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Digital Language Lab

English Laboratory will more emphasise on above mentioned skills giving completeness to the English learning course.

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Digital Language Lab

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  1. Digital Language Lab- English lab Contents Digital Language Lab- English lab ..................................... 1 Fun English Fluency Techniques to Improve Your Speaking Ability ................................................................. 2 Tips to Improve Spoken English ........................................ 2 Some Aspects About the English Language ..................... 3 English language learning could be fun ............................. 4 Importance of Communicating in English Language ......... 4 4 tips How to be Fluent in English Speaking ..................... 5 1. Don’t just read the paper ....................................................................... 5 2. Use these words which you have learned ....................... 6 3. Do not feel embarrassment ................................................................ 6 4. Increase your confidence...................................................................... 6 englishlab.co.in/blog/tag/english-language/

  2. Fun English Fluency Techniques to Improve Your Speaking Ability Explore the value of listening, strengthen your vocabulary, avoid translation, and enjoy tongue twisters. Prepare to experience the wonder of spoken English! Hello everyone! Let’s explore the beautiful world of English spoken by others. As we all know, it might be a little more difficult to understand spoken English than it is to understand written English. But fear not! Listening to spoken English is super important and comes with heaps of benefits compared to reading alone. It helps you grasp the flow of speech, nail those word pronunciations, and even teaches you about connected speech and whatnot. Tips to Improve Spoken English

  3. It is harder to understand spoken English than written English. Even though it is difficult, listening to spoken English is a hugely important activity as it has many advantages over reading. It teaches to understand the speech, it shows the pronunciation of words, it teaches connected speech, etc. Improving your English communication is just like how you take on your fitness program, where you need intense focus and a positive mindset to stay fit and get the physique you want. Learning to speak English fluently can’t be done in a day. It takes time and requires regular practice. Some Aspects About the English Language There are several factors that make the English language essential to communication at the current time. The first thing that comes to our mind when speaking about the English language is that everyone sees English as an international language. This means that two people who come from different countries usually use English as a common language to communicate. Even the personality development labs, career labs, and CALL labs use English as the means of communication. Personality is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with others. The personality development lab helps to enhance the soft skills of students. Carrier labhelps the students to know different streams of the working unit. The full form of CALL lab is Computer Assisted Language learning.

  4. English language learning could be fun For a communication to be made, it is essential that the user should have the communication skills and good command over the language in which an individual wants to communicate. In today’s time, it has become essential to have good command in English communication. As the English language is mostly in demand all over the world may it be for simple communication or an interview with MNC. To learn English communication it is necessary to have the English speaking practice otherwise it will be difficult for any individual to speak English fluently. To improve the command over the English language it is essential to have good command over the Grammar and vocabulary. Vocabulary is essential as without having knowledge of adequate words it will not be easy to communicate properly in the English language. Importance of Communicating in English Language

  5. Language is the means of communication with fellow beings and the world outside for effectively conveying our thoughts and desires. The use of words, image, symbol, and sound manifest the base of a language. It is the mode of expression and emotional release on which civilizations thrive. The communication medium of today’s civilization undoubtedly thrives on the English language. This is because English has for long been the medium of instruction and communication in education, business, international trade, and commerce. It is an international languageand is an important factor in today’s globalized world. 4 tips How to be Fluent in English Speaking 1. Don’t just read the paper As a course of your learning English language, you are not bound to read. That is why you need to be cautious. You should read with depth and mark all the words that you have not sure. Write these words and find their meanings so that you can maintain your English language learning a bit.

  6. 2. Use these words which you have learned Learning new words is a great step that you take toward improving your English speaking fluency; however, if you wish to speed up in that process, you can try and make use of those newly acquired words while conversing with others. 3. Do not feel embarrassment As someone points out you on your mistake while conversing then try not to get offended. Instead, see him or her as your well-wisher and try to adopt the right way of using those words in sentences. Those things also make a great improvement. 4. Increase your confidence It is an obvious fact that confidence will come only when you gain a certain amount of flow in the language and for that, you have to practice and not hesitate in English speaking at all times. You can also involve your friends and family members and ask them to converse with you only in the English language.

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