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7 Then everyone laughed at the ugly little duckling and he hid himself away.

Fairytale cootie catcher. 1 Then the Fairy Godmother appeared and said, “You shall go to the ball!”. 2 Then the Big Bad Wolf blew down the house of straw and the house of wood. Once upon a time the three little pigs each built a house, one of straw, one of wood and one of bricks.

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7 Then everyone laughed at the ugly little duckling and he hid himself away.

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  1. Fairytale cootie catcher 1Then the Fairy Godmotherappeared and said,“You shall go to the ball!” 2Then the Big Bad Wolf blew down the house of straw and the house of wood. Once upon a time the three little pigs each built a house, one of straw, one of wood and one of bricks.. Once upon a time the three billy goats gruff went to cross the bridge to get to the green grass. So thethird little piglit a fire and whenhe came down the chimney he was cooked in the pot! PrinceCharming foundher slipper at the balland when it fitted they lived happily ever after! 8Then Rumpelstiltzkin appeared and said he could turn straw into gold. 3Goldilockstasted all their porridge, broke baby bear’s chair and fell asleep in his bed! Butthe threebears came homeand chased her out ofthe cottage and she nevercame back. He triedto take her childbut she managed toguess his name. He was soangry he put his foot through the floor! He hidall thoroughthe winter but whenhe woke up in the spring he found he was a beautiful swan! Butthe thirdbilly goat gruffwas big and strongand he kicked him right intothe water! 4Theevil trollwouldn’t letthem across the bridge and said he would eat them! 7Theneveryonelaughed at theugly little duckling and he hid himself away. He hadeaten Grandmaand how he wantedto eat her! But a kind woodcutter cut him open and saved them! The giantwas angry andchased him but Jackcut the beanstalk down just in time! Once upon a time Goldilocks went into the cottage of the three bears while they were having a walk in the woods. The ugly sisters were horrible to Cinderella and treated her like a slave. 5The wolfwas hiding inthe woods andfollowed her all the way to Grandma’s house. 6Thena beanstalksprung up andgrew so high it reachedinto the land of a fierce giant. • Print and cut round outside of cootie catcher • Fold in half and in half again • Open out, turn over so top is blank and fold each corner into the middle • Turn over and repeat so the numbers are folded into the middle • Turn over so you can see the pictures • Slide your thumb and your finger behind 2 of the pictures and press together so they bend round and touch • Turn over and repeat with the thumb and finger of the other hand for the other two pictures • All the pictures should now be at the front with centres touching and you are ready to use your cootie catcher! www.downloadablecootiecatchers.wordpress.com

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