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Views of Creation affect World View

Views of Creation affect World View. The call of the Bible is to “ repent ” , meaning to “ change one ’ s mind ” about life and reality. Such a change begins with the basic concept of a worldview. To participate in an athletic event it helps to be in the same ballpark!.

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Views of Creation affect World View

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  1. Views of Creation affect World View The call of the Bible is to “repent”, meaning to “change one’s mind” about life and reality. Such a change begins with the basic concept of a worldview. To participate in an athletic event it helps to be in the same ballpark! Anthropology: Human nature

  2. World View Definition • “A world view provides a model of the world which guides its adherents in the world”. Walsh and Middleton (1984) The Transforming Vision • It is the lens through which we see the world. • Arthur Holmes: “The need to unify thought and life; the need to define the good life and find hope and meaning in life; the need to guide thought; the need to guide action” Anthropology: Human nature

  3. Testing of World Views • It should be rational: should not ask us to believe contradictory things • It should be supported by evidence: consistent with what we observe • It should give a satisfying comprehensive explanation of reality: why things are as they are • It should provide a satisfactory basis for living: not forcing us to borrow from another world view to survive Anthropology: Human nature

  4. Three World Viewssee human nature differently • Theism • Naturalism • Pantheism • Our view determines how we educate children, punish criminals, run our government and view ethical differences • Theism is seen as simplistic, while Naturalism and Pantheism are reductionists (both which detract from uniqueness and purpose) • These views are mutually exclusive: they might all be wrong, but cannot all be right!! Anthropology: Human nature

  5. Distinctions • Naturalism: Man is a biological “machine” which evolved totally by chance without purpose • Pantheism: Man is seen as forgetful deity whose essence is a complex of energy fields. Reality is hidden by an illusion of apparent physical world. • Theism: Man is a special creation who accepts the reality of physical and spiritual natures. A balanced livable view of what it means to be human Anthropology: Human nature

  6. Questions world views must answer • Are humans special in any way? • Do we have purpose and origin that sets us apart from the rest of the animal or material world? • Are we good, evil or neither? • What happens when we die? Anthropology: Human nature

  7. Are humans special to the Naturalist? Terminator II, Arnold Schwartzenegger: Boy:”Listen to me carefully, ok? You’re not a Terminator anymore. All right? You got that? You just can’t go around killing people. Terminator: “Why? Boy: “What do you mean, ‘Why?’‘Cause you can’t! Terminator: Why? Boy: “’Cause you just can’t, ok? ‘Trust me on this!” • To Naturalist who believe no spiritual reality exists, the answer is irrational. God is irrelevant. • Man is no more than an random accident of mindless evolution of time plus chance • Sartre argued that man must make his own meaning in the face of absurd universe. He is autonomous, self-centered and must save himself Anthropology: Human nature

  8. Are humans special to New Age Pantheist? • All life forms are divine, i.e. complex energy fields • Gerald Jampolsky argues that love is only part of man that is real—but it can’t be defined! • A radical monism, “all is one and all is god” Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh: “There is no purpose in life; existence is non-purposive. That is why it is called a leela, “a play”. Existence itself has no purpose to fulfill. It is not going anywhere…there is no end that it is moving toward” Anthropology: Human nature

  9. Are humans special to Theists? • All men created in God’s image (1:26) • Created for a purpose, to glorify God • Jesus gave additional purposes in Matt 22:37-39 • Love God • Love your neighbor • Christianity doesn’t reduce man to his material physical nature or merely to non-material invisible energy nature • Rather recognizes the real complexity of humanity as physical, emotional and spiritual components Anthropology: Human nature

  10. Are we good, bad or neither? NATURALIST • Question of good and evil apply only to survival • How moldable is human behavior: Skinner believed humans are completely programmable via conditioning methods • Wilson, “Human emotions and ethics have been programmed to a “substantial degree” by evolutionary experience: people are being coded to respond to conditions by evolution” • Jean-Paul Sartre believed humans are “choosing machines” completely free to choose who they shall be: either ruler or drunk. Neither is better than the other since everything is meaningless, without moral value.” Anthropology: Human nature

  11. Are we good, bad or neither? • PANTHEISTS had difficulty with notion of “good and evil”. They are indifferent: “In the totality of Beingness there is no absolute anything—no rights or wrongs, no higher or lower aspects—only the infinite interaction of forces, subtle and gross, that have meaning only in relationship to one another” Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh: “I am totally passive. Whatsoever happens, happens. I never question why, because there is no one to be asked” • CHRISTIANITY: Universe created by a personal, moral Creator God, for good purposes. • Creation is in a fallen state due to rebellion against God • Humans are inclined to sin, and born in state of sinfulness • Explains potential for goodness, sense of justice and inclination toward evil Anthropology: Human nature

  12. What happens after death? • Naturalist: • Bertran Russell, “people are lumps of impure carbon and water, dividing their time between labor to postpone their normal dissolution and frantic struggle to hasten it for others” • Movie: FlatLiners involved young doctors who wanted to die and be brought back just to see if there was anything out there: conclusion—death means extinction Anthropology: Human nature

  13. What happens after death? • Pantheist • Death is an inconvenience on road to nirvana. • Multiple reincarnations permit accumulation of karma until oneness with universe in thought and action is attained • Illustrated by a drop of water falling into ocean loosing its identity and oneness with universal energy occurs Anthropology: Human nature

  14. What happens after death? • Christianity • Denies the reincarnation and extinction • Death is door to continual existence which begins with a destiny-judgment (Heb 9:27) • Considered a lineral view of history: single life—universal death—judged by God—destiny • Based on historical evidence of Christ’s life and divine dealing with Israel, the biblical account is trustworthy • Those who have trusted in the redemptive work of Christ on the cross will spend eternity in glorified bodies worshipping and fellowshipping with their Creator God Anthropology: Human nature

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