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Floating Machine D evelopment Week 40

Floating Machine D evelopment Week 40. R. Assmann for the LHC MD coordination team ( R. Assmann, Frank Zimmermann, Giulia Papotti ) LPC, 03.10.2011. Schedule. 4.10.: Discussion in LSWG with input / clarifications / requests from MD teams ( round-table )

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Floating Machine D evelopment Week 40

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  1. Floating MachineDevelopment Week 40 R. Assmann for the LHC MD coordination team (R. Assmann, Frank Zimmermann, Giulia Papotti) LPC, 03.10.2011 R. Assmann

  2. Schedule 4.10.: Discussion in LSWG withinput/clarifications/requestsfrom MD teams (round-table) 5.10.: Discussionofdraftlist in LMC Week 2.10.-8.10.: Large pile-up MD. Floating MD #1: 25ns setup Week 9.10.-15.10.: Floating MD #2: 25ns setup 18.10.: Discussion in LSWG with detailed presentations from MD teams. Start MP procedure. 19.10.: Discussion in LMC. Approval of plan for MD#4. MD#4: Oct 30, 6am - Nov 4, 6am. R. Assmann

  3. Introduction • Scheduled 168h ofmore MD time in 2011: • 120h in MD block #4. • 48h in floatingMD‘s (scheduledduringphysicsrun). • Wecouldhavescheduledanother 230h (seelist) andmore (in yourrequeststhatwealreadyreduced)... • Not everythingcanbedone! • We will also have MD time in 2012! Will askfornewrequestsfornextyear, whichshouldtakeintoaccountresultsachieved in 2011. • All thisdepends on yourinputtous! R. Assmann

  4. Present Draft List (to be discussed this week) This week To be moved to regular MD? R. Assmann

  5. Present Draft List R. Assmann

  6. Present Draft List R. Assmann

  7. ReceivedRequests: Not Scheduled I R. Assmann

  8. ReceivedRequests: Not Scheduled II R. Assmann

  9. ReceivedRequests: Not Scheduled III R. Assmann

  10. Present Draft List R. Assmann

  11. Present Draft List R. Assmann

  12. Discussion • Whatshould NOT bedoneandwhat MUST still bedone in 2011? • Scheduled 168h ofmore MD time in 2011. • Wecouldhavescheduledanother 230h (seelist) andmore (in yourrequeststhatwealreadyreduced)... R. Assmann

  13. Thankyou... R. Assmann

  14. Scheduled & not yet scheduled MD Requestsstatus August 2011 Appendix 1 – MD List (Status Aug. 2011) times in hours (incl. possible ramp down) allocated in: 1st MD block 2nd MD block 3rd MD block R. Assmann

  15. beam-beam MD’s 8+17+16 8 1 6 (EOF) total: 134 h R. Assmann

  16. optics MD’s 14+14 10 12 8 total: 98 h R. Assmann

  17. e-cloud MD’s mC priority 7 total: 36 h R. Assmann

  18. operational MD’s total: 12 h R. Assmann

  19. IR MD’s 8 10 total: 32 h R. Assmann

  20. injection & injection protection MD’s 8 6+7 9 (4+) 10 total: 111 h R. Assmann

  21. collimation MD’s 4 5 10 mC priority 10 5 10+10 total: 72 h R. Assmann

  22. MD’s on passive protection for stored beam total: 16 h R. Assmann

  23. impedance MD’s 10 (5?) total: 48 h R. Assmann

  24. R2E MD’s 8 total: 8 h R. Assmann

  25. instrumentation MD’s 10 10 total: 31 h R. Assmann

  26. RF MD’s 8+10 10 as operational development 8 6 total: 124 h R. Assmann

  27. ion MD’s not ready? total: 26 h R. Assmann

  28. experiment MD’s mC priority 6 in MD block 4? total: 12 h R. Assmann

  29. magnet MD’s 6 6+4 not in MD total: 41 h R. Assmann

  30. EOF studies R. Assmann

  31. operational development studies R. Assmann

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