging learning tasks and content. MeaningAvoid isolated facts. Make learning meaningful. RedundantRevisit the content repeatedly in fresh and interesting ways. FeedbackProvide frequent and immediate feedback.

  16. Stimulate the Senses Color Blue Studying, thinking, concentration Purple Tranquilizing, good for appetite control Pink Restful, calming Red Creative thinking, short-term energy boosts GreenProductivity, long-term energyPastels Minimum disruption across all moods Yellow,Orange Physical work, exercising, positive moods White Disruptive Aroma Lavender Reduces stress Lemon Induces positive mood Peppermint Refreshes and invigorates Apple Relaxes brain waves Vanilla Relaxes and soothes

  17. Don’t think about how smart you are, but how you are smart.

  18. How are we smart? Cooperative Learning, Spencer Kagan

  19. Cooperative Learning, Spencer Kagan

  20. Cooperative Learning, Spencer Kagan

  21. Cooperative Learning, Spencer Kagan

  22. Cooperative Learning, Spencer Kagan

  23. Cooperative Learning, Spencer Kagan

  24. Cooperative Learning, Spencer Kagan

  25. Cooperative Learning, Spencer Kagan

  26. Cooperative Learning, Spencer Kagan

  27. Learning and Retaining Information Test Success

  28. Lesson Plan Matrix The Multiple Intelligence Classroom: Practical Implementation of the Theory - David G. Lazear

  29. Learning Styles

  30. Perception and Processing Sensing is a function that employs the five senses to gather information. Intuition is a function that helps the mind understand and find meaning behind facts and details. Thinking employs logic, reason, and evidence to analyze information and make logical connections. Feeling is subjective as it develops a personal perspective to analyze information and make human connections.

  31. Sensing – ThinkingMastery Learners Sensing-Thinkers are efficient, prefer action to words, and involvement to theory. They are realistic, practical, and logical. Sensing-Thinkers need a structured environment. They prefer questions with right/wrong answers. Sensing-Thinkers are workers but have a need for immediate feedback. Sensing-Thinkers like competition. They work to master skills and content. What? How?

  32. Intuitive – ThinkingUnderstanding Learners Intuitive-Thinkers are curious about ideas and can deal with theory. They prefer to be challenged and like to think things through on their own. Intuitive-Thinkers are planners and like to organize ideas and work. They do not like time limits. Intuitive-Thinkers can break problems down into parts. They dig into ideas to thoroughly understand them. Intuitive –Thinkers are avid readers, writers, and debaters. Why?

  33. Intuitive – FeelingSelf-Expressive Learners Intuitive-Feelers are imaginative, committed to values, and open to alternatives. Intuitive-Feelers prefer open-ended questions and do not like rote assignments. They are motivated by their own interests. Intuitive-Feelers are independent. They do not like step-by-step procedures. They are flexible and are not bothered by change. Intuitive-Feelers look for creative ways to express themselves. What would happen if…?

  34. Sensing – FeelingInterpersonal Learners Sensing-feelers approach learning personally. They need to be recognized for their effort. Sensing-feelers like cooperative learning activities. They are sociable and need to enjoy themselves while learning. Sensing-feelers learn best with real-life problems. Of what value is this to me?

  35. Teachers have too much to cover in too little time. It is easy to enter a classroom with a single lesson delivered to all students at a single pace in a single instructional method. Brain based research suggests that the single approach is ineffective for most students and even harmful to some. • Learning environments must feel emotionally safe for learning to take place. • To learn, students must experience appropriate levels of challenge. • Each brain needs to make its own meaning of ideas and skills.

  36. Student Differences • Skill levels • Motivation • Multiple Intelligences • Learning styles • Language proficiency • Background experiences and knowledge • Social and emotional development • Levels of abstraction • Ability to attend • Physical needs An effective teacher understands that students come with different needs.

  37. The Aim of Differentiated Learning Maximize each student’s growth by meeting each student where he is and helping him to progress.

  38. Key Principles of a Differentiated Classroom • The teacher is clear about what matters in subject matter. • The teacher understands, appreciates, and builds upon student differences. • Assessment and instruction are inseparable. • The teacher adjusts content, process, and product in response to student readiness, interests, and learning profile. • All students participate in respectful work. • Students and teachers are collaborators in learning. • Goals of a differentiated classroom are maximum growth and individual success. • Flexibility is the hallmark of a differentiated classroom.

  39. Characteristics of an Effective Differentiated Classroom Instruction is concept focused and principle driven. On-going assessment of student readiness and growth are built into the curriculum. Flexible grouping is consistently used. Students are active explorers.

  40. What can you differentiate? the content students learn the assessment tools being used the performance tasks selected the instructional strategies used

  41. Content what is to be learned and the materials through which it is accomplished Process activities designed to use skills to make sense of ideas and information Product vehicles which demonstrate and extend what has been learned

  42. Readiness the entry point of learning relative to a particular understanding or skill Interest curiosity or passion Learning Profile how we learn – shaped by intelligence preference, gender, culture, learning style

  43. Differentiate by Readiness Varied texts and/or supplemental materials Varied scaffolding in reading, writing, research, technology Tiered tasks and/or products Flexible time use Small group instruction Homework options Tiered or scaffolded assessment Compacting Varied organizers

  44. Differentiate by Interest Exploratory studies Entry points Open student choice Teacher-structured choice Independent study Orbitals Group investigation Interest groups and/or centers

  45. Differentiate by Learning Profile Vary teacher presentation Vary student mode of expression Organizers 4-MAT Complex instruction Flexible environment Multiple modes of assessment

  46. A Differentiated Classroom Uses a variety of ways for students to explore curriculum content. Uses a variety of sense-making activities and processes through which students can come to understand and own information and ideas. Uses a variety of options through which students can demonstrate or exhibit what they have learned.

  47. The more you differentiate, the more you see the needs. The more you want to meet the needs, the more you differentiate. Put it all together.

  48. Building a Toolkit of Instructional Strategies Summarizing and Notetaking Nonlinguistic Representations Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback Similarities and Differences Cooperative Learning Homework and Practice Cues, Questions, and Advance Organizers Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition Generating and Testing Hypotheses

  49. Effective Teaching Involves: • The instructional strategies used by the teacher. • The management techniques used by the teacher. • The curriculum designed by the teacher.

  50. An effective teacher is the by product of a thoughtful individual, skilled in the art and science of teaching, making decisions about the best practices for her students at all times. - Marzano

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