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Bibliotherapy Lesson Celebrating Differences

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Bibliotherapy Lesson Celebrating Differences

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    2. Materials Cannon, Janell, (1993). Stellaluna. New York, NY: Scholastic Inc. Classic Music Candle (mango fruit scented) Stellaluna puppet.

    3. Synopsis A baby fruit bat is separated from her mother after an owl attack. Since she is still very young and unable to fly, Stellaluna lands into a nest where three baby birds are awaiting for food. Stellaluna is “adopted” by the mother bird who raises her as one of her own. Stellaluna must follow the rules and way of life of her foster family. She must eat live bugs and worms, sit in the nest instead of hanging upside down and sleep at night. She adapts very obediently to this new way of life- even though it is sometimes difficult for her-so she could fit in. Once Stellaluna learns to fly, she has chance to soar at night. This allows her to meet other fruit bats, who make fun of her strange customs. She follows them and is finally reunited with her own mother who explains that her ways of doing things is appropriate for fruit bats. Stellaluna feels happy to find this out and learns the ways of bats. She returns to her adoptive family to show her step-brothers and sisters what she has learned. She invites her friends to visit her true family. The birds tried the ways of bats and recognized that bat behavior was not appropriate for their species. Finally, Stellaluna and her bird stepbrothers and sisters, realize that despite the huge differences in their ways of life, they can still be friends.

    4. Goal To help children appreciate differences among people, and value the rights and cultural diversity of others.

    5. Overview This Bibliotherapy lesson provides an opportunity for students to reflect upon and personally relate to a story, read by the teacher, by having students reflect on similar situations or emotions in their own lives. This is a positive way to acknowledge individual differences of people, especially friends and peers. With a beautiful language, and exquisite illustrations, Cannon portrays how the norms learned in a social group may differ from those practiced in other groups. As a consequence, familiar behaviors tend to be viewed as good and accepted while that of the others are less good and rejected. This tendency leads to make prejudicial judgments about others and exhorting discriminatory behaviors.

    6. The main character of the book portrays the psychological stages through which a person advances during an intercultural encounter. Stellaluna experiences several emotional reactions when she is forced to behave differently. Then she adapts to a new way of life and finally she, and her siblings, experience a significant personal change, becoming more complex thinkers as a consequence of such intercultural experience: As the cover of the book illustrates, Stellaluna is trapped between two worlds: the world of the birds above and the world of the bats below: Two creatures that are alike and yet so different. An allegory for accepting differences: we are alike in some ways, but we are different in others. Overview

    7. This story is especially important for children who are not being raised in the style of the majority of the population . If children are comfortable with being different, then they can help their peers be comfortable with these differences as well. This fable also proves the importance of finding true roots. Stellaluna feels happy when she finds out that her strange ways are normal for the one of her species: Overview

    8. –“How can we be so different and feel so much alike?,” mused Flitter. –“And how can we feel so different and be so much alike?”, wondered Pip –“ I think this is quite a mystery”, Flap chirped. – “I agree”, said Stellaluna. “But we are friends. And that’s a fact .”

    10. Themes/Key Concepts Accepting differences Appreciation of cultural diversity Tolerance Friendship Responsibility Accepting rules Identity crisis True roots Adoption Feelings: love, fear, loneliness, sadness, confusion, embarrassment, relief , happiness Adaptation

    11. From Theory to Practice Bibliotherapy is defined by Riordan and Wilson as "the guided reading of written materials in gaining understanding or solving problems relevant to a person's therapeutic needs" (Riordan and Wilson, 1989, p. 506). "Through Bibliotherapy," children have an opportunity to identify, to compensate, and to relive in a controlled manner a problem that they are aware of" (Olsen, 1975). Olsen (1975) compares Bibliotherapy to prevention of a disease, and suggests that, because books help a child develop his or her self-concept, the child will be better adjusted to trying situations in the future.

    12. From theory to Practice “One long-term goal in education is for individuals to become broader, more complex thinkers…Strategies designed to increase cognitive sophistication have been shown to have a positive impact on prejudice.” (Cushner, et al. 2003) Pettegrew(1981)established that “the more confident a person is in his own sense of identity and competence, the lower is that person’s degree of prejudice”

    13. From Theory to Practice Simulations, acting out plays and writing stories that characterize acts of prejudice are excellent tools for helping children become sensitive to others who look and act different (Shaver &Curtis,1981). Children co-construct knowledge during social exchanges that occur among and between individuals in a setting.(J. Bruner, 1985) Social interactions allow children to extend their thinking and prolong their involvement with the text.

    15. Objectives Strand: Relation with History and Cultures The learner will… Identify some physical, social cultural and emotional characteristics that describe him or her or as a unique human being. Identify some physical, social cultural and emotional Characteristics of other members of his own community and members from other communities.

    16. Objectives Strand: Ethical and Political Relations The learner will… Identify the characteristics of the basic social organizations in his community. Strand: Communicating in social Sciences The learner will…. Communicate in written and oral form Work with others to gather information

    17. Objectives Strand: Development of Personal and Social commitments: The learner will…. Recognize and respect different points of view Respect individual physical features and that of the others Recognize that rules are basic agreements that look for the well-being of the community

    18. Specific Objectives At the end of this Bibliotherapy lesson Children will be able to: Recognize and accept that each person is unique and special. Describe how she/he is alike as well as different from others. Verbalize a personal traits or behavior that she/he likes about self. Respond to reading, listening, viewing experiences orally, artistically, dramatically through various formats.

    20. Grade Level This book is exceptional for: First Grade (6-7 years old)   This Bibliotherapy Lesson could be part of a Long term project on multi-cultural awareness.

    21. Classroom Setting This lesson could be used, after several activities have helped develop inclusion for everyone in the group, and when conflicts begin to arise. Shared Reading time with whole class. Children are gathered close to the text, so they can see the print. The book is on an easel. The teacher sits on a low chair.

    22. Estimated Lesson Time Two 30-minute sessions on consecutive days which will allow children to explore the main goal of the lesson: Accepting Differences: Session I Read aloud Session: 15-20min. Discussion Questions 10 min. Session II Revisiting the Book 5 min. Venn Diagram Activity 5 min. Individual work 10 Sharing Activity 10

    23. Introductory Activities Play ‘classic’ music, turn of lights and light a mango fruit scented candle. Invite children to sit around you on the carpet, by holding the book in an inviting way. Build on student’s prior knowledge by asking them what animal they see on the cover of the book. Invite a few children to give some characteristics of bats. Ask children to anticipate what the book will be about after looking at the picture in the cover and after reading the title. Read the book Stellaluna, displaying emotions and interest as you read. At appropriate parts, ask children to predict what might happen.

    24. Preparing the Environment for Discussion Questions Session I After Book has been read Sequence the story events with the help of children. Introduce the Stellaluna puppet.  The puppet will share with children how the feelings of being judged for not being like the others and how she felt to find out that what she was doing was right for the ones of her species. The puppet will also recognize the that it is alright to have friends that look and behave differently. Explain to children that the puppet will be asking them some questions.

    25. Discussion Questions In what ways was I (Stellaluna) like the birds? In what ways was I (Stellaluna ) different from the birds? Do you (children) think people are like me (Stellaluna), and my friends? Alike in some ways and different in other ways ? How? What did Mama Bird do when she saw me (Stellaluna) sleeping upside down? Why did Mama Bird act this way? Do you feel is alright to say that somebody is bad because he or she acts differently? Why? How did I (Stellaluna) feel when I (Stellaluna) was forced to do things I(Stellaluna) was not used to?    

    26. Discussion Questions 7. Could you describe a situation in which you have experienced a similar emotion or situation as I (Stellaluna) did in the story? How did you feel? 8. How did I (Stellaluna) feel when I(Stellaluna) found my real (Stellaluna’s) family? How Did I (Stellaluna) feel when I saw that my (Stellaluna’s) bird brothers were not able to do the things I was able to do? How did I (Stellaluna) and my (Stellaluna’s) bird brothers solve the problem? What is the most important message that this story tells you?

    27. Session II Activity Session II Create, with children’s input, a Venn diagram showing the similarities and differences between bats and birds. List only the facts highlighted in the book. After the Venn diagram has been completed, have the children think of the ways that they are different/special. Children draw pictures of the things that make them special. (favorite foods, toys, games, etc.). Pair children and ask them to compare their likenesses and differences. Each pair of students will share his/her picture with the class telling one of the ways that he/she is different that makes him/her special.

    28. Follow-up Activities Children Reenact crucial scenes in the book. Children draw pictures of things they like to do together with friends. Children collaboratively create a mural :“Different but the Same”, using their pictures. Children write their reflections on the story in their Reading Response Journals. Children prepare questions and interview a member of the community that has a different nationality, religion, or ethnic background. Children learn the poem “Same but Different” and celebrate what they have learned presenting this chant to the community during an school assembly.

    29. Cross Curricular Activities Technology: Children use the electronic version of the children's story of the same title, designed to help them with word recognition, reading comprehension, and computer literacy. Writing: Children create a similar story line but using different animals as the main characters, such as a fish and a dolphin. Science : Children research to find other bat facts and comparethem with what is known about birds. Math: Children create bar graphs to explore favorite foods, pets, toys, TV programs etc.

    30. Extensions Read other books about accepting people and celebrating our differences: Whoever You Are, Fox; Fish is fish, Leoni; People, Spier. Participate in a global education project through websites such as “The Global Schoolhouse” (http://www.gsn.org/), that promotes multicultural awareness by connecting classroom teachers and students around the world.

    31. Assessment Each student's understanding of likenesses and differences will be evident in the conversations that take place during the activity and in the sharing of same and different exchanges.  

    32. References Cannon, Janell, (1993). Stellaluna. New York, NY: Scholastic Inc. Cushner , K. et. Al., (2003). Human Diversity in Education: an Integrative Approach. 4th ed. New York:, NY: Mc Graw Hill M.E.N. (2004) Estandares Basicos de Competencias en Ciencias Naturales y Ciencias Sociales. Ninisterio de Educacion Nacional Republica de Colombia. http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/bibliotherapy.htm

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