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Engaged and Responsible Scholarship

Engaged and Responsible Scholarship. Graduate School of Social Sciences VU University Amsterdam. A course in two parts. Part A: Integrity and Research Quality ( June 2014) Part B: Social Science Careers (September – October 2014)

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Engaged and Responsible Scholarship

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  1. Engaged and ResponsibleScholarship Graduate School of Social Sciences VU University Amsterdam

  2. A course in twoparts • Part A: Integrity and Research Quality (June 2014) • Part B: Social Science Careers (September – October 2014) • Butyoucanread all of this in the coursemanual. And I assumeyou have donethatalready. Soinstead…

  3. A warm welcome to the research production plant?

  4. Integrity in Five Research Phases

  5. FosteringIntegrity

  6. FosteringIntegrity Thiscourse May never happen New Faculty Policy

  7. Fiveabbreviations • RM: Research Misconduct • FFP: Fabrication, Fraud, Plagiarism • QRP: Questionable Research Practices • GRP: Good Research Practices • RCR: ResponsibleConduct in Research

  8. Assignment A1 • Formulate a research questionthatyouwillanswer in your conference paper. • In the paper, youreflect on a dilemma in current research practice. • Submit at nextweek’slecture, and feel free to askquestionsbeforethat.

  9. And now: let’sdiscuss • Here are somedilemmasfrom the ERIM dilemma game, posted at http://www.eur.nl/english/eur/publications/integrity/dilemma_game/ • Read the statement and firstmake a private choice. • Thenarguewhyyou made yourchoice.

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