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Explore the fascinating tale of the universe's birth, Earth's formation, the evolution of our atmosphere, and the intriguing origins of life on our planet. Witness the stages from abiotic synthesis to the emergence of complex life forms through chemosynthesis and photosynthesis.
Origin of the Earth • Universe formed 15 billion years ago (Big Bang) • Galaxies formed from stars, dust and gas • Earth formed 4.6 billion years ago
Origin of the Atmosphere • Suns energy stripped away 1st atmosphere • 2nd atmosphere formed from volcanic outgassing • Primitive atmosphere: CO2, water vapor, lesser amts of CO, N2, H2, HCl, and traces of NH3 and CH4(3.5 bya)
Origin of the Atmosphere • O2 came in 1.5 bya from photosynthesis • Present atmosphere: 78% N2, 21% O2, 0.04% CO2, + trace gasses
Formation of Earth’s Oceans (4 bybp): Off gassing of water vapor from volcano Condensation Rain
Origin of Life Life began~ 3.5 bya Organic molecules (C H O N P S) swimming in shallow seas Stage 1: Abiotic synthesis of organic molecules such as proteins, amino acids and nucleotides
Origin of Life Stage 2: joining of small molecules (monomers) into large molecules
Origin of Life Stage 3: origin of self-replicating molecules that eventually made inheritance possible
Origin of Life Stage 4: packaging these molecules into pre-cells, droplets of molecules with membranes that maintained an internal chemistry
electrodes CH4 NH3 H2 water vapor spark condenser water containing organic compounds boiling water Origin of Life Miller & Urey (1953)- mixed water vapor, NH3, CH4, H2 + electric spark amino acids and other organic compounds
Origin of Life • Produced: • 20 amino acids • Several sugars • Lipids • Purine and pyrimidine bases (found in DNA, RNA & ATP)
chemosynthetic bacteria (extremophiles) Chemosynthesis: 02 + 4H2S + C02 CH20 + 4S +3H20 Stromatolites (bacteria & cyanobacteria) Oldest fossils found in western Australia and southern Africa ~ 3.5 byo Photosynthesis: 6H2O + 6CO2 + nutrients + light energy C6H12O6 + 6O2
Stromatolites mostly cyano Stromatolites from Shark’s Bay Australia
Inquiry • How old is the Earth? • What was the 1st organism to have appeared 3.5 bya? • How did it eat? • When did oxygen 1st appear in the atmosphere? • How was it produced? • What did Miller & Urey’s study conclude?