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Study Skills and Test Taking Tips

Learn effective study skills and test taking strategies to improve your learning style and achieve better results. Discover techniques for auditory, visual, and tactile learners. Utilize resources, create study plans, and apply effective study techniques. Get tips for multiple choice, true or false, and short answer tests.

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Study Skills and Test Taking Tips

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  1. Study Skillsand Test Taking Tips LCHS Counseling Department 2013

  2. What is your Learning Style? Take this online Learning Style inventory: http://www.personal.psu.edu/bxb11/LSI/LSI.htm

  3. Auditory Learners If you are an AUDITORY learner You may, listen and take notes, reviewing notes frequently. Sit in the classroom where you can hear well. After you have read something, summarize it and recite it aloud.

  4. Visual Learners If your are a VISUAL learner • Then by all means be sure that you look at all study materials. • Use charts, maps, videos, notes and flashcards. • Practice visualizing or picturing words/concepts in your head. • Write out everything for frequent and quick visual review

  5. Tactile Learners If you are a TACTILE learner Trace words as you are saying them. Facts that must be learned should be written several times. Keep a supply of scratch paper for this purpose. Taking and keeping lecture notes will be very important. Make study sheets

  6. Study Time • Where? • http://www.enhanced-learning.net/doc/studyskillsfreebies/studyskillsenvironment.pdf • No TV, good lighting, classical music(60 beats/min) • Make a strategy study plan. • How long? • Work in 20-30 minute segments • Take 5-10 minute breaks

  7. Study Tips • Resources you should have on hand • Class notes and handouts • Textbook • Old Tests and Quizzes • Study guide • Online resources from teacher

  8. What technique works for your learning style? Make and refine summaries Write it, speak it Test yourself, have someone test you Teach it, explain to someone Flashcards, mnemonics, acronyms Definitions, Lists Write in own words Complete or make study guide Practice

  9. Study Technique SQ3R http://www.enhanced-learning.net/doc/studyskillsfreebies/SQ3Renhancedlearning.pdf

  10. Day Before Exam Get a good night’s sleep Eat healthy—avoid caffeine and sugar Take breaks to decompress Prepare your backpack with exam tools(pen, pencils, calculator? Water bottle? ) Pack a healthy lunch for between exams Check your perspective –positive?

  11. Exam Day • Eat a good breakfast • Be on time-arrive to class 5 minutes early • http://www.redlands.edu/docs/StudentLife/TIPS_FOR_SUCCESSFUL_TEST_TAKING.pdf

  12. Multiple Choice Test Tips • Read the question before you look at the answers. • Come up with the answer in your head before looking at the possible answers, this way the choices given on the test won't throw you off or trick you. • Cross out answers that you know aren't right. • Read all the choices before choosing your answer. • If you have to guess, take an educated guess by selecting the answer that makes the most sense. • Don't keep changing your answer, usually your first choice is the right one, unless you miss-read the question. • In "All of the above" and "None of the above" choices, if you are certain one of the statements is true don't choose "None of the above" or one of the statements are false don't choose "All of the above". • In a question with an "All of the above" choice, if you see at least two correct statements, then "All of the above" is probably the answer. • A positive choice is more likely to be true than a negative one. • If there is an "All of the above" option and you know that at least two of the choices are correct select the "All of the above" choice. • Usually the correct answer is the choice with the most information.

  13. True or False Test Tips • Usually there are more true answers than false on most tests. • If you need to guess. You have a 50% chance of getting the right answer. Make an educated guess. • Qualifiers like "never”, “only”, “always”, and “every” mean that the statement must be true all of the time. Usually these type of qualifiers lead to a false answer. • Qualifiers like "usually, sometimes, and generally" mean that if the statement can be considered true or false depending on the circumstances. Usually these type of qualifiers lead to an answer of true. • If any part of the question is false, then the entire statement is false, but just because part of a statement is true doesn't necessarily make the entire statement true.

  14. Short Answer Test Tips • Try to anticipate questions that will be asked on the test and prepare for them. Usually what your instructor emphasizes in class will be on the test. • Use flashcards, writing the key terms, dates and concepts on the front and the definition, event, and explanations on the back. • Try not to leave an answer blank, show your work/write down your thoughts, even if you don't get the exact answer, partial credit is often awarded. • If you don't know the answer, come back to it after you finish the rest of the test and make an educated guess. Other parts of the test may give you clues to what the answer may be. • If you can think of more than one answer for a question, ask the instructor what to do. • Read the question carefully and make sure that you answer everything that it asks for; some short answer questions have multiple parts

  15. Essay Test Tips • Read the directions carefully; pay close attention to whether you are supposed to answer all the essays or only a specified amount (i.e. "Answer 2 out of the 3 questions). • Make sure that you understand what the question is asking you, if not ask your instructor. • Make sure that you write down everything that is asked of you and more. The more details and facts that you write down, the higher your grade is going to be. • Budget your time, don't spend the entire test time on one essay. • If the question is asking for facts, don't give your personal opinion on the topic. • When writing your essay, be as neat as possible, neater papers usually receive higher marks. • Make an outline before writing your essay. This way your essay will be more organized and fluid. If you happen to run out of time, most instructors will give you partial credit for the ideas that you have outlined. • Don't write long introductions and conclusions, the bulk of your time should be spent on answering the question(s) asked. • Focus on one main idea per paragraph. • If you have time left at the end, proofread your work and correct any errors. • Budget your time, if you have an hour to write 3 essays, spend no more than 20 minutes on each essay, then if you have time left over at the end go back and finish any incomplete essays

  16. “The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained in sudden flight but, they while their companions slept, they were toiling upwards in the night.” ― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

  17. Resources http://www.ugresearchsci.ucla.edu/pdfs/Learning%20Style%20Inventory.pdf http://www.redlands.edu/docs/StudentLife/TIPS_FOR_SUCCESSFUL_TEST_TAKING.pdf http://www.redlands.edu/docs/StudentLife/1TestTest_Taking_Tips.docx_UPDATED_7-09.pdf http://www.personal.psu.edu/bxb11/LSI/LSI.htm http://www.enhanced-learning.net/doc/studyskillsfreebies/eleseffectiveexamprep.pdf http://www.enhanced-learning.net/doc/studyskillsfreebies/studyskillsenvironment.pdf

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