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blind seux ALEJANDRO LEÓN MORA Grupo de investigación Osiris .

blind seux ALEJANDRO LEÓN MORA Grupo de investigación Osiris . Objects and Software for Informatics: Research, Inquiries and Studies Línea de investigación SEUX Programa de ingeniería de sistemas Facultad de Ingeniería Abril 5 de 2014 Email seux@unbosque.edu.co

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blind seux ALEJANDRO LEÓN MORA Grupo de investigación Osiris .

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  1. blindseux ALEJANDRO LEÓN MORA Grupo de investigación Osiris. Objects and Software for Informatics: Research, Inquiries and Studies Línea de investigación SEUX Programa de ingeniería de sistemas Facultad de Ingeniería Abril 5 de 2014 Email seux@unbosque.edu.co seux@uelbosque.edu.co

  2. Software Engineering & User ExperienceSE&UX Ing. MaríaAmparoMejíaPerdigón Ing. Alejandro León Mora Grupo de investigación OSIRIS. Objects and Software for Informatics: Research, Inquiries and Studies

  3. How can a blind person navigate? Grupo de investigación OSIRIS. Objects and Software for Informatics: Research, Inquiries and Studies

  4. Did you Understand? Grupo de investigación OSIRIS. Objects and Software for Informatics: Research, Inquiries and Studies

  5. What did we find? Complex HTML document structures. The voice readers has not natural voice Is difficult to find readers in all computers Client | Enduser Grupo de investigación OSIRIS. Objects and Software for Informatics: Research, Inquiries and Studies

  6. which the final result? • FREE (CHEAP) • Easy to use • Browsers compatibility • CommandBased USER EXPERIENCE | USABILITY Grupo de investigación OSIRIS. Objects and Software for Informatics: Research, Inquiries and Studies

  7. Grupo de investigación OSIRIS. Objects and Software for Informatics: Research, Inquiries and Studies

  8. Grupo de investigación OSIRIS. Objects and Software for Informatics: Research, Inquiries and Studies

  9. Grupo de investigación OSIRIS. Objects and Software for Informatics: Research, Inquiries and Studies

  10. Grupo de investigación OSIRIS. Objects and Software for Informatics: Research, Inquiries and Studies

  11. Grupo de investigación OSIRIS. Objects and Software for Informatics: Research, Inquiries and Studies

  12. MINTIC spend $ 6.100 Millions 02/03 /2014 Grupo de investigación OSIRIS. Objects and Software for Informatics: Research, Inquiries and Studies

  13. SEUXintends to apply Software Engineering techniques and methodologies to the development of products that contribute to the academic and social environment in which Universidad El Bosque evolves Grupo de investigación OSIRIS. Objects and Software for Informatics: Research, Inquiries and Studies

  14. Thanksyou ! http://bit.ly/pptSEUX http://bit.ly/UEBseux For a culture of life,its quality and its senseCra7 b bis No 132 - 11 -   PBX 648 90 00 Fax 6252030www.uelbosque.edu.co - Bogotá - Colombia

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