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Plagiarism. What do you mean I plagiarized?. Plagiarism. The evolution of plagiarism. The current definition of plagiarism. The types of plagiarism. How does plagiarism effect people? How not to plagiarize. A summary of plagiarism. Plagiarism Evolved.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Plagiarism What do you mean I plagiarized?

  2. Plagiarism • The evolution of plagiarism. • The current definition of plagiarism. • The types of plagiarism. • How does plagiarism effect people? • How not to plagiarize. • A summary of plagiarism.

  3. Plagiarism Evolved • Caveman days: Ugggh saw Arg tell a girl “ooogoogogogo.” Then, the girl jumped into Arg’s arms, and they kissed as they entered the candlelit cave. Ugggh then proceeded to tell another girl “ooogoogogogo.”

  4. Plagiarism Evolved • History of plagiarism: • “previous centuries authors and artists were encouraged to "copy the masters as closely as possible" and avoid "unnecessary invention” (Wikipedia). • “modern concept of plagiarism as immoral and originality as an ideal emerged in Europe only in the 18th century, particularly with the Romantic movement” (Wikipedia).

  5. Plagiarism Evolved • Culture and Plagiarism: • There may be cultural differences in viewing plagiarism: • http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy&hl=en&source=hp&q=plagiarism+in+china+2009&aq=1v&aqi=g1g-v1&aql=&oq=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=822bf32b5c0e0691

  6. Plagiarism Evolved • Is it plagiarism? (Olsson 118) • Martin Luther King Jr’s version of a sentence also found in the earlier PhD dissertation of Dr. Jack Boozer: • Correlation means correspondence of data in the sense of a correspondence between religious symbols and that which is symbolized by them. It is upon the assumption of this correspondence that all utterances about God’s nature are made. This correspondence is actual in the logos nature of God and the logos nature of man. • Dr. Jack Boozer’s attested earlier version: • Correlation means correspondence of data in the sense of a correspondence between religious symbols and that which is symbolized by them. It is upon the assumption of this correspondence that all utterances about God’s nature are made. This correspondence is actual in the logos-nature of God and the logos-nature of man.

  7. Plagiarism Evolved

  8. Current Definition • So what is the current definition of Plagiarism? • Purdue OWL: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/589/02/ • Dictionary.com: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/plagiarism

  9. Current Definition • SFA: Definition of Academic Dishonesty - Plagiarism is presenting the words or ideas of another person as if they were your own. Examples of plagiarism are (1) submitting an assignment as if it were one's own work when, in fact, it is at least partly the work of another; (2) submitting a work that has been purchased or otherwise obtained from an Internet source or another source; and (3) incorporating the words or ideas of an author into one's paper without giving the author due credit.

  10. Types of Plagiarism • Did you know there were different types of plagiarism? • Word for Word (Olsson Chapter 8) • You copy directly from the source • Paraphrasing (Frick) • You restate a comment from the source without citation • Mosaic Plagiarism (Olsson Chapter 8) • Adding in pieces of terms or phrases from the source

  11. Types of Plagiarism

  12. Effect on People • Borrowing: • http://rapradar.com/2010/08/19/kanye-mad-at-40-for-borrowing-sound/ • Sampling: • The wide spread use of sampling in popular music originated with the birth of hip hop music in New York in the 1970s (Wikipedia). • Jay-Z: The Black Album from The Beatles • The Notorious B.I.G.: Ready to Die from the Ohio Players, "Singing in the Morning"

  13. Effect on People

  14. Avoid Plagiarism • University of Texas Austin & LBJ School of Public Affairs • http://www.utexas.edu/lbj/writing/plagiarism.pdf

  15. In Summary….

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