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Federal Policy Update: 2010 Capitol Hill Day Priorities

Federal Policy Update: 2010 Capitol Hill Day Priorities. Capitol Hill Day Materials: www.endhomelessness.org/2010HillDay. Introduction Hill Day Logistics Capitol Hill Day Policy Agenda Appropriations: Update, Talking Points, Action Needed McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grants

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Federal Policy Update: 2010 Capitol Hill Day Priorities

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  1. Federal Policy Update: 2010 Capitol Hill Day Priorities Capitol Hill Day Materials: www.endhomelessness.org/2010HillDay

  2. Introduction Hill Day Logistics Capitol Hill Day Policy Agenda Appropriations: Update, Talking Points, Action Needed McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grants Section 8 SAMHSA Homeless Services Runaway and Homeless Youth Act 3.Authorizing Bills: Update, Talking Points, Action Comprehensive Legislation to End Veteran Homelessness National Housing Trust Fund 4. Questions Today’s Agenda

  3. Thank you State Captains for organizing Hill Day! Contact Sumeet Singh, (ssingh@naeh.org / 202-942-8259) for info about participating in Congressional visits. Conference “Advocacy Track” Agenda can be found on the Capitol Hill Day Info Page – www.endhomelessness.org/2010HillDay Hill Day Logistics

  4. Reflects critical issues being considered AS WE SPEAK Issues we can impact at the time of the conference Issues you have been working on for several months Capitol Hill Day Policy Agenda

  5. Several policies are moving forward Prioritizing issues for each meeting is CRITICAL Less issues = more progress Capitol Hill Day Policy Agenda

  6. Deciding on an issue: Is your Senator or Representative on a committee considering one of these policies? What have they supported in the past? We can help you find this info! Capitol Hill Day Policy Agenda

  7. Provide $2.4 billion for McKinney programs in FY 2011 Latest Update: Administration proposed $2.055 billion (10% increase) House T-HUD Subcommittee “marked up” and voted on its bill on Thursday, July 1, which provides $2.055 billion Senate T-HUD Subcommittee still drafting its bill Appropriations: McKinney

  8. Appropriations: McKinney • House T-HUD Members • Thank you! Please work to provide increased funding • All other Representatives • Please work throughout the process to increase funding level • Senate T-HUD Subcommittee members • Provide $2.4 billion in FY 2011 • All other Senators • Ask T-HUD Chair/RM to provide $2.4 billion

  9. Talking Points Without enough funding, less money for new CoC projects or HPRP-like activities How do you use McKinney and HPRP funds currently? One-time big increase to fully implement HEARTH Act new ESG program = 18 percent increase; new rural program = 2 percent increase; Project renewals = 5 percent increase; and Community-based oversight and administration = 3 percent increase National/local declines in homelessness Appropriations: McKinney

  10. Appropriations: Housing and Services Demo Housing and Services for Homeless Persons Demonstration 10,000 Vouchers ($85 million) 4,000 units for Chronic Homelessness $16 million services funding from SAMHSA Applicants would have to commit to using Medicaid resources 6,000 units for homeless and at-risk families Applicants would have to commit TANF resources

  11. Appropriations: Housing and Services Demo Status House T-HUD Appropriations Subcommittee included $85 million for Demo. Senate has not acted yet Labor/HHS/Education Subcommittees have not acted yet on the $16 million for SAMHSA Thank House T-HUD Appropriators for including $85 million Ask Senate T-HUD to include $85 million and House and Senate Labor/HHS Appropriators to include $16 million for SAMHSA

  12. Appropriations: Section 8 Administration requested enough funding to renew existing vouchers, and possibly a little extra. 10,000 for Housing and Services Demo No new VASH, FUP, or disability vouchers New Transforming Rental Assistance Initiative House T-HUD appropriators included roughly what the Administration requested for Voucher renewals. 10,000 for Housing and Services Demo 10,000 new VASH Vouchers No funding for Transforming Rental Assistance

  13. Appropriations: Section 8 National Campaign to double voucher program over 10 years—200,000 new vouchers per year. Ask your Members of Congress to significantly expand Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program this year and in future years.

  14. Appropriations: SAMHSA Priority • Provide $120 million for SAMHSA Homeless Services programs in FY 2011, including $15.8 million for Homeless Initiative Program Latest Update • Administration proposed $87 million • House and Senate HHS Subcommittees drafting bills Specific Ask • HHS Appropriations Subcommittee members: provide $120 million, including $15.8 million for Homeless Initiative Program • All other Members of Congress: Ask Chair/RM of HHS Subcommittee to provide $120 million

  15. Appropriations: SAMHSA Talking Points • Local URGENCY for services funding for PSH • Difficulty in creating PSH due to lack of services funding • Use of Medicaid funds in supportive housing • Cost-effectiveness data • High level of interest and capacity by providers

  16. In 2009, SOP teams make contact with over 800,000 youth nationwide About 41,000 received shelter and 4,000 entered Transition Living Programs Over 7,500 were denied shelter or housing in 2009 due to lack of capacity 73% entered shelter directly from parent or guardian’s home RHYA Talking Points – The Numbers

  17. Labor-Heath-Education Subcommittee handles RHYA House support from: KY, IL, PA, WA, MN, WI, FL, TX, and OH Senate support from: NJ, CT, MI, RI, OH, IL, MD, NY, OR, and MN Need to develop Congressional champions to bring youth housing to scale and benefits of family counseling to keep youth safely in homes Talking Points – Who can do what?

  18. Currently funded at $116 million Funds Basic Center, Transitional Living, and Street Outreach Programs Administered by DHHS through Family &Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) $49 million dollar increase focused on specific programs and research Part of Federal Housing Policy Campaign to End Homeless for 50,000 Youth Runaway and Homeless Youth Act

  19. FY2011 Appropriations: Runaway and Homeless Youth Act

  20. Priority Enact comprehensive legislation, such as Zero Tolerance for Veteran Homelessness Act, to end veteran homelessness. The legislation should: Establish a comprehensive homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing program at VA; Authorize an expansion of the Department of Housing and Urban Development-VA Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program to serve 60,000 veterans and their families; and Improve data collection on the extent of homelessness among veterans. Latest Update Senate VA Committee passed S. 1237, which included ZTVHA House passed H.R. 4810, which establishes a prevention program Two bills may go to conference together Authorizations: Comprehensive Veteran Legislation

  21. Specific Ask: Senators: Pass ZTVHA Representatives: Enact comprehensive legislation to end homelessness among veterans, such as ZTVHA Talking Points: Scope of veteran homelessness in your community Data to describe the positive impact of local HUD-VASH vouchers. Veterans in your community could benefit from a continuum of housing options for veterans, depending on their needs and the depth of their housing crisis Authorizations: Comprehensive Veteran Legislation

  22. Authorizations: NHTF Priority • Provide $1 billion to capitalize NHTF Latest Update • Administration proposed $1 billion mandatory allocation • House passed H.R. 4213 with $1 billion for NHTF • Senate hasn’t been able to pass H.R. 4213 Specific Ask • Work with the Administration to approve a $1 billion mandatoryallocation for the NHTF.

  23. Authorizations: NHTF Talking Points • Importance of rental housing affordable to ELI households • Would increase access to housing for those experiencing or most at risk of homelessness • State allocation – www.nhtf.org

  24. Capitol Hill Day Materials: www.endhomelessness.org/2010HillDay For more information, contact: Amanda Krusemark Sumeet Singh akrusemark@naeh.orgssingh@naeh.org 202-942-8256 202-942-8259

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