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萬物歡唱 _30.017 ( Dm ) 2. 我要(永遠)向主來歌唱 _01.048 ( Dm ) 3. 耶和華的禧年 _D-006 ( D ) 4. 親愛耶穌,醫治救主 _22.019 ( D ) 5. 愛我願意 _D-011 (主日回應詩歌). 尊神的名為聖. 耶和華以勒 耶和華必預備 (創世記 22 : 13 ) 耶和華拉法 耶和華是醫治你的 ( 出埃及記 15 : 26 ) 耶和華尼西 耶和華是我旌旗 (出埃及記 17 : 15 ) 耶和華沙龍 耶和華賜平安 (士師記 6 : 24 )

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  1. 萬物歡唱_30.017(Dm)2. 我要(永遠)向主來歌唱_01.048(Dm)3. 耶和華的禧年_D-006(D)4. 親愛耶穌,醫治救主_22.019(D)5. 愛我願意_D-011(主日回應詩歌)

  2. 尊神的名為聖 耶和華以勒 耶和華必預備(創世記22:13) 耶和華拉法 耶和華是醫治你的 (出埃及記15:26 ) 耶和華尼西 耶和華是我旌旗(出埃及記17:15 ) 耶和華沙龍 耶和華賜平安(士師記6:24) 耶和華羅伊 耶和華是我的牧者(詩篇23:1) 耶和華齊根努 耶和華是我們的義(耶利米書23:6) 耶和華沙瑪 耶和華的所在(以西結書48:35) 耶和華麥加底西肯 耶和華是叫你們成為聖的 (出埃及記31:13)

  3. 第十三週 讚美神的大能-時時讚美 【10月26日 經文:經文:林前二:2】 因為我曾定了主意,在你們中間不知道別的,只知道耶穌基督並他釘十字架。 【禱告】 讚美主,台灣與耶穌基督有約,是永恆的約,有彩虹為證,千古不變。台灣要高歌,為祂所賜的生命喜悅,萬物要歌頌祂的慈愛,讓這片大地訴說祂的恩典。基督上在十字架時,將祂的生命與我的生命交換。台灣唯獨選擇的是基督自己以及釘十字架的基督,台灣所要記得的耶穌基督是在這血約上,是祂將自己的生命交換我們舊有的生命。因此,台灣不再停留在舊有的景況中,因為我們明白祂住在我們裡面。因著這份換約,台灣能夠全然的信任耶穌基督,在戰兢中,往前行走。

  4. 祢是我喜樂泉源You are my fountain of joy祢使我歡欣跳躍You set my feet to dancing 喜樂泉源 18.130/天87

  5. 祢使我自由飛翔You let me soar like eagles不再被罪惡捆綁 You gave me perfect freedom

  6. 祢是我永生盼望You are the hope of my life祢愛有無比力量Your love is great beyond words

  7. 從今時直到永遠Your promise never changes祢應許不會改變From now to forevermore

  8. 祢的寶血有能力It was Your blood that gave me pow’r能醫治一切的傷口To heal the sickness and disease

  9. 祢的復活能改變It was Your life that let me live一切的咒詛成為祝福The life of blessing free from the curse

  10. 我們要高舉祢聖名We lift Your Holy name on high祢配得所有最大的讚美You’re worthy to receive our highest praise

  11. 我們要用全心和全意With all my heart and soul, mind and strength來敬拜祢We worship You

  12. 我們要歡迎祢來臨We lift Your Holy name on high願祢來設立寶座在這裡Your name is lifted high above all names

  13. 我們要張開口So come and build Your throne不停讚美祢You’re the King of kings

  14. 耶和華已經為我們Come rejoice for the Lord has done 行了大事great things for us 耶和華行了大事 18.144/天88

  15. 祂鋪張雲彩當遮蓋He gave us clouds as covering夜間使火光照and fire to give us light

  16. 耶和華已經為我們Come rejoice for the Lord has done行了大事great things for us

  17. 祂在乾旱之處使水流成河In the desert He has made a river flow

  18. 我們要歡呼述說祂的作為We will celebrate and declare of His works我們依靠神就能施展大能For He is our help; we can do mighty things

  19. 我們要歌頌要歡呼We will sing and praise, shout with joy述說祂的作為to tell of His great works

  20. 我們依靠神For He is our help 就能施展大能we can do mighty things

  21. 耶和華已經為我們Come rejoice for the Lord has done 行了大事great things for us

  22. 祂命令狂風止息He calmed the storm to whisper那波浪就平靜and stilled the raging sea

  23. 耶和華已經為我們Come rejoice for the Lord has done行了大事great things for us

  24. 祂張開雙手He has satisfied 我們就得飽足our hearts with His good things

  25. 我們要歡呼述說祂的作為We will celebrate and declare of His works我們依靠神就能施展大能For He is our help; we can do mighty things

  26. 我們要歌頌要歡呼We will sing and praise, shout with joy述說祂的作為to tell of His great works

  27. 我們依靠神For He is our help 就能施展大能we can do mighty things

  28. 我們依靠神For He is our help 就能施展大能we can do mighty things

  29. 祂必帶領選民歡呼向前He brings out His people with songs of joy 祂將列國的地賜給我們He will take us into His promise lands

  30. 祂必帶領選民歡呼向前He brings out His people with songs of joy 祂將列國的地賜給我們He will take us into His promise lands

  31. 我的盼望就在耶穌基督裡All of my hope lies in Jesus Christ alone在祢裡面滿有平安For I know that He is my peace 滿有能力 18.145/天89

  32. 生命泉源就在耶穌基督裡All of my joy lies in Jesus Christ alone有主在我裡面活著He lives in me forever more

  33. 我宣告在我裡面的Declare, ‘the One who’s within me比世上一切更有能力is greater than the one in the world.’

  34. 我不屬這世界I’m not of this world 我高舉耶穌的名I belong to Jesus, the King

  35. 我宣告在我裡面有Declare, ‘the One who’s within me 活水湧流滿有能力is greater than the one in the world.’

  36. 有耶穌在我裡面活著I know the King lives in me我勇敢站立I am strengthened in Him

  37. 有主在我裡面My Lord, who lives in me 沒有懼怕能戰勝仇敵conquers all of my enemies.

  38. 有主在我裡面My Lord, who lives in me 沒有懼怕還得勝有餘is my portion, my victory

  39. 我宣告在我裡面的Declare, ‘the One who’s within me比世上一切更有能力is greater than the one in the world.’

  40. 我不屬這世界I’m not of this world 我高舉耶穌的名I belong to Jesus, the King

  41. 我宣告在我裡面有Declare, ‘the One who’s within me 活水湧流滿有能力is greater than the one in the world.’

  42. 有耶穌在我裡面活著I know the King lives in me我勇敢站立I am strengthened in Him

  43. 起來敵擋使復興之火熄滅的黑暗勢力 47

  44. 耶穌哦耶穌 聖潔的救贖主耶穌耶穌豐富賞賜者 耶穌,耶穌 18.104

  45. 耶穌哦耶穌至高的得勝者耶穌耶穌全能醫治主

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