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Token Based Authorization of GMPLS Networks

Token Based Authorization of GMPLS Networks. By: Leon Gommans, Paola Grosso, Fred Wan, Cees de Laat, Marten Hoekstra, Li Xu University of Amsterdam. Why are tokens a useful concept to implement with GMPLS networks?.

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Token Based Authorization of GMPLS Networks

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  1. Token Based Authorization of GMPLS Networks By: Leon Gommans, Paola Grosso, Fred Wan, Cees de Laat, Marten Hoekstra, Li Xu University of Amsterdam

  2. Why are tokens a useful concept to implement with GMPLS networks? Enables fast link access at network ingress- Deals with complex authorization process separately and in advance.- Can be linked to reservations.- Allows multi-domain support: Network egress generates token for next domain.- Tokens support both billing and pre-paid models. T T T T T T T T .

  3. Main rationale: Time consuming service authorization process can be separate from fast service access. HRM SLOW Finance User Home Org T T T Service Provider A Service Provider B User Work Group T T Network Service Network Service Service Fast

  4. Functional overview Policy Manager SCU Elastic Scheduler Generic AAA Server Policy Repository Planned Schedule Application Client Policy Enforcement Point Active Schedule DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client Host A 802.1Q VLAN Switch 802.1Q VLAN Switch Host B

  5. Application sends reservation request link Policy Manager SCU Elastic Scheduler Generic AAA Server Policy Repository Planned Schedule Application Client Policy Enforcement Point Active Schedule DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client Host A 802.1Q VLAN Switch 802.1Q VLAN Switch Host B

  6. Generic AAA server fetches and executes policy Policy Manager SCU Elastic Scheduler Generic AAA Server Policy Repository Planned Schedule Application Client Policy Enforcement Point Active Schedule DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client Host A 802.1Q VLAN Switch 802.1Q VLAN Switch Host B

  7. Generic AAA server calls Elastic Scheduler as part of policy Policy Manager SCU Elastic Scheduler Generic AAA Server Policy Repository Planned Schedule Application Client Policy Enforcement Point Active Schedule DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client Host A 802.1Q VLAN Switch 802.1Q VLAN Switch Host B

  8. Elastic Scheduler merges request in planned schedule Policy Manager SCU Elastic Scheduler Generic AAA Server Policy Repository Planned Schedule Application Client Policy Enforcement Point Active Schedule DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client Host A 802.1Q VLAN Switch 802.1Q VLAN Switch Host B

  9. Elastic Scheduler replies Request ID Policy Manager SCU Elastic Scheduler Generic AAA Server Policy Repository Planned Schedule Application Client Policy Enforcement Point Active Schedule DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client Host A 802.1Q VLAN Switch 802.1Q VLAN Switch Host B

  10. Generic AAA Server generates Token Key which is placed into planned schedule using the Request ID. Policy Manager SCU Elastic Scheduler Generic AAA Server Policy Repository Planned Schedule Application Client Policy Enforcement Point Active Schedule DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client Host A 802.1Q VLAN Switch 802.1Q VLAN Switch Host B

  11. Generic AAA Server sends Token Key with Request ID to Application Client. Policy Manager SCU Elastic Scheduler Generic AAA Server Policy Repository Planned Schedule Application Client Policy Enforcement Point Active Schedule DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client Host A 802.1Q VLAN Switch 802.1Q VLAN Switch Host B

  12. Generic AAA Server pushes Planned Schedule to Active Schedule via Policy Enforcement Point. Policy Manager SCU Elastic Scheduler Generic AAA Server Policy Repository Planned Schedule Application Client Policy Enforcement Point Active Schedule DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client Host A 802.1Q VLAN Switch 802.1Q VLAN Switch Host B

  13. The Application Client Generates Token with Key and hands Token to the VLSR Client. Policy Manager SCU Elastic Scheduler Generic AAA Server Policy Repository Planned Schedule Application Client Policy Enforcement Point Active Schedule DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client Host A 802.1Q VLAN Switch 802.1Q VLAN Switch Host B

  14. Token generation at VLSR Client - detailed RSVP TE Source Address Destination Address Request ID Request ID HMAC-SHA1 Token Key

  15. The VLSR client sends a RSVP-TE PATH request. VLSR sends part of PATH request to the Policy Enforcement Point Policy Manager SCU Elastic Scheduler Generic AAA Server Policy Repository Planned Schedule Application Client Policy Enforcement Point Active Schedule DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client Host A 802.1Q VLAN Switch 802.1Q VLAN Switch Host B

  16. Token validation at Policy Enforcement Point - detailed RSVP TE Active Schedule Table Source Address Destination Address Request ID Token verify   Time slot verify HMAC-SHA1

  17. Policy Enforcement Point signals go-ahead to VLSR. Policy Manager SCU Elastic Scheduler Generic AAA Server Policy Repository Planned Schedule Application Client Policy Enforcement Point Active Schedule  DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client Host A 802.1Q VLAN Switch 802.1Q VLAN Switch Host B

  18. VLSR sends RSVP-TE PATH on to next VLSR Policy Manager SCU Elastic Scheduler Generic AAA Server Policy Repository Planned Schedule Application Client Policy Enforcement Point Active Schedule DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client Host A 802.1Q VLAN Switch 802.1Q VLAN Switch Host B

  19. VLSR sends PATH on to VLSR Client of Host B. Policy Manager SCU Elastic Scheduler Generic AAA Server Policy Repository Planned Schedule Application Client Policy Enforcment Point Active Schedule DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client Host A 802.1Q VLAN Switch 802.1Q VLAN Switch Host B

  20. VLSR Client B returns RESV to VLSR Client of Host A provisioning the VLAN switches along the way. Policy Manager SCU Elastic Scheduler Generic AAA Server Policy Repository Planned Schedule Application Client Policy Enforcment Point Active Schedule DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client Host A 802.1Q VLAN Switch 802.1Q VLAN Switch Host B

  21. Host A and B can now communicate. Policy Manager SCU Elastic Scheduler Generic AAA Server Policy Repository Planned Schedule Application Client Policy Enforcment Point Active Schedule DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client DRAGON VLSR VLSR Client Host A 802.1Q VLAN Switch 802.1Q VLAN Switch Host B

  22. Acknowledgement. Santa Clara University: Elastic Scheduler Sumit Naiksatam, Cameron Boehmer, Silvia Figueira Internet2: Conceptual Input regarding authorization models John Vollbrecht DRAGON Project: GMPLS control plane Chris Tracey SARA: Network Testbed Ronald van der Pol. .

  23. Thank you for watching

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